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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. how corrupt can this biden obaMao commie get? https://www.theblaze.com/video/copy-edit-jen-psaki-implies-the-us-government-will-not-rescue-americans-if-stranded-in-ukraine
  2. Great grandfather gets roughed up pretty good and arrested. Not a part of the protest but honked and thumbs up in support while driving by. trudeau's facsist gov is now threatening any parents who go near it - with the loss of custody of their kids. This is what liberal/marxist governments do. They arrest people for wanting to help truckers not starve by bringing them food? Serious loss of respect for the canadian government around the world. (except in communist corrupt china) https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/09/ottawa-drops-hammer-arrests-great-grandfather-for-honk-sics-child-services-on-convoy-n519625 Ottawa Drops Hammer: Arrests Great-Grandfather for Honk, Sics Child Services on Convoy
  3. we order pickup a lot at a Texas Roadhouse. The ribeyes are 12 oz minimum, and everything is perfect every time. The one we favor does the mushrooms and onions perfectly - some others don't.
  4. and hurry, before far more damage and disaster is done. I predict he will fail.
  5. desperately trying to save face. and votes - 2022 is coming up....
  6. It gets even worse, folks. The corrupt, partisan "DOJ".. was caught opening Gohmert's mail. The obaMao commie mafa/deep state getting caught spying again: Lawless DOJ Caught Opening Rep. Louie Gohmert's House Mail ... https://www.survivethenews.com › lawless-doj-caught-opening-rep-louie-gohmerts-house-mail-before-it-reaches-his-office-gohmert-speaks-out-on-house-floor-video The lawlessness continues. The Biden Department of Justice was recently caught opening Rep. Louie Gohmert's House mail before it reached his office. One letter was from a Christian missionary. One letter was from a constituent in Texas. And, once again, we know the Marxist Democrats will get away with it. The laws are made for […]
  7. totally corrupt, they are. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/08/capitol-police-caught-spying-in-republican-congressional-office-investigation-launched-n518975 Capitol Police Caught Spying in Republican Congressional Office, Investigation Launched
  8. HEY, I'm a long ways from 80. Besides, I started counting backwards when I reached 50....
  9. that's a good thing - except they still have their troops on their shared border with Ukraine. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/russia-to-pull-troops-out-of-belarus-following-exercises Putin has deployed more than 100,000 troops to Russia's border with Ukraine and sent thousands of others into Belarus, a country with borders closer to Kyiv.
  10. Life is wonderful - too many aspects of life to be very Thankful for to be all in a slump over football. I watched most games of the Browns, but I'm fine with watching them on record if we want to go fishing or camping, or helping a friend, etc. Rooting for the Browns is fun, when they win, and when they don't, it's interesting to try to figure out why. Recording is great ! It's a bit like doing a mock draft. Probably every pick will be wrong - it's fine - it's fun to try to figure it all out. Being wrong on every pick, lol, doesn't affect real life. Nobody likes their team to lose- but one day...?... it will be sweeter to get to the superbowl and win it - because of all the disappointment. Next draft - major additions to the WR position - I wonder if Landry wants to move on like objerk did. "just wait til next year"
  11. local store - half of the cold isle was empty and dark. the crisis involving russia could explode into war. It's history - could repeat itself. Times could get very hard, just with a nationwide Trucker strike. russia has Belarus now. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/03/politics/belarus-russian-troops-worries/index.html Russian troop buildup in Belarus is a 'big worry' to US and European officials " to signal the West, NATO and to put some military coercion to NATO by having Russian troops in great numbers right across the NATO Eastern border, the areas bordering Latvia, Lithuania and Poland."
  12. Always sad when bad things happen to good people. Prayers to him and his family. Don Cockroft was excellent people.
  13. Why, that is ..... https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-admin-to-send-crack-pipes-to-drug-addicts Report: Biden admin to send crack pipes to drug addicts to advance 'racial equity' **************** that should get the crack addicts vote. the left is getting desperate....
  14. don't put it past the corrupt biden-obaMao government to do the same : trying starve out the Truckers by forcing supporters to give up the food they were trying to deliver to the Truckers. and propane for the Truckers. It's what corrupt/marxist governments do. They push and take away, and intimidate, and when the populace politely rebels/protests, they are labeled enemies, and the gov hammers them, and solidify their hold on power. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/06/ottawa-declares-state-of-emergency-reports-of-police-arresting-truckers-seizing-fuel-n518343 Ottawa Declares State of Emergency; Reports of Police Arresting Truckers, Seizing Fuel https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/06/ottawa-police-issuing-a-tyrannical-edict-which-may-end-the-freedom-convoy-n518259 Ottawa Police Issuing a Tyrannical Edict Which May End the Freedom Convoy ***************************************
  15. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/07/obama-trips-all-over-himself-and-rules-for-thee-n518525 Obama Trips All Over Himself and 'Rules for Thee' ***************************************************************** " You may recall Barack Obama’s speech after he won the primary in 2008 claiming he “faced the challenge with profound humility” but that “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” " ******************* so many people voted so stupidly after being eloquently LIED to. and won't admit it.
  16. what is your point? This gov has launched bogus investigations on anyone who was in the protest on Jan. 6. A lot like the canadian gov called the Trucker protest a "national insurrection". This gov is calling all parents who speak out against crt/socialism/etc "terrorists". and now, this gov is rolling back on Federal workers being ALLOWED to hire folks of the SAME FAITH. So, a Christian cannot hire a Christian...because.... WHAT? meanwhile, back at the ranch: Pentagon Adviser Warns: Biden Admin Violating First ... https://www.newswars.com › pentagon-adviser-warns-biden-admin-violating-first-amendment-in-military-crackdown Pentagon Adviser Warns: Biden Admin Violating First Amendment in Military Crackdown "I just don't know how you can reconcile the Constitution with trying to criminalize someone's thoughts and beliefs," says Counter-Extremism Working Group adviser. Joe Biden Repeats His Haunting Threat Against Bill of Rights https://www.westernjournal.com › joe-biden-repeats-haunting-threat-bill-rights In 2019, Biden claimed that "no amendment is in fact absolute" while speaking about gun control, scoffing at patriots and others who take their rights seriously. "These guys will tell you, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots," Biden said then, according to the Washington Examiner. "Give me a break." White House Admits To Violating First Amendment — Fulcrum7 https://www.fulcrum7.com › news › 2021 › 7 › 18 › notes-on-the-communist-revolution White House Admits To Violating First Amendment July 26, 2021 David Read White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki has admitted that the "Biden Administration" is coordinating with social media companies like Face Book and Twitter to ban users whom the administration accuses of spreading Covid "disinformation." Biden and Facebook Sued for 'Spying' and Violating the ... https://elamerican.com › white-house-facebook-first-amendment A new lawsuit accuses the Biden White House and Facebook of colluding to censoring and violating the First Amendment rights of Americans. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Tampa, Florida. Federal District Judge Steven Douglas Merryday will hear the case.
  17. The proposed list of redress of grievances : 1] Increase the influence of Black individuals in hiring and termination decisions for General Manager, Head Coach and Offensive and Defensive Coordinator positions; a. Ensure diversity of ownership by creating and funding a committee dedicated to sourcing Black investors to take majority ownership stakes in NFL Teams; b. Ensure diversity of decision-making by permitting select Black players and coaches to participate in the interviewing process for General Manager, Head Coach and Offensive and Defensive Coordinator positions; 2] Increase the objectivity of hiring and termination decisions for General Manager, Head Coach and Offensive and Defensive Coordinator positions; a. Require NFL Teams to reduce to writing the rationale for hiring and termination decisions, including a full explanation of the basis for any subjective influences (e.g., trust, personality, interview performance, etc.); b. Require NFL Teams to consider side-by-side comparisons of objective criteria, such as past performance, experience and objective qualifications; 3] Increase the number of Black Offensive and Defensive Coordinators; a. Create and fund a training program for lower-level Black coaches who demonstrate an aptitude for coaching and an interest in advancing to a Coordinator position; 4] Incentivize the hiring and retention of Black General Managers, Head Coaches and Offensive and Defensive Coordinators through monetary, draft and/or other compensation such as additional salary cap space; and 5] Complete transparency with respect to pay for all General Managers, Head Coaches and Offensive and Defensive Coordinators. ****************************************************************** I wish more people would differentiate between discrimination and reverse discrimination. The latter does not resolve the former. They are both the same kind of unfairness. These grievances reek of the latter. Demanding the opposite in hiring/pay means more discrimination. If a black head coach gets paid less than white head coaches - with the same success...that is discrimination probably. It depends on money available to a team, the overall pay given to all the other coaches, etc. The simple assertion that it has to do with race - is just a self-serving, dishonest "gotcha" unless it is actually true. I think the "Rooney Rule" was a bad thing - it led to this lawsuit, apparently. If the Giants had already officially hired Dabol, he has a point about it being a sham interview. But the Giants did not put the rule into place - the NFL did. Flores should be suing the NFL because they are guilty of demanding teams interview black coaches - because they are black? Hiring/not hiring because of race is crap. It must be hammered legally. *********************************************** Flores has been with two NFL teams. Daboll has been with three college teams, and 7 NFL teams, with another stint with the Patriots. It will be interesting to see if Flores wins much of his case, if any at all. There is nothing wrong with tentatively, but NOT officially having decided the Daboll was probably their guy - but still interviewing Flores to be sure. Flores and Jackson's actions and words seem to be counter-productive, I think, to the desire to get more qualified black coaches into the NFL coaching ranks.
  18. Blue states are "control/intimidate the people" states. They are leaving, also, because they are fed up with the lack of respect for freedom.
  19. I don't see that, though. We wore masks into our favorite restaurant yesterday, just being our choice. It's a habit by now, lol, and we have never gotten covid, were fine with being vaccinated, booster, (we're done with that), vacationed for 4,000 miles, it is not a huge convenience. But tell us we HAVE to wear a mask, and we don't go to the place. Masking up and hand sanitizer has worked well for us - But now, the left - who are the ones who desperately crave controlling other people - are all in on using covid as an excuse. They do the same with goober warning. They do the same with economics. They do the same with education. Even in Christian churches - liberals do it there. There seems to be a controller in any group, profession. Dang - they were in the military....schools....and so many of them flock to government positions, too. And on the internet - it's a free for all draw for the lefties - they LOVE the control. If everyone wore masks, they would declare war on mask wearing. They are soft on crime because crime can intimidate people to allow themselves to be controlled. They hate gun ownership and our 2nd Amendment - because that helps people not be so afraid. They hate the Bible because so many won't be controlled about life. They hate our Constitution/Bill of Rights because, as obaMao commie comp0lained - it doesn't say what gov CAN DO, it says what gov can NOT DO. The "cancel culture" is that innate, sick desire to control other people. Lefties egos are so inflated - controlling other people keeps them inflated from emotional leaks. Any particular forum on the internet - there are trolls who sickly thrive on antagonistic posts so that they can control narratives, and dtry to control others on the forum. Some in the military/police/gov/schools/churches/political groups - just are addicted to controlling/manipulating other people. and when those on the left can NOT control others when they "need" to (think alcoholism/drug addiction), they get in a rage and make no sense at all. That is my best explanation about it all. We choose to wear masks indoors because we think it has worked well for us. lol. But leftwing/leftwing gov control? nope. They can get lost. That is why our Founding Fathers created the Constitution - to stop any gov from being so controlling it violates our God given rights as human beings.
  20. getting very strange these days: https://www.theblaze.com/news/unvaccinated-father-loses-custody
  21. hue blew - was hired as Tenn.'s OC, they only won five games, hue didn't last a year - until jumping to Grambling as HC. whatever, don't really care.
  22. I like black history - for the great things. and white history for the great things. and yellow history....tan history.....red history....purple....invisible .....all for the good things. Let's not paint with a 10' wide brush, eh?
  23. When protests fit the ulterior motive of overreaching government that wants total permanent control over a country, those protests can be as violent as they want to be. brownshirts/blackshirts had their place - to those governments. But a peaceful fun protest? has to be declared war on - by those who are corrupt and demand on total power. So, burning down cities, police depts, etc etc, murder, rape etc etc...is fine with the obaMao mafia. But a protest to their unlimited control? BAD. Historically - corrupt, fascist governments hate resistance - and label it in the worst possible terms.
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