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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. fauci needs to be prosecuted for lies he told Congress. meanwhile, the gov can shove their "database" and their mandates. We got both phizer covid vaccs, and the booster. No problem at all. But a mandate? people MUST have the RIGHT to refuse. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-pfizer-vaccine-injury-data-ordered-released-by-judge-shows-shocking-risk-level Horowitz: Pfizer vaccine injury data ordered released by judge shows shocking risk level
  2. no wonder he has already announced he won't run again. My guess is, he ran and someone else is pulling his strings. Actually, lower than low, imho. and he isn't the only one from Ohio..... https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/12/03/with-yes-votes-on-a-federal-vaccine-database-80-republicans-want-to-seal-your-fate-seal-theirs-and-vote-them-out-n486317 With 'Yes' Votes on a Federal Vaccine Database, 80 Republicans Want to Seal Your Fate—Seal Theirs and Vote Them Out ************************************************ the left uses lists as a weapon to control. In NY, they passed a gun registration law. Know what happened>? The main newspaper PUBLISHED THE LIST to publicly ostracize and intimidate gun owners. Including firemen...police....and made them targets for theft, leftwing outrage, etc. Dangerous precedent. And they will politically use a database like this. Sound familiar from the past? 30,000 records kept by the Nazis, but not one name of ... https://furtherglory.wordpress.com › 2013 › 05 › 10 › 30000-records-kept-by-the-nazis-but-not-one-name-of-anyone-who-died-in-a-gas-chamber As everyone knows, the Nazis kept meticulous records of EVERYTHING --- except the names of the Jews who were gassed in the death camps. These Nazi records have been kept, for years, in "an inconspicuous white building" in the town of Arolsen, Germany. The records contain the names of 17.5 million people, but not one…
  3. yet..... https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/why-are-the-educated-more-likely-to-be-against-vaccines Why Are So Many Anti-Vaxxers in Educated, Affluent Areas? Studies show that affluent urban areas with high education rates can have large pockets of people against vaccines. Isn't that counterintuitive? **************************
  4. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2021/12/02/three-teens-who-escaped-from-aussie-covid-camp-all-have-one-thing-in-common-and-its-not-the-virus-n1538282 Three Teens Who Escaped From Aussie COVID Camp All Have One Thing in Common, and It's Not the Virus
  5. of course they do. The left has screwed up so much they are afraid of being shellshocked in losses. https://redstate.com/christopher-arps/2021/12/03/new-york-city-giving-non-citizens-the-right-to-vote-n485927 New York City Giving Non-Citizens the Right to Vote
  6. actually, I wore mine, as always, at the grocery and didn't take it off until I was at the parking lot....lol. What a habit now.
  7. I think I remember a long while ago, that the subject was the Holocaust, and still, you smarted off to someone who had make a legit comment. I took it as a denial - you do it so often. A deliberate diversion from addressing the subject. Your constant ignorant smartassness doesn't let people know what you actually do believe in. Apparently, you do actually believe the Holocaust happened, that is one feather in your nest. you ridicule pretty much anything and everything, it's not everybody else's fault that you are known as the forum's woodpecker. The friend from Germany was telling the truth. The German people went with grand speeches and rallied for great things. But, they found out too late that the nazi's goal was absolute, devastating power and control. I was simply paraphrasing what she told me in our conversation.
  8. this is excellent stuff. I do have my own observation - about Baker's 4 step drop back instead of 3. Baker has a foot injury, so maybe? he can't forcefully use that foot to make the initial step, so he used his right foot instead. Outside of that, pretty convincing appraisal by an expert.
  9. and all the lefties fell in line. Except now, they won't say a word about biden doing the same thing - unless put on the spot.
  10. Biden restricts travel from South Africa and seven other ... https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 11 › 26 › politics › travel-restrictions-south-africa › index.html 7 days agoPresident Joe Biden announced Friday the US will restrict travel from South Africa and seven other countries starting Monday as a new coronavirus variant has emerged. ************************************************************* Remember this???? Biden Enacts Africa Travel Ban Despite Calling Bans Racist ... https://www.breitbart.com › politics › 2021 › 11 › 26 › joe-biden-enacts-african-travel-ban-despite-calling-racist-xenophobic-2020 7 days agoIn February 2020, Biden specifically condemned Trump's expanded travel ban for security reasons, which included Africa. "Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban," Biden wrote. "This new 'African Ban,' is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United ...
  11. https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-restarts-remain-in-mexico-trump-policy Biden admin forced to restart Trump-era 'Remain in Mexico' policy amid ongoing border surge News
  12. Hoorta for one, kept bragging about covid deaths while Pres Trump was president. But now? not one peep from any of them. Why? because it was social media inspired popularity to blame everything on Pres Trump. Now, it's silence from the social media. so, it's also silence from the lefties around here, and around the country. The left plays for elitism, being special, and super-ego. They don't get points for being consistent on any issue. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/12/02/when-will-the-media-start-holding-biden-accountable-for-covid-deaths-n485736 When Will the Media Start Holding Biden Accountable for COVID Deaths?
  13. You're a moron. I wasn't praising Germany, I was relating what the person from Germany told me. It was really interesting.Are you back to denying that the Holocaust took place ?
  14. leftism is corruption. of course they deny responsibility.
  15. What is sad, is politically oriented assumptions from facts. 13 states with most vaccinations.... doing worst with covid. But what does it mean? Getting vaccinated all too often leads to refusing to wear the masks anymore. and stopping the use of hand sanitzer. and not being careful to use a paper towel with gas pumps, etc etc. Which, inevitably leads to the spread of covid. It doesn't mean "vaccinations don't work" dammit. It doesn't mean "masks don't work: dammit. it doesn't mean "hand sanitizer when you go out": doesn't work. dammit. etc.
  16. My guess is... the blind emotionally oriented unlimited political loyalty of locked in anti-Republican voters.
  17. back in the day of the lbj "great society".....it was a fake noble ambition. To help unwed mothers with financial assistance so kids would still have a good upbringing. As it turns out, it was a huge vote getting ploy. Any sociologist etc, would be able to predict what would actually happen. As described by women who lived it - mothers deliberately did NOT get married, and fathers left. And mothers, as one famous gal explained, told their young daughters to go get pregnant because they needed the money. And more kids, more money. No fathers. For having kids just to qualify for 'great society" money.... they didn't care about their kids. So the kids ran the street to get by. Joined gangs. Became criminals, etc etc etc etc. It's a national disaster - and that comes from all sorts of black prominent figures in America. "Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; teach the man to fish, and he will never go hungry". The simple principle is true. Now we have women who demand to be allowed to murder their children at any time they decide. The length of time they want to wait is suspect, don't you think? But it leads to zero consequences for irresponsible behavior. and, I can see plenty of those women who had kids for $$$ demanding to end the pregnancy once they start getting the money. Delaying the abortions for months gets them longer term $$$. Crass, offensive, immoral.... And, again, it goes back to no consequences. Enabling no consequences gets the loyal votes of those involved. That is why unlimited abortion is all the rage with the left. Now they are sexualizing kids in elementary school - apparently? to create more need for no consequences for abortion in the next generation.? Just suspect, says I.
  18. A. I don't use google. B. Again, you don't know definitions of words, you ascribe partial cherry picked application of "definitions" to fit your pecking. To wit: Full Definition of research (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : careful or diligent search 2 : studious inquiry or examination especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws 3 : the collecting of information about a particular subject ************************************************************** So researching a serious subject is impactful. That is number 1 and 2. Researching pictures that aptly reflect your birdism is not, outside of being funny at times. That is number 3. Again, the only real point you have, is your beak.
  19. nope. I type very fast, and have the experience to research without a lot of muddling around.
  20. Having posted that, over Thanksgiving, I ended up talking to our friends friend from Germany. She explained that Germany is different - for instance, all 7th graders have to go learn about the Holocaust. See the pictures. Know the history, to NEVER repeat anything like it. She explained that Germans tend to not fly their country's flag on holidays. It's something like - they are ashamed of their history - and aren't wanting to look extremely oblivious to their past. She said they learn that so many people were going through tough times, they rallied and believed everything hitler promised. He promised them just about everything. and some things he did - he did as promised...but far too late the German people found out that the good things he did , like putting 80% of the people back to work - would be a nightmare like the rest of the nazi occupation. and "day care" - a promise that was really - a mass indoctrination program... to create a subculture of children into becoming nazis. The nazis only did things to help them accrue unlimited, devastating power. And still today, our military bases around Germany remind them of the price that had to be paid for them to get away from the hell they ended up in. Sadly, so many in America are doomed to support making the same mistake, all subsidized by $$$$$$$ oriented social media, and power hungry corrupt bureaucrats in our government that are out of control. But the dems roll in the money from global billionaires who want America to get out of their way to getting more and more and more power around the world. and russia/china/nk/iran.... stoke the flames. from what the dems say in their own site - isn't all that far from the nazis funding and giving uniforms to criminals in Germany back in the day.....and supporting the brownshirts.
  21. the bigger problem is, what democrats say, and what their intents are...are strikingly different. What they DO is self-help to more power. glorifying smaller groups, and races, etc etc etc, gets them votes. With the prison system, they want those votes. because more and more, the polls indicate that the left's support is plummeting. so they MUST make ballot harvesting legal and prevalent everywhere. Then there is the prison system. More educational opportunities. get back all the rights after time served. Hasn't everyone heard "empty the jails" ? "shutdown the prisons" ? that is a lot of votes that could help them win future elections. OF course, add in giving the illegals votes, and there they go. Look at the quotes. Poor illegals/criminals, poor prisoners. Give them a new start, new cars, education, internet, guaranteed wages,... and the vote. https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/protecting-communities-and-building-trust-by-reforming-our-criminal-justice-system/ "Instead of making evidence-based investments in education, jobs, health care, and housing that are proven to keep communities safe and prevent crime from occurring in the first place, our system has criminalized poverty, overpoliced and underserved Black and Latino communities, and cut public services. Instead of offering the incarcerated the opportunity to turn their lives around, our prisons are overcrowded and continue to rely on inhumane methods of punishment. Instead of treating those who have served their time as full citizens upon their return to society, too many of our laws continue to punish the formerly incarcerated, erecting barriers to housing, employment, and voting rights for millions of Americans. " So, the writing is on the wall. The left doesn't want it read as they intend to implement it. " Democrats believe we must break the school-to-prison pipeline that too often relies on arrests and law enforcement to address misbehavior that ought to be handled and deescalated within the school. We support re-issuing federal guidance from the Department of Education and the Department of Justice to prevent the disparate disciplinary treatment of children of color and children with disabilities in school and educational settings. Democrats believe every school should have sufficient funding to employ guidance counselors, social workers, nurses, or school psychologists to help guarantee age-appropriate and racially equitable student disciplinary practices, rather than turning to police to resolve these issues. " *********************************** golly, they sure want to reach a LOT of future voters if they could just change everything. Instead of rape, murder, etc etc etc etc by underage gang members, renegades etc being a crime.... it will be counseling and giving them all sorts of free stuff to entice them to vote democrat, I mean, not resort to crime. So, when they can find any bad policeman, any bad lawyer or judge, the entire system is an excuse to get more votes.
  22. I do my own research online. lol
  23. you know how the world works ? lol. I'm sure you FEEL you ARE the world. sad. and I don't think about you, I read your insipid, ignorant and pecker posts - and I respond. YOU don't support your claims. You simply sit back and attack other's claims. I don't believe there is ANYTHING you really believe. You attack other's beliefs so you can look superior in some birdnest way. The list of what you challenge is long. The list of what you believe, is blank. Hence, the "pecking" analogy. and you are the board's woodpecker. It's what you do, IOW's, you stake your beakness upon what you refuse to believe in. You never need to support nothing, so there ya go.
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