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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. liberals can never mind their own business. they jump in and assume stupid stuff so they can refute it because..... who knows. lol you're a moron.
  2. it seems that everything liberals want....is complete absolution from any responsibility, and any consequences for their actions. so they emotionally vote accordingly, and the left promises to "fix" it for them. Free ride. abortion. college loans. defund the police. excuses for arson, theft, murder, rape......... having kids for money from the great society. they don't like it when the free ride ends...
  3. no, it isn't Redstate. isn't Foxnews. It's you own CNN that is actually telling the truth? Can you hear me NOW ???? Opinion: Biden is not living up to his promises - CNN https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 09 › 13 › opinions › biden-not-keeping-campaign-promises-jennings › index.html Sep 13, 2021View more opinion on CNN. (CNN) Joe Biden's presidential campaign was built on two pillars -- " I'm going to shut down the virus" and I am not Donald Trump. He is failing on both promises, as ... Opinion: Biden's failing global Covid-19 response - CNN https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 08 › 21 › opinions › biden-global-covid-response-ramachandran-russell › index.html Aug 21, 2021(CNN)Have we been duped?Just a few months ago, our organizations, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines and Health Global Access Project, celebrated President Joe Biden's support to ... Joe Biden's botched Afghanistan exit is a ... - cnn.com https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 08 › 16 › politics › afghanistan-joe-biden-donald-trump-kabul-politics › index.html Aug 16, 2021(CNN)The debacle of the US defeat and chaotic retreat in Afghanistan is a political disaster for Joe Biden, whose failure to orchestrate an urgent and orderly exit will further rock a presidency ...
  4. I mean, THIS IS MSN !!!!!!! Democrats don't want to admit why Biden is failing https://www.msn.com › en-us › news › politics › democrats-dont-want-to-admit-why-biden-is-failing › ar-AAQa6oG Democrats don't want to admit why Biden is failing. T he RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight presidential approval trackers both say the same thing: President Joe Biden has never been more ...
  5. stop complaining. EVEN THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE ADMITS IT. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? or you want to swim in Egypt because that's how you feel? Column: Joe Biden is the worst president in history and he ... https://www.chicagotribune.com › columns › rex-huppke › ct-biden-executive-orders-fox-news-racist-socialist-huppke-20210122-3i4jrasksjaubmcqk55bej7pla-story.html Jan 22, 2021President Joe Biden conducts a virtual swearing-in ceremony at the White House for members of his new administration, just hours after his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty)
  6. hell, even SALON is saying it ! Why is Biden failing? His tightly controlled relationship ... https://www.salon.com › 2021 › 10 › 14 › why-is-biden-failing-his-tightly-controlled-relationship-to-the-media-might-be-worse-than Oct 14, 2021Why is Biden failing? His tightly controlled relationship to the media might be worse than Trump's While the president doesn't call us enemies of the people, he's walled off by advisers who won't ...
  7. Opinion | President Biden is failing on covid-19 - The ... https://www.washingtonpost.com › opinions › 2021 › 12 › 22 › president-biden-is-failing-covid-19 2 days agoThat's why it pains me to admit it: President Biden is failing on covid-19. After weeks of urging by public health and medical experts, ... Biden's 'Build Back' is failing because it was never a ... https://nypost.com › 2021 › 10 › 28 › bidens-build-back-is-failing-because-it-was-never-a-good-idea Oct 28, 2021It's true that President Joe Biden is a terrible politician. He's failed to bring the country together. It's clear he can't even bring the Democratic Party together, though the policy ...
  8. as court of law? that is your fall back safe place? you have to be kidding. I can show WHY I BELIEVE WHAT I BELIEVE. Liberals can't. Trying to would expose their emotional basis for complaining and refusing to see facts. and evidence. For example, liberals keep refusing to admit that the dems commit fraud, committed fraud in 2016, and are trying to go full on voter fraud because their failures have polls saying they have LOST any chance of winning again. So, the dems are all in on LEGALIZING VOTER FRAUD. and liberals refuse to admit it. guess what. It's true. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/12/23/joe-biden-backs-plan-to-rig-an-election-his-party-is-favored-to-lose-n496367 Joe Biden Backs Plan to Rig an Election His Party Is Favored to Lose
  9. I've posted so many different sources..... every single one gets dissed by lefties because it doesn't fit with their feelings. You never post any rebuttals. See, that is your side's job. We post sources, you liberals vent against them for no good reason. You just emote away. You swim in Egypt.
  10. you can't dispute the content of what they are saying, so, it's legit, true?
  11. so, you don't find fault in the content. Got it. You just emotionally disregard the truth and your feeble excuse is how you feel about the source. I call that swimming in Egypt.
  12. I cross reference issues with all sorts of sources. I like red state. I do read cnn , but it is controlled and never get the news from them. Seems that every single source is hated for telling the truth, and backing it up with evidence. Even exact videos with the actual lefty saying what they said. But it never gets shown on cnn. Most Americans want the truth about issues. Liberals hate the truth, mostly because it contradicts how they FEEL at any given time.
  13. I showed similarities to what your hero fauci was doing. The similarities to what the nazis were doing, to a degree, is worrisome. I don't use the nazi comparison without what I consider to be, legit reason. And I posted several other sources who also saw similarites. Bouncing back with no legit reason is bs. But I suppose it makes liberals FEEL GOOD. READ this for further information - Jewish Conservative: Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com › 2014 › 04 › jewish_conservative_top_10_ways_democrats_are_like_nazis Here are Feder's "Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis."Decide the truth for yourself. 1. Economic Fascism â€" Like the National Socialists, Democrats want to maintain the façade of private ownership while putting control in the hands of the state.Whether a business prospered or failed in the Third Reich depended on political pull â€" how close industrialists were to the ...
  14. yes, my country is in serious danger of crashing. Everything about America is under attack. Our country is being divided and destroyed, at a pace you liberals don't want to see. A main problem with liberals, is exactly what you are asking. You "hated" Pres Trump because of his personality and fake allegations and fake witnesses ..... I didn't like Trump much at all. His shows were stupid, I said I used to think he was a circus barker kiind of con man. But then I started LISTENING to his promises FOR AMERICA - and I came to understand he MEANT to KEEP THOSE PROMISES. I voted for my COUNTRY, NOT for how I feel, or what I can personally benefit from. America BENEFITED HUGELY under Pres Trump. Our economy rocked. Then communist chinese covid hit. Were it not for the leadership of PRes Trump and his "FASTRACK", we might still not have had a vaccine. Liberals vote for how THEY FEEL. The rest of America votes FOR THEIR COUNTRY. Seriously, read the freakin news. Get the hell away from CNN and start looking at the truth about what is going on. Why? because eventually, we may crash and it will be devastating. So many, especially liberals, feel fine - but a depression, national emergency, they will have to wake up once and for all. People liked obaMao's fake personality. He sucked at being president. and was corrupt. and radical. The main steam media convinced so many that it was very popular to hate Pres Trump for fake reasons, at least, his personality. But oh, go back to really READ that list. SO, name one good/great thing obaMao commie or biden ever did in their entire careers that was good/great for America. it will be about 208 or so, vs ..... nothing. Real Americans vote for their country. Then they don't have to worry so much about the future. Liberals vote for their feelings, which are easily manipulated by the msm, and lies by the left. Every single voter who voted against their own country voted foolishly and destructively. There is no evidence to prove that they shouldn't be in despair over what they did.
  15. why? you dispute the content? or, it isn't true if it isn't on your cnn? lol. it never ends. I nailed it long ago.
  16. I think you are generally a liberal because you happily attack Pres Trump. and, you got a raise - that is Biden's doing? I got a great chocolate cake for my Birthday the last few years, you think it's Pres Trump's doing? Go back and look at the long list of GOOD/GREAT things Pres Trump and co. accomplished for America. READ THAT LIST. Then list the good/great things obaMao commie or biden ever did for America. Ignoring that - means you are a liberal.
  17. it isn't much fun when "democracy" gets changed by the left to have the definition: Democracy (noum) The institution of one party tyranny. Used in a sentence: "If we can't always win, and take over America permanently, then whatever stops us is a crime against democracy" just.......no.
  18. so..........that tells the tale. our gov wants to stay in power, and most of those in power would love to stay in power. They do not want us to have any say in it. and it we elect someone who is NOT them.... they will do nearly anything to destroy him. Like fake prosecutions, fake witnesses, fake allegations...... msm trying to destroy his family..... so many corrupt people are all in to be on what they think will be the winning hating side. the left. FBI Admits It Doesn't Track Leftist Violence https://townhall.com › tipsheet › spencerbrown › 2021 › 10 › 04 › fbi-admits-agents-dont-track-antifa-violence-vandalism-n2596814 Oct 4, 2021During the misnamed "Summer of Love," riots, looting, vandalism, and political violence was carried out by radical leftists under the (often literal) Antifa and Black Lives Matter banners. The violent
  19. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/09/antifas_violent_organized_tactics_are_getting_exposed.html Antifa's violent, organized tactics are getting exposed
  20. "insurrection because they entered a federal building" baloney. Meanwhile, the trollers ignore: https://www.newsweek.com/antifa-far-left-violence-extremism-deadly-year-opnion-1477065 Antifa's Deadly Year Shows the Extremism on the Far Left | Opinion
  21. so, Hoorta, LISTEN to that for a change, and let us know if farce liar dangerous egotistical fauci is still your HERO. one way, or the other. admit it or quit it. Remember, your woody loves fauci too - he won't be happy if you actually honestly bail on this twerp fake science sombeitch.
  22. and yet, look what President Trump did FOR AMERICA ! Here is one list: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ Now, since you jumped in, NAME ONE THING your ObaMao commie or nominden biden did for America ! You can't name one. Your sweetheart nutjob/liar/plagiarizer/corrupt sumbeitch has failed. Pres Trump KEPT HIS PROMISES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Your obaMao commie and bumblebutt biden LIED to us. and they FAILED. Your biden and all the rest are dividing America, damaging America, undermining world peace, lost respect of most of the world, our allies are terrified that he's profoundly mentally screwed up, ... and you can't admit it? you still can't admit this virus came from the communist china wuhan lab? funded by one of your heroes - farce fauci? Do you even know who is president now??? HINT: it isn't Pres Trump. Our economy was really working then. BTW, gosh, maybe you can think of more than one - even though you can't name even ONE, I showed you a list of Pres Trump's accomplishments. Now, you list your obaMao commie's and biden's accomplishments. Then we can compare the length of the lists? lol and THEN we can figure who hidesies in a rabbit hole ! Oh, HINT: Have a Merry Christmas, just don't stand under the mistletoe with your president biden. Unless you want him to sniff you.....
  23. https://www.theblaze.com/news/fox-s-jesse-watters-flattens-clown-dr-anthony-fauci-after-fauci-called-for-his-firing-over-clear-metaphor
  24. biden raised then, so they went back down again despite him. Natural gas prices are rising and could be the most ... https://www.cnbc.com › 2021 › 09 › 09 › natural-gas-prices-are-rising-and-could-be-the-most-expensive-in-13-years-this-winter.html Sep 9, 2021Natural gas prices have been racing higher and are now 99% higher year-to-date, on combination of supply concerns and rising demand. Natural gas is expected to keep rising, and if there is an ... Home heating sticker shock: The cost of natural gas is up ... https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 09 › 28 › business › natural-gas-inflation › index.html Sep 28, 2021Prices for natural gas, the most common way to heat homes and a leading fuel source for generating electricity, have surged more than 180% over the past 12 months to $5.90 per million British ...
  25. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/12/22/its-confirmed-joe-biden-now-officially-worse-than-jimmy-carter-n495302 t's Confirmed: Joe Biden Now Officially Worse Than Jimmy Carter
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