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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/12/12/hot-takes-swalwell-and-other-despicable-takes-on-tornado-tragedy-n490143 every one a defiling progressive liar corrupt sombeitch democrat.
  2. they can take their social engineering and shove it. American PARENTS HAVE RIGHTS, TOO. This leftwing garbage started when some courts ruled that property taxes were wrong as a way of supporting schools. That led to schools not being ACCOUNTABLE TO PARENTS WHO PAY FOR THE SCHOOLS. Enough of the left's garbage. https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/12/12/the-left-goes-nuts-as-the-supreme-court-seems-to-signal-that-their-monopoly-on-propagandizing-kids-is-at-an-end-n490339 The Left Goes Nuts as the Supreme Court Seems to Signal That Their Monopoly on Propagandizing Kids Is at an End
  3. so, not one legit comment regarding all the comments I posted. Got it. Evasion is one of the safe places of bitchy liberals. Silence is another. Liberals don't even live in their own heads. They live in their emotions. I nailed that one - keeps being proven over time.
  4. I heard one of the tornadoes stayed on the ground for 200 miles? dammit, that is scary.
  5. The offense and defense and special teams played with a ton of HEART. and, I'm still delighted the Browns traded ahead of the squealers and drafted Owusu-Koramorah. I said he was a special player, and to get him in the SECOND ROUND? priceless ! The Browns WON ! I don't know the specifics, but the DL landed with all his weight on Baker, no call? Just wondering about that one. And, I honestly had no idea about Natson's brilliant play - didn't know that rule. Love it. I hate that they let the ratibirds come back with a bunch of short throws. Andrews is too good a TE for that crap. ....and it was really disappointing that our FB was not looking at the onside kick attempt. bad move. Almost like the ratbirds planned it ..... LOVE THE WIN ! and, btw, Baker is no average qb.
  6. Why do Democrats politicize everything at innapropriate ... https://miami.forums.rivals.com › threads › why-do-democrats-politicize-everything-at-innapropriate-times.229058 Bad Tornadoes hit the US as we all see on the... War Room Recruiting Storm Center The Lounge Ticket & Trades Board NFL - Dolphin Talk The Main Board New posts Trending Search forums
  7. The only way the Browns will win is with a ton of heart. no Njoku, no Harrison, punter out, Newsome out, Walker out... but the ratbirds have players out too. The Browns can't afford it to a greater degree. Browns will win. But please, Stefanski, stop running so much of the time on first down. The Browns will lay it all on the line - Browns 37, stinking ratbirds 20. (if you're going to dream, dream big)
  8. lol Hidin B iden knows he didn't really win. maybe.
  9. When I saw the headline, AGAIN I figured he would go to the communist news network - he'll fit right in with his disingenuous extremely biased blathering. Sometimes he can't even keep a straight face...
  10. yeek. you don't understand your own posts? I wrote an at length explanation of how I see things, and you gave it about a one line knee jerk bitchy appraisal. You didn't address anything I said. That is why I said what I said. You just bitched.
  11. woodpecker doesn't get definitions. We'll have to post a definition that he will actually READ and understand. or, somebody could convince him to actually look up the definition alone. We can't even convince him to answer Vapor's legit questions. Woodpecker dropped out and sent silently in his own direction again.
  12. "This is my rifle..." LOL looks like somebody limited me to fewer upvotes. lol
  13. what traitor initiated the war crime against humanity of doing "gain of function" research in COMMUNIST CHINA ???????? Why is the left playing footsie with communist china? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ? yup. https://redstate.com/slee/2021/12/11/mit-resignation-warns-of-chinese-interest-in-using-western-research-for-biowarfare-n490137 MIT Resignation Warns of Chinese Interest in Using Western Research for Biowarfare
  14. As usual, you have zero reasoning for your objection....as to whose fault it is, look in a mirror at your own reflection. Try to not let your rejection turn into your own depression. Have a nice day.
  15. well, "man made global warming" didn't work. smollet fraud didn't work. Fake witnesses and prosecution didn't work, fake investigation over fake russian collusion didn't work, "defund the police" didn't work, letting their antifa and blm loose to commit felonies didn't work, running fruitcake higgardly clinton didn't work, obaMao commie's takedown of America didn't work, hidin biden's making America be slidin ...has worked a little.....they will not ever give up trying to permanently own us. All of America. It's what socialist do. It's what communists do. And socialism is the lead path to communism.
  16. Higgins was a "healthy scratch". Njoku and Bryant won't be there. Bradley, who had two catches, is gone .... if Higgins doesn't have a big day.... I don't see how the Browns will win this game. They have to, though. the stinking ratbirds will stack the los, stop the run again? and will have an easier time playing man to man. Unless Natson has a big day. Browns HAVE to win this one.
  17. but they think it's "OK" because they aren't concentration camps. Imagine if the gathering of folks in New Orleans was....worse. https://nypost.com/2005/09/02/nightmare-of-robbery-filth-death-rape-in-superdome/ **************************************** Instead, the tyranny in Australia is only internment. for now. this time. https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/australia-covid-camps?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 NIGHTMARE OF ROBBERY, FILTH, DEATH & RAPE IN SUPERDOME https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/australia-covid-camps?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 VACATION or INTERNMENT? What's really going on in Australia’s COVID camps? The Glenn Beck Program
  18. All on the dems side make it political. Some/a few make it political. All the left/dems....are fighting the way things are. Turning everything they can inside out, upside down and bass ackwards. So, politics is a weapon of their choice. Dirty politics that is - because what they pretend to stand for is bogus, most folks know it, some don't care and love being like them - in the negative attention limelight. But the left? against patriotism, Real Marriage, basic gender, American history, Constitution/Bill of Rights, our legal system, prisons, all republicans, all conservatives.... against God, Christians, against being responsible for yourself, against legal immigration only, against capitalism, our Flag, the Gadsden flag, fair elections, our Supreme Court .... against free speech for us while they demand free speech for themselves only, against morality, against the right of anyone not them to work, live in peace, defend their families, and against our 1st and Second Amendment especially...... against free press, fair media, .... against the military......against the parents' RIGHTS to teach their children, against charter schools/Christian schools, and against ANYONE that won't submit to their "nazist" desire for power and AGAINST TRUTH AND REALITY. did I miss anything? Republicans/conservatives/independents built the greatest country in the world. The left can't own it until they destroy it. It's a sickness - a mental disorder. They will use everything? and anything to create their power and ill gotten wealth. ******************************************** So, Republicans/Conservatives/independent do not have to use anything as a weapon, they support the status quo in our GREAT AMERICA. A few reps <> ,millions of hater wannabe nazi type control freaks on the left. "both sides do it" is an emotional knee jerk response to every challenge of their lies. They lied about Pres Trump. They lied about Kavanaugh, they set up fake testimony on both, and they will do it to anyone in America that won't play their game. For the left - believing in anything would add to their inferiority complexes and the desperate compensating by adapting super-egos as their ideal. and like woodpecker, Hoorta, Tex, neo, and the sheps out there - they will gleefully vote against their own country and all of the rest of the American people like you see the members gleefully singing songs about their leader - charles manson. The entire democrat socialist/communist-minded left uses all their hates to fight a war just to win and they can't back up the wrong reasons they hate. So, they obfuscate. Just thought I'd toss in a rhyming word or two in there, with a few brave exceptions. The left can't defend their hate, so they attack pretty much everything we love in America, about America. The entire republican/independent group of AMERICAN FOLKS - support everything the left intentionally hates. So, they don't use dirty politics as a weapon - with a few despicable exceptions. ********************************************** Pres Trump was one of us who wanted to do RIGHT by our AMERICA, and our FUTURE. and they tried to destroy him for it, and any of us who happen to get in their way. Pres Trump did over 200 GOOD/GREAT things FOR AMERICA. and the lefties can not stand it when they can't answer a simple challenge - "name one good/great thing that obaMao commie or biden ever did good/great FOR AMERICA in their entire careers" They can't name one legit thing. Furthermore, their fake hate joy ride for everything has led the left to embrace every falsehood that came down the pike, which so much of the msm embraced for $$$$$. and nearly? most every time, it has blown up as FAKE and they have to move on to another one. Everybody have a nice day !
  19. still proud of your CNN woodpecker? https://www.theblaze.com/news/cnn-producer-child-sex-allegations CNN staffer charged with enticing mothers and underage daughters to engage in unlawful sexual activity; FBI calls allegations 'deeply disturbing' News
  20. Your bounce back bounced over a "dumb untrue retort" cliff
  21. still waiting Woody., Why is it you only will ASK your dumb redirecting questions, but when you are asked VALID questions, you run and hide?
  22. with the left, EVERYTHING is political. Power, wealth and control are the intent of everything they do.
  23. well Woody, is you want to defend not being able to name even one good/great thing that your ObaMao commie and hidin biden ever did for America.... go ahead, we won't stop you.
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