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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Agreed. We have friends who spent so much money over the years, to put their kids in Christian schools. But they also have always paid taxes to support public schools. I think it's good competition for some school systems. Keeps decent school systems honest. the rest, are just run by power mongering hater liberal sombeitches.
  2. A. After years of lies, not one illegality has been proven about Pres Trump's finances BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT> why to lefties refuse to talk about their obaMao commie before HE was pres? about bill clinton before HE was pres? about hidin damaged corrupt mind-en before HE was pres? now Jan 6th was only a group of American gov overthrowers? The truth takes so long to come out. Lies, corruption, big gov tyranny, political character assassination right out of the kgb handbook. The TRUTH ABOUT JAN 6th ! https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/12/13/in-my-orbit-nick-searcy-talks-capitol-punishment-and-why-he-may-take-a-few-santa-gigs-n490796 IN MY ORBIT: Nick Searcy Talks 'Capitol Punishment' and How Our Government Is Creating a 'Tyranny of Fear'
  3. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/12/13/el-salvadors-president-accuses-biden-administration-of-corruption-and-drops-private-text-messages-when-challenged-n490611
  4. dayum. https://redstate.com/setonmotley/2021/12/13/456-federal-agencies-the-eternal-push-for-ever-expanding-redundant-over-government-n490617 456 Federal Agencies? The Eternal Push for Ever-Expanding, Redundant Over-Government
  5. Lies, corruption, big gov tyranny, political character assassination right out of the kgb handbook. The TRUTH ABOUT JAN 6th ! https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/12/13/in-my-orbit-nick-searcy-talks-capitol-punishment-and-why-he-may-take-a-few-santa-gigs-n490796 IN MY ORBIT: Nick Searcy Talks 'Capitol Punishment' and How Our Government Is Creating a 'Tyranny of Fear'
  6. Say, parents who don't want their kids going to bad public schools should not have to pay public school taxes at all ! That way, they can pay to have their kids get a DECENT education !
  7. yet: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/browns-poor-return-on-investment-at-wide-receiver-impossible-to-ignore-after-loss-to-steelers/ar-AAQav7y Browns Poor Return on Investment at Wide Receiver Impossible to Ignore After Loss to Steelers Browns takeaways: Jekyll and Hyde act threatening to kill ... https://news.yahoo.com › browns-takeaways-jekyll-hyde-act-104027568.html Browns wide receivers have least productive game in five years. Whether the Browns laying an egg can be attributed to the players being emotionally drained after wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. forced his way out of Cleveland and the team rallied to play lights out against the Bengals is impossible to know for sure. *************************************************************** BTW, do you know who their top receiver is, Hoorta? TE ANDREWS. Guess what? Their top three wide receivers were 1st round draft picks ! That is Brown, Bateman and Watkins ! and their top receiver is ANDREWS.
  8. yet, he was "injured" for weeks with the Browns, then all of a sudden he was "healed" with the rams? right. Meanwhile...................... ******************************************************************** Jersey number reportedly was an issue in OBJ to Rams ... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com › 2021 › 11 › 14 › number-issues-reportedly-slowed-deal-for-obj-to-rams Nov 14, 2021Jersey number reportedly was an issue in OBJ to Rams. Of all the various factors that Odell Beckham Jr. had to consider this week in picking his next team, an apparently important one became a ... Troy Aikman Thinks Odell Beckham Jr. is Already Causing ... https://www.thebiglead.com › posts › troy-aikman-odell-beckham-jr-rams-stafford-01fmmtjfmg9a Troy Aikman Thinks Odell Beckham Jr. is Already Causing Problems For Rams. By Liam McKeone. Nov 16, 2021. Los Angeles Rams v San Francisco 49ers / Lachlan Cunningham/GettyImages. Last night, the ... Plaschke: Rams adding Odell Beckham Jr. is a bad idea ... https://www.latimes.com › sports › rams › story › 2021-11-11 › rams-adding-divisive-underproductive-odell-beckham-jr-is-a-bad-idea Rams. Stockpiling for Super Bowl run, Rams add marquee receiver Odell Beckham Jr. The Rams added to their already deep receiving corps by making a one-year deal with free agent wide receiver Odell ... A view from LA: Adding divisive, underproductive Odell ... https://chippewa.com › sports › football › professional › a-view-from-la-adding-divisive-underproductive-odell-beckham-jr-a-bad-idea-for-rams › article_8f816599-ca45-574f-99fe-87ffa6e97384.html The Rams didn't need OBJ. Photos: Packers' 2021 season in pictures Check out photo galleries from every game of 2021 from the preseason through the end of the regular season and the playoffs.
  9. Hoorta translation: "I can't handle the truth, so I will make excuses for the ratbirds, but bitch about the Browns". lol Both of their running backs? who cares? lol. Their rushing leader by far is Lamar Jackson. Who do you think you are fooling? Yes, you use the injury excuses for your ratbirds, but not the Browns, Mr. pouty. You are inferring their rb's are equal in any way to Chubb and Hunt? Gosh, maybe you should give yourself a time out. Devonta Freeman, starting rb, was a 4th round pick. Latavius Murray, 2nd rb, was a sixth round pick. Like I SAID - their top rusher is Jackson ANYWAYS. It's how their offense WORKS. Maybe, you should have THINKSIES before you have speaksies, Hoorta. LOL It was a performance that was terrific the first half. Second half, beats me why they end up playing two different halves in the same game. I guess it's ...not making adjustments? or out-coaching themselves?
  10. granted, except the wr group only Landry and Peoples-Jones have made any significant impact. Higgins - nope. Schwartz, nope. Switzer (IR)- nope. that's it. There is LawrenceCager, the big guy, nope. I think he was an UDFA, must be on the practice squad?
  11. baloney. He did over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. as president, he was GREAT. Maybe you can find the time to find fault with the corrupt biden family while you are at it. meanwhile, about the taxes slur: Carney: NYT Is Wrong — Donald Trump Paid Millions in Taxes ... https://www.breitbart.com › economy › 2020 › 10 › 01 › carney-new-york-times-is-wrong-trump-paid-millions-taxes-2017 Oct 1, 2020The New York Times' claim that President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 is wrong, based on a flawed understanding of how taxes are paid. The figures below, drawn from the New York Times's own analysis of Trump's tax-return data for 2017, show that Trump paid $7,435,857 in taxes in 2017.
  12. Agreed. Some points in addition to your response: 1.Why NOT an AR ? It's a rifle. A semi-auto rifle. Very customizable - a primary factor in it's popularity. 2. We already HAVE a requirement for CCW. I'm fine with that. We have background checks. etc etc etc. But the left is their own worst enemy - they don't care about gun crimes and gun accidents - it's dirty political theater with them. NY had gun registration. First thing that happened? The local leftwing major newspaper PUBLISHED the names and addresses of all those registered. Including policemen, firemen, etc. Liberals CREATE problems because they are not sincere about what they do. 3. I've been wondering why noise reducers are fought by the left so diligenetly. Another ignorant attack point. Why not quiet the sound of a gun going off? Right now- i't at least a couple hundred bucks and a year to wait to get one. I'd like to have one for my AR that I haven't bought yet....(need an upper) - but they are LOUD. Maybe the left opposes them because they want the loudness to annoy neighbors? or, they think the suppressors make gunshots silent like in the movies? they do NOT. Ok, in the military they have them that do - but that class of suppressor is NOT sold to civilians. Ask any spec ops/Seal team guy - he'll tell you. If I ever hunt boar, I want an AR. It would take more than a couple of frantic shots to kill one. The left has made it impossible to add new risky laws - but they thrive on abusing laws in existence any way they can. Want to require a license to own? Just get one? An obaMao/biden gov would love to increase the cost of a license to about 500 bucks. or, how about a six month college stint? or a two year degree? They are already calling decent parents who object to crt being taught in their schools dangerous and have the corrupt fbi going after them. 4. All of us are sickened by school shootings. But using a car? no lefties car. Automobile deaths and injuries? They do NOT give a crap. Because attacking our 2nd Amendment is a political weapon they use to try to manipulate their anti-everthing support. Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths | VitalSigns | CDC https://www.cdc.gov › vitalsigns › motor-vehicle-safety › index.html However, more than 32,000 people are killed and 2 million are injured each year from motor vehicle crashes. In 2013, the US crash death rate was more than twice the average of other high-income countries. In the US, front seat belt use was lower than in most other comparison countries. 5. There are lefties who fight against fishing. Anybody not know why they do that? It isn't about deaths or crime. It's about fighting against every aspect of American life they can think of to fight. PETA Launches Attack on Sport Fishing | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com › story › peta-launches-attack-on-sport-fishing PETA Launches Attack on Sport Fishing. LOS ANGELES - For many Americans, "fishing" conjures up images of a quiet lake or gentle stream with man and nature at peace. But not everybody sees it ...
  13. I wonder how many qb's in the NFL would love to have the wr group the Browns have...instead of their own......
  14. 'Are you EVER happy? dammmmm. Poor decimated ratbirds, eh? how about our punter was out, ml was out, both te's were in - Njoku and Harrison, Hunt went out during the game, our starting RT was out, our 1st round draft pick star, Newsome, was out...Schwartz still out... you always? sound like a ratbird fan for some weird reason. Has their qb's been playing with multiple injuries? NO. btw, their backup qb played better than Jackson did.
  15. live with the drug cartel base operation offices? no thanks. I'd rather live in a remote cabin in the woods somewhere in N. America.
  16. just like "The Great Society" plan by LBJ - it's designed to create a large completely dependent class of poor that will always vote to continue the free stuff. It's going to come to a nationwide crisis if this illegal garbage is allowed to continue.
  17. Woodpecker misuses "Separation of Church and State" AGAIN ? egad, that is pitiful. How many times to we have to show that it's misused? His emotions don't change, so he just regurgitates his knee jerk reactions. Hopeless, I think.
  18. https://www.welcometocountry.org/indigenous-two-deaths-in-custody/ Indigenous communities rocked by two separate deaths in custody
  19. I love it when Hoorta gets irate at others because of their bias, then he goes off with big fonts .... the irony is funny. New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 ... https://www.heritage.org › election-integrity › commentary › new-report-exposes-thousands-illegal-votes-2016-election Though the Institute did not look at the 2008 elections in this study, there is little doubt that the 2016 numbers show that duplicate voting and voter fraud are a real problem that can have ... Stanford Study Proves Election Fraud through Exit Poll ... https://www.snopes.com › fact-check › stanford-study-proves-election-fraud-through-exit-poll-discrepancies First, we show that it is possible to detect irregularities in the 2016 Democratic Primaries by comparing the states that have hard paper evidence of all the placed votes to states that do not ... Voter Fraud: Texas-Size Evidence That Noncitizens Are ... https://www.investors.com › politics › editorials › voter-fraud-texas-evidence-non-citizens-voting After the 2016 elections, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted found 821 noncitizens registered to vote in that state, of whom 126 had voted in 2016 or earlier elections. Fraud: CBS News Discovers Hundreds of Dead Voters in ... https://townhall.com › tipsheet › guybenson › 2016 › 05 › 25 › cbs-uncovers-voter-fraud-in-la-n2168330 May 25, 2016A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead voters in Southern California, a vast majority of them in Los Angeles County. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage ... https://www.heritage.org › voterfraud Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in ...
  20. well, they USED to call it "man-made global warming" until they were proven to be morons for buying into it .... so they renamed it "climate change" because the climate DOES change. If their rallying cry was "unicorn!" they would look like morons again, so they would change it to "horse" because horses exist.
  21. as long as they aren't Christian students, right? or do you not know that Christian parents pay taxes too?
  22. sickening. Hoorta, Tex, neo and woodpecker should be ashamed. housands of U.S. Residents Still Trapped in Afghanistan ... https://foreignpolicy.com › 2021 › 11 › 03 › state-department-afghanistan-us-residents McKeon revealed 289 U.S. citizens remain in Afghanistan as of Tuesday and a further 81 Americans are ready to depart. McKeon added that 140 Americans have departed in the last week. The U.S. State ... Americans Are Still Trapped in Afghanistan, and the Biden ... https://townhall.com › tipsheet › rebeccadowns › 2021 › 11 › 27 › americans-are-still-trapped-in-afghanistan-and-the-biden-administration-lied-about-how-many-n2599732 Nov 27, 2021The abysmally tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan took place almost three months ago now. And yet Americans still remain trapped abroad there, as mentioned by Ben Fox writing for the Associated Americans, Left Behind by Biden, Are Still Stuck in ... https://americarisingpac.org › americans-left-behind-by-biden-are-still-stuck-in-afghanistan Americans, Left Behind by Biden, Are Still Stuck in Afghanistan. The Biden-Harris administration's incompetence resulted in a disastrous and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. Weeks later, Americans are still trying to flee the Taliban but Biden has abandoned them. October 15, 2021.
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