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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Except I remember Baker getting blasted at the sideline, sent flying... no call. etc etc. The refs are hopeless. All that holding on Garrett again. One time, it was SO glaring they had to call it. Garrett pulls a groin? on being held, and watching the replay..... on another "holding" call on Teller? But yeah, "unnecessary roughness" - another subjective penalty ...at the whim of whatever referee "feels like" calling? I just wonder how a player can tell if he is allowed to get the offensive player out of bounds with a hit, or not. A wr can "head out of bounds", but can stop on a dime, and take off down the sideline after the wr pulls up? It's the old proverbial "between a rock and a hard place".
  2. so.... you're saying they should all have been shot Tienanmen square style or what?
  3. another corrupt marxist/communist democrat political weapon. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/12/20/bill-would-give-ny-gov-authority-to-indefinitely-detain-cases-or-suspected-cases-of-contagious-disease-n494660 Bill Would Give NY Gov. Authority to 'Indefinitely' Detain 'Cases or Suspected Cases of Contagious Disease'
  4. Big serious trouble is here. The only way the dems keep power, per the polls, which are alarming them...is sensationalism/corrupt lashing out/and taking over our electoral process COMPLETELY. They still want to pack the court to rubber stamp all their grabbing of permanent power. Watch for "emergency powers act" being talked about because ....well, any reason they can manufacture and blow out of proportion by X2,000,000. They have completely lost their minds and are going for it all. A military coup in 2024? Ha, ha. How about civil war ... https://www.gatorcountry.com › swampgas › threads › a-military-coup-in-2024-ha-ha-how-about-civil-war.533489 If such a situation were to arise, the generals warn the enemies of the U.S. could take advantage of it. Ex-Army generals fear insurrection or "civil war" in 2024 Informative x 1 Democrats Already Anticipating Deep Losses in 2022 https://legalinsurrection.com › 2021 › 08 › democrats-already-anticipating-deep-losses-in-2022 Democrats Already Anticipating Deep Losses in 2022. "If the midterms were held now, they would lose the majority.". The 2022 midterm elections are still over a year away and a lot can happen between now and then. Democrats are already sounding the alarm to each other. Naturally, they are not talking about changing anything on a policy level.
  5. so, you answer is to run and hide. What is your excuse for not answering Vapor's questions? for bird dancing around every other legit questions put to you? you only ask questions to sound like a superior, when you are just a woodpecker who pecks.
  6. You are a moron. Nobody gets your points because your stupid takes are not really takes, you just change the subject to be able to bitch about something else to "own" the current narrative. You were never in the military - you would not last two days in basic training. Probably not make it through a physical. Maybe being woodpecker brained is a disqualification.
  7. The moral to the story is...it's fine when THEY do it. because that is how they feel. But, other side does it, they don't like that feeling, so they complain. it's what they do. Besides, woodpecker, comment on the subjects brought up. How many lifejackets do you wear, anyways? You approve of fauci running the secret island of the monkeys? or not? have a real opinion just once.
  8. again, you have no idea of what you are pretending to be talking about. Your fantasy about our entire military attacking only one gun owners hope is worse than moronic. Our military is made up of US. It's a tiny percentage of military who would attack a home for no good reason, if there is any percentage at all. You don't know the military, we who served do. You don't know logical discussion, most of us work at it. You do not. You scenario is null and void, and the reason it is, is because our entire military? would attack only one home of a gun owner at a time???? You are a moron. You made yourself look like an asswhole every time you do this. I mean, I know sixth grade kids that understand how to think. You only FEEL. Must be weird to be wired like that.
  9. interesting. the director of the NIH and farging mengelefauci refuse to listen to science. Like the scientists who were blackballed for disagreeing with mmgw by the UN....... it's about political power and control. and wealth. https://www.theblaze.com/news/fauci-email-francis-collins-great-barrington-declaration
  10. really trying to divide America based on false pretenses and class warfare by any kind of asinine emotional knee jerk manipulation. https://redstate.com/alexparker/2021/12/19/a-southern-professor-razes-hiking-and-fishings-racist-white-dominance-n494198 A Southern Professor Razes Hiking and Fishing's Racist White Dominance
  11. woodpecker - let us know in advance when you actually have a legit opinion on anything, and can back up WHY you have it. til then, even your nanny saw your act was childish and ignorant.
  12. Calling the nazi party out for similarities in their behavior, especially, who should be arrested and tried by a world court... are backed by history. I can give you many references of people saying the same thing. I can go find AGAIN the couple of aged German folks who escaped from nazi german control. THEY are fearful of the similarities. You have absolutely nothing legit and intelligent to offer any discussion. that is what is sad. You don't know your tail feathers from a hole in the ground. I guess your head gets in the way.
  13. I guess you can't stop being an asswhole. Go peck yourself, ignoramous.
  14. there you go again, pecking with zero idea of what you are talking about. The principle (i guess I have to post a definition of every word for you again?).... applies to all situations. The capitol is not area 51, where lethal force is authorized. In daily life, which you know nothing about apparently, the principle is.... it is murder to use a gun and shoot and kill someone who is UNARMED and NO THREAT TO YOU. Several of us have been trained about the legality of using a gun in legit self-defense. You are ignorant about most any subject, I think. The only way you can take part, is by asking extremely stupid questions to divert a subject, and arguing nonsense points you bring up. Are you molting again? or you just miss your nanny?
  15. of course, I addressed it. At least try to act like you understand anything. Politicians who own stocks, should not vote on making policy enrich themselves. That is what your al gore did. became filthy, filthy rich off the fake man made global warming crap. Avoidance of the APPEARANCE of conflict of interest should be mandatory. But words in response don't mean anything to a moron birdbrain woodypeckerhead. He...or she...or whatever.....will just emotionally knee jerk and get into another pecker fiasco with another poster. sad - you are wired to be a woodypeckierhead til you die, apparently.
  16. MONSTER: Fauci runs "secret island of monkeys" to conduct ... https://truth11.com › 2021 › 12 › 05 › monster-fauci-runs-secret-island-of-monkeys-to-conduct-cruel-animal-experiments-to-enrich-big-pharma MONSTER: Fauci runs "secret island of monkeys" to conduct cruel animal experiments to enrich Big Pharma NaturalNews.com / Ethan Huff (Natural News) Government "doctor" Tony Fauci has once again been exposed for torturing and murdering innocent animals as part of his mad scientist experiments. New documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request…
  17. Bombshell: "Secret Island Of Monkeys" Run By Fauci To ... https://ussanews.com › bombshell-secret-island-of-monkeys-run-by-fauci-to-conduct-cruel-animal-experiments-that-enrich-big-pharma Well, on top of murdering AIDS patients with AZT, murdering dogs, and people in the CONvid-1984 scamdemic, Nazi criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci has once again been exposed for cruelty to animals in tests that enrich Big Pharma. The information about a "secret island of monkeys" came to light as a result of documents obtained in […]| USSA News
  18. 'THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI' ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola in ... https://circleofthedolphins.wordpress.com › 2021 › 11 › 23 › the-real-anthony-fauci-dr-joseph-mercola-in-conversation-with-robert-f-kennedy-jr by Dr. Joseph Mercola w/ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Video available at Mercola Bitchute channel. Download interview transcript. SEE VIDEO HERE OR HERE STORY AT-A-GLANCE• Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research • Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci…
  19. Parallels between Nazi and US medicine | Brasscheck TV https://www.brasscheck.com › video › parallels-between-nazi-and-us-medicine It was the doctors who upheld the ethics of medicine who were ostracized. Fauci & Friends have created a medical science system that has shares four very important features of the Nazi system. 1. Only researchers who adhere to the ever-shifting Fauci party line - whatever it may be at the time - are employable. 2. Fauci Kidnapped Monkeys off Island So NIAID Could Perform ... www.stationgossip.com › 2021 › 12 › fauci-kidnapped-monkeys-off-island-so.html Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps. "And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this, because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has ...
  20. Al Gore's Stupendous Wealth Complicates His Climate ... https://www.huffpost.com › entry › al-gore-wealth_n_599709f2e4b0e8cc855d5c09 Al Gore has long been a knight of the movement to combat climate change. But when he returned to the national spotlight last month with his latest documentary, "An Inconvenient Sequel," he did so in gilded armor. The former vice president ― who boasted a relatively modest net worth of $1.7 million, held mostly in family farm assets, when ... Al Gore Getting Rich Spreading Global Warming Hysteria ... https://www.newsbusters.org › blogs › nb › noel-sheppard › 2007 › 10 › 03 › al-gore-getting-rich-spreading-global-warming-hysteria-medias Americans willing to look at the manmade global warming debate with any degree of impartiality and honesty are well aware that those spreading the hysteria have made a lot of money doing so, and stand to gain much more if governments mandate carbon dioxide emissions reductions. In fact, just two months ago, ABC News.com estimated soon-to-be-Nobel Laureate Al Gore's net worth at $100 million ... Al Gore wealth: How he built a $200-million fortune ... https://financialpost.com › news › how-al-gore-amassed-a-200-million-fortune-after-presidential-defeat Two weeks later, Gore exercised options, at US$7.48 a share, on 59,000 shares of Apple Inc. stock that he'd been granted for serving on the Cupertino, California-based company's board since 2003. On paper, it was about a US$30-million payday based on the company's share price on the day he claimed the options.
  21. See, police have mace. they have pepper spray. It would be good to be farging quiet and instead, LEARN some legit FACTS. The asswhole lt policeman needs to be tried in a court of law. The person was unarmed. The person was out of control - except the "policeman" did NOT use his taser or mace. The jerk who shot her, was WELL KNOWN in his own circle for MISHANDLING GUNS. He was a very bad policeman. It is pretty much murder. Trying to justify it is political stupidity, deliberate...or not ("not" a reference to woodpecker) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/exclusive-police-lieutenant-who-killed-january-6-capitol-rioter-ashli-babbitt-finally-identified/ar-AANKz74 Exclusive: Police Lieutenant Who Killed January 6 Capitol Rioter Ashli Babbitt Finally Identified "For more than seven months, the U.S. Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed protester climbing through a broken window in a hallway of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, has remained anonymous. " "Though his name was known to U.S. Capitol Police, congressional staffers and federal investigations, no one would divulge it. The secrecy fueled months of online speculation.Babbitt's family alleged a coverup." ' ' "Roberts told Zenger Wednesday night that the shooter was "Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd." Byrd's attorney, Mark Schamel, did not dispute the positive identification." ' " Byrd is a controversial figure with a record of mishandling firearms, including once leaving a loaded pistol in a Congressional Visitor Center bathroom. Roberts said Byrd's decision to fire his weapon on January 6 indicated his unfitness for duty. " ' "It's something that has to be considered, because it's just a clear pattern in the United States," he said. "A white cop kills a Black individual? Their name is out there within a day. It's all public. And look, a police officer is a public official. There should not be any exception for this." '
  22. squawk, chirp, bitch. You post best when you post nothing at all.
  23. Well.... to a degree, it's the human condition all too often. Some people get hostile because their emotions are riled. LIke restricting it to football - the last game - Teller dominated the defensive lineman? and with the dl off balance, he shoved him toward the ground. DL lands on the ground, and a ref throws a flag on Teller for...."holding". That could be considered a ref's mistake. But haven't most anyone notice that Garrett is being flagrantly held again and again, etc etc etc.... NO CALL FOR HOLDING? You'd need one of those golf stroke counters with the push button to keep track of the number of times in a game where Garrett was being held by ANY definition - and no call? Maybe it isn't "hostility" as much as it is "indignance". More than anything else, I ascribe "banter" to explaining the discourse about the Browns. It's fun.
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