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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/power-underreported-investments-by-nearly-1-million-ahead-of-senate-confirmation-complaint-alleges/
  2. He's no idiot. He gets so much stuff right. and he's funny. and he isn't a sellout to false narratives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Watters " In 2001, he graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, with a B.A. in history.[4] " woodpecker can't even spell "history" unless he gets assistance.
  3. well, woodpecker: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf now go ahead and list obaMao's and your biden's list of good/great things they did FOR America. You can't name one. you emoting bloviating fake "look at me too I hate Trump" goobers can't name one. you voted against your own country. how freaking destructive and stupid.
  4. "If we can't control you, we want to destroy you" This ok with anybody? https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/12/21/dr-fauci-uses-a-cnn-program-to-try-to-get-jesse-watters-fired-for-encouraging-citizens-to-ask-him-hard-questions-n495068 Dr. Fauci Uses a CNN Program to Try to Get Jesse Watters Fired for Encouraging Citizens to Ask Him Hard Questions
  5. Real independents have HAD IT with bumbling moron biden. Any guesses as to how long it will take for at least one around this forum to admit it? https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/12/22/biden-support-among-independent-voters-swan-dives-into-ratings-toilet-n495246 Biden Support Among Independent Voters Swan-Dives Into Ratings Toilet
  6. Being falsely "outraged" over Jan. 6th....but not one word about all the blm/antifa riots. Unbelievable emotional knee jerking.
  7. insurrection of America by maybe 30 people getting inside the building? How big is America? lol it is just grandstanding/profoundly corrupt thinking that led to this being exploded into a political "gotcha". Meanwhile, not one word about the huge blm/antifa riots involving thousands, that burned down businesses, fire departments, and led to murdered people, with blm/antifa screaming "burn American down" ..... that is fine, eh? "Gulf of Tonkin" was an excuse...by a democrat pres. "Jan 6th insurrection" is another excuse by a democrat pres. So, if this corrupt "democrat" gov declares a national emergency and martial law over Jan 6th, THEN will you all realize you are being played as suckers?
  8. I think it should be illegal for politicians who make the decisions to own stock they make decisions for. As far as doctors, they don't prescribe enough pills to make any kind of difference in stocks, for goodness sakes. lol and news media? well, Having opinions on stocks when you own stocks is fine by me. No decision making there, either. If a plumber owns a lot of valuable stock, and goes online and says "this stock is terrific - you should invest in it too"... is absolutely fine. The decision making that relates to decision-maker-owned stock should be illegal. My goofy opinion.
  9. Let's see.... who was it that bitched at me because I talked about the eventual? mutation of the covid virus from communist china's wuhan lab (helped with funding from the NIH/fauci nazi/company in NY?) ? Again, folks can read "GERMS" and get a great picture of the truth about bio-weapon research over several decades.
  10. I was really proud of how they fought. The three runs in a row....I was yelling "you have to throw at least once...". but nope.
  11. Yeah, I would hope Penning would last til the second round. /But with injuries and covid...a guy who can flip to either tackle spot would be priceless. Wilson is terrific, may very well go top ten or so. I don't believe he will be there. But in this class, I want a bigger wr that is still explosive, strong at the 50/50 throws, and has legit speed to get yacs. 6'3 or so I think. I keep going back to Jalen Tolbert, S. Alabama....... Yep. Need kicker. Our punter can kick it far, but as far as placing it...nope.
  12. Northern Ohio has exploded with cases of covid. As in, 12,000 NEW CASES today? This virus was manipulated and accidently? leaked from the wuhan lab to be CONTAGIOUS. Does anybody think the communist chinese would not use this to design a lethal bioweapon???? ok, maybe the woodpecker.... but anybody with any sense at all? about 77% of those 12,000 are NON VACCINATED? JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" has turned into "I don't give a s*** about anybody but me and I don't FEEL happy getting a vaccine, so I won't."
  13. not a fascination, just an intrigue with history. The parallels are out there. It isn't me writing all the articles out there. The German folks frightened over what is going on in America, because they LIVED THROUGH NAZI rise to power.... should be listened to. That's all.
  14. a pen can be a dangerous weapon, eh? a fist? a shoe? little thimble? maybe a sock? a hat? scarf? keys? right. just more lies, trying to emotionally manipulate "armed" to try to refer to a lot of guns. None inside the Capitol. Lies, lies and more lies.
  15. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/03/so_much_for_armed_insurrection_fbi_official_says_no_guns_confiscated_at_jan_6_capitol_riot.html So much for 'armed insurrection': FBI official says no guns confiscated at Jan. 6 Capitol riot By Monica Showalter An FBI official had some bad news for Democrats at a congressional hearing Wednesday on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Here's the Daily Caller: "How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds during that day?" Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson asked Jill Sanborn, the FBI official, during a Senate Homeland Security hearing. "To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point," replied Sanborn, who serves as FBI assistant director for counterterrorism. "I don't want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol police, but, to my knowledge, none," she added.
  16. Mark Levin, Who Compared Obamacare Fans to Nazis, Is ... https://www.thedailybeast.com › mark-levin-who-compared-obamacare-fans-to-nazis-is-behind-trumps-obama-wiretap-meltdown So, basically Levin's position for the eight-year duration of the Obama administration was that Barack Hussein Obama was constantly putting the country in Nazi-Islamist danger. He kept a similar ...
  17. WATCH As Obama Goes FULL HITLER In NAZI Style Speech ... https://americasfreedomfighters.com › obama-goes-full-hitler Obama campaigned for Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe on Saturday. Obama attacked Trump supporters as insurrectionists and repeated the same boring Democrat talking points in his 30 minute speech on Saturday. Obama told Democrat supporters in Virginia Trump supporters are the greatest threat to democracy in America today.
  18. with Clowney out, and Garrett coming up hurt fighting another flagrant HOLD... NO CALL.... I was also really proud of their fight. But when they needed a first down, who cares if they made the raiders use timeouts? Three straight plays when the raiders knew they wanted to try to run out the clock with runs? Was Stefanski calling the plays remotely? lol. dammit. The other problem is, without Landry... they were going to have trouble. I'm going to be drafting a WR for the Browns in my stupid mock draft - probably second round. It's way too early, but.... I thinking Tevor Penning, Swing OT, in the first round. The reason is, he will be a big time player in the NFL, and it isn't a great OT class, im my dumb opinion. I know - wr, etc. But it is a great draft, very deep in wr's. It depends on whether Conklin stays with the Browns or moves on. As far as wr's go, definiately second round. Names to watch - Romeo Doubs, Nevada. Jalen Tolbert, S. Alabama, WR but it's too early. Just disappointed that the Browns' kicker can't make the field goal twice. Can't get a first down. etc etc etc.
  19. Why Liberals Are Like Nazis - paulroebling https://www.sites.google.com › site › paulroebling › home › why-liberals-are-like-nazis as were religious "heretics" in the past. Liberals pose themselves as the exact opposites of the Nazis of Hitler's Germany. Being neat and orderly are seen as "Nazi" traits, so anyone who is clean-shaven, has. a short haircut and showers regularly is deemed to be "Nazi-like." Having long hair, a. Similarities between Hitler, Democrats | News, Sports ... https://www.heraldstaronline.com › opinion › letters-to-the-editor › 2020 › 02 › similarities-between-hitler-democrats To the editor: A few weeks ago, comparisons were made between President Trump and Hitler ("Similarities between Hitler and Trump," on Jan. 12.) In a response, many of us feel the same way by ... 25 Reasons The US Is Following The Exact Path of Nazi ... https://newspunch.com › 25-reasons-the-us-is-following-the-exact-path-of-nazi-germany The following are 25 signs that America is rapidly becoming more like Nazi Germany…. #1 Nazi Germany was a totalitarian Big Brother police state that constantly monitored everything that German citizens did. Today, the bureaucrats that run things in the United States are also absolutely obsessed with constantly trying to monitor us.
  20. and, there are REASONS fauci is being compared to the nazi "dr". I just agree with other people in the news who are saying it. I'm agreeing with GERMAN FOLKS WHO ARE WORRIED THAT THEY LIVED THROUGHT THE nazi NIGHTMARE, and they are SEEING SIMILARITIES IN HOW THE DEMS/LEFTISTS/antifa/blm....ARE acting. Jewish Conservative: Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com › 2014 › 04 › jewish_conservative_top_10_ways_democrats_are_like_nazis Here are Feder's "Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis."Decide the truth for yourself. 1. Economic Fascism â€" Like the National Socialists, Democrats want to maintain the façade of private ownership while putting control in the hands of the state.Whether a business prospered or failed in the Third Reich depended on political pull â€" how close industrialists were to the ... The Democratic Party shifts deeper into Fascism | Canada ... https://canadafreepress.com › article › the-democratic-party-shifts-deeper-into-fascism Democrats only reference Hitler and the Nazis Party when slandering Trump, in particular, and Republicans, in general. ... like the Soviet Communists. ... Enabling Act of 1933: Ended the German ...
  21. the stupidity of woodpeckers assertions is worse over time. Women getting the right to vote was "left" ??? Maybe the woodpecker is channeling Belushi in "Animal House"... "...was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?...." Trying to educate the moron birdbrain is tiresome. He doesn't care about facts and reasoning. Again: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/when-did-women-get-the-right-to-vote.html 9th Amendment On May 21, 1919, a Republican representative, James R. Mann from Illinois and executive of the Suffrage Committee, proposed to the House in favor of the Susan Anthony Amendment allowing women the right to vote. The House overwhelmingly supported the amendment by over two-thirds of the House majority. Congress passed the 19th Amendment on June 4, 1919, by 2 votes over the required two-thirds majority. The amendment was ratified by Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, followed by Kansas, New York, and Ohio. Tennessee tipped the scale in favor of ratifying the vote, as the 36th state to approve the amendment. The amendment was certified on August 26, 1920, by US Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby.
  22. which reminds me of the hit on Higgins? at the sideline near the goal line. A vicious helmet-to-helmet hit. NO CALL. Gave ball to kc. https://clutchpoints.com/did-browns-get-cheated-on-helmet-to-helmet-fumble-touchback-play-vs-chiefs/ which, btw, Harrison got fined 12 thousand bucks. But later, the chiefs coach greg lewis got fined too. Except, the AMOUNT he was fined was kept secret by the NFL. right. The kc bench was initially penalized with "unsportsman like conduct". But upon review...they cancelled that. right. Maybe it's just me, but penalties can be reviewed??? the nfl is corrupt up on high. Has anybody seen a case, btw, where an NFL ref was held accountable for really glaringly bad calls?
  23. woodpecker doesn';t need no supporting evidence, because he FEEEELLLLS so special. He doesn't need to answer questions with valid answers. He's a special bird. He needs answers to his cherry picked narratives that he makes up on the spot to sound like he feels. very strange.
  24. no - they do invest, it's the making votes to enrich themselves because of their investments that is the problem. Nancy Pelosi Defends Lawmakers Who Get Rich Off Stock ... https://news.yahoo.com › nancy-pelosi-defends-lawmakers-rich-170643326.html It's not hard to see why she might feel that way. The California Democrat's husband, Paul Pelosi, is a venture capitalist who made a cool $5 million this summer through big-tech stock shortly before a House vote on antitrust legislation.. According to Insider, dozens in Congress held stock in Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer in 2020, while the legislative branch doled out billions to help the ... Obama, Biden cronies made billions off China trade deals ... https://www.foxbusiness.com › politics › obama-biden-cronies-made-billions-off-china-trade-deals-and-regulatory-policies-report Former President Barack Obama used his executive powers to impose industry regulations that lowered the value of certain companies and led to financial gains for a firm owned by two close family ...
  25. more vague assertions by the woodpecker that he can't possibly back up with any legit reasoning. But bickering with other posters based on his own assertions to the contrary of..... never mind. Woodpecker's an extremely ignorant, evasive moron. He's an "expert" on everything he knows nothing about.
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