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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. "our company leftwing propaganda dictates" so.. "Kill Trump" is not obscene? Not illegal activity? come on. You are better than Hoorta kind of trolling.
  2. I'll let you continue in your rabbit hole delusions and conspiracies... I wasted two minutes even responding to this crap of yours... Furthermore, you're clueless if you some how think if you're not a Trump ass kissing MAGA you can't be a "Real American"... So bite me. Hoorta ******************************************* but biden is another one of your social media fave heroes. got it. Have you come up with even ONE good/great thing your ObaMao commie or biden ever did FOR AMERICA? "No", I guess is the answer.
  3. inflation highest in about 40 years.... America is a laughingstock because of biden and all the rest. Revealed: Sex crimes against children are skyrocketing https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com › revealed-sex-crimes-against-children-are-skyrocketing-and-countless-suspects-are-illegal-immigrants Revealed: Sex crimes against children are skyrocketing - and countless suspects are illegal immigrants. NORTH CAROLINA — There has been a tremendous increase in child sexual assault cases during the past year in North Carolina, but there are mixed reviews on who is responsible for the spike of sex crimes against children here and in other ... Illegal Alien Assaults On Ice And CBP Agents Skyrocketing https://lidblog.com › illegal-alien-assaults Illegal Alien Assaults On Ice And CBP Agents Skyrocketing. U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( CBP) reported Wednesday that an illegal immigrant pelted rocks at agents as they provided aid to a pregnant woman. Weslaco, Texas, agents observed a group of illegal aliens attempting to cross the Progreso Port of Entry by climbing a tree on July 7. Dealing with illegal immigrant crime - Wisconsin Spotlight https://wisconsinspotlight.com › dealing-with-illegal-immigrant-crime Requires a semiannual report compiled by the Department of Justice to create transparency about the number of illegal immigrants who commit crimes in Wisconsin. "As President Biden avoids dealing with the skyrocketing number of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, passing this bill is the least we can do," Bradley said. Montgomery County's Illegal Immigrant Crime Problem ... https://www.mcgop.com › montgomery_county_s_illegal_immigrant_crime_problem However, an Issue Brief released in September 2019 by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), revealed that "Montgomery County's skyrocketing crime rate is directly tied to the massive numbers of illegal aliens and its status as a sanctuary jurisdiction." Montgomery County's Illegal Alien Crime Wave https://www.fairus.org › issue › sanctuary-policies › montgomery-countys-illegal-alien-crime-wave Between June of 2017 and June of 2018, Montgomery County experienced a 67 percent increase in gang-related crime. [viii] Most of that increase appears to have been tied to illegal alien members of the MS-13 street gang. Examples of gang-related crimes include the brutal 2018 beating of a 15-year-old sex trafficking victim by three MS-13 illegal ...
  4. I hope Conklin comes back; I think the Browns still need to draft another tackle. If he doesn't, then I'd want a swing tackle, just as able to flip to the left side if Wills gets banged up. Gumby mentioned three OT's , Kennard and Petit-Frere could probably be swing tackles. The top swing tackle, I think, is Trevor Penning, Northern Iowa. He will go about mid-first round, I think.
  5. Come on, Woody. Vapor asked some significantly valid questions. Legit answers? You ask questions, but never answer them. Still waiting Woody. Vapor asked you some legit questions.
  6. So....Pres Trump kept WINNING IN COURT, on his actions as President, and this dirtbag Hoort'a's biden...keeps LOSING IN COURT. Nope. I ain't buyin the bs Hoorta is tryin to be sellin
  7. this quote from the link above tells the story: " Rollins also received some praise from far-left district attorneys who were backed by liberal billionaire George Soros. San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin called Rollins a "GREAT choice!" and Arlington County Commonwealth's Attorney Parisa Dehghani-Tafti said Rollins is a "brilliant lawyer and a wonderful person." "
  8. That's Hoorta, you betcha. Him and his fake "I used to be a republican until the social media made me want to admit I am a democrat"
  9. liberals say everything backwards, it fits their emotions. Their FEEEEEEELINGS RULE
  10. and more and more blood on the hands of every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America First
  11. In THIS example....the Titlist company will not allow "Let's Go Brandon" on any personalized golf balls. At the same time.... they WILL ALLOW..."Kill Trump". Now that they have the power, granted to them by the corrupt left that hates our Constitution/Bill of Rights because it doesn't let them take the power they crave........ they are all in on intolerance, censorship, "cancel Culture".... (which is what the nazis did to the Jews in all aspects of their lives) https://www.theblaze.com/news/lets-go-brandon-titleist-golf-balls itleist bans customers from personalizing golf balls with 'Let's Go Brandon' message but allows 'Kill Trump'
  12. https://www.theblaze.com/news/students-beaten-pistol-whipped-outside-ny-high-school-bystanders-laugh-record-attacks Students beaten, pistol-whipped outside NY high school as bystanders record the attacks, laugh in glee
  13. LOL. Now Landry and Peoples-Jones will be able to get open....the Browns will win! and the ratbirds will play a lot more zone
  14. ....with the corrupt MAIL IN BALLOTS AND BALLOT HARVESTING. You don't want to leave that part out, surely.
  15. the point is, why should a representative get elected for a population of say, five, have the same vote as a representative who has 7,ooo in his district? from the link above: "Redistricting is a generic and formal term for rearranging voting district boundaries after each decennial census. The goal is to roughly equalize the number of constituents represented by each elected official for a particular office. Fair redistricting would accomplish this task based on community boundaries and similarity of interests. It would not take voting patterns into account. "
  16. Your usual mistake is not understanding the definition of words. Of course redistricting looks like the map you used to try to get people to think it's bad. Redistricting has a valid intent. You use "gerrymandering" in place of redistricting, not knowing the difference. I'll help: https://maryforderry.com/redistricting-vs-gerrymandering/ Redistricting vs. Gerrymandering
  17. Actually, not true. President Trump kept nearly most all his promises. And he did over 200 GOOD/GREAT things FOR AMERICA. https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf Now, Hoorta, woodpecker, neo, and Tex failed to name even ONE good/great thing biden or obaMao commie ever did good/great for America. here's YOUR chance. Name one.
  18. Come on, Woody. Vapor asked some significantly valid questions. Legit answers? You ask questions, but never answer them.
  19. They have the power, apparently they are bought by the left. https://www.theblaze.com/news/twitter-bans-popular-accounts-that-tracked-ghislaine-maxwell-trial-and-nancy-pelosis-stock-trades
  20. getting really bad, folks. https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/12/08/merrick-garland-announces-department-of-justice-will-try-to-block-texas-redistricting-plan-n488232 Merrick Garland Announces Department of Justice Will Try to Block Texas' Redistricting Plan
  21. she's a megalomaniac and totally corrupt. and the people around the clintons are the same.
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