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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. wanted to make our greentomato/sage sausage/sweet pepper/bit of semi-hot pepper casserole...alas... no green tomatoes. We made pepperoni and ham and cheese rolls. with root beer. and diet dr pepper. and later some white pine needle tea. GO BENGALS ! I have to find green tomatoes near nfl draft time......
  2. https://winepressnews.com/2021/08/16/canadas-trudeau-explicitly-refers-to-himself-as-a-tyrant-calls-for-snap-election/ Canada’s Trudeau Explicitly Refers To Himself As A Tyrant. Calls For Snap Election ************************************************** election? maybe mass mail in ballots - from moose? elk? wolves and beavers? northern pike and walleye "democrat voters" ?
  3. mahr used to be the left's hero. no, he is not kidding about the Trucker protest, and trudeau himself. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/02/12/maher_truckers_not_wrong_to_be_pissed_off_at_the_elites_corrupting_the_system_trudeau_sounds_like_hitler.html Maher: Truckers "Not Wrong" To Be "Pissed Off" At The Elites Corrupting The System, Trudeau Sounds Like Hitler
  4. she and the rest of her ilk past and present in our gov, are the worst. Prosecute this corrupt herpes of politics as soon as possible. 2023? https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2022/02/13/but-her-treason-hillary-clinton-dragged-mercilessly-with-her-own-trolling-tweet-after-clinton-campaign-spying-on-trump-bombshell-drops/ ‘But her TREASON’: Hillary Clinton DRAGGED mercilessly with her own trolling tweet after Clinton Campaign spying on Trump BOMBSHELL drops *********************************** remembr when the board trolls refused to admit the dems/higgardly SPIED ON TRUMP ? they were totally out to lunch that time, too.
  5. that is the deep state. Embedded corruption all over our entire gov with the top players going for broke. These partiisan totally corrupt backstabbing, America-undermining traitors need to be fired, removed from all government depts, and prosecuted. They know Pres Trump would do that next time. So would Desantis. Corruption IS socialist government. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/12/john-durham-drops-a-shock-and-awe-filing-about-spying-on-donald-trump-n521239 Canadians ..French....Americans..... losing control of their government.. When corrupt socialist governments get enough power to control/intimidate/establish tyranny over the people.... they do it. And if the people resist in any way,,,,, those governments hammer down on the people. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/12/standoff-continues-in-canada-while-police-attack-huge-freedom-convoy-in-paris-tear-gas-kids-n521276
  6. and social engineering to many - which is....FUNDED by various groups who get money from groups funded by soros, etc etc etc.
  7. told ya, folks, there's gonna be a war, way, way before. It's just history.
  8. so, the riots that completely took over cities, had rape tents, burned down businesses, etc etc etc....didn't have a huge impact on workers and the American public??? violent/destructive brownshirts/blackshirts riots that help this corrupt government assert tyranny are sanctioned. Political opposition peaceful protests are NOT. ' "We certainly believe in peaceful protests," Psaki told reporters. But, she added, "Whatever their intended stated purpose, this effort … has the potential to have a huge impact on workers and the American public." ' And all the anti-Pres Trump voters have run and hid from the truth, because it would hurt their twisted ego-centric feelings. Egad, where does this all end? BATF illegally keeping all records of gun purchases? CIA/NSA keeping mass information on ALL AMERICANS ? A deep state corrupt DOJ and FBI ? Where are the fbi employees who will come out and object to the garbage the sell out higher ups crap? etc? Can't wait for spring.....
  9. Biden already made it very clear what he'd do. "sanctions". Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com › politics › trumps-ukraine-call-transcript-read-the-document The Trump administration has released an unclassified transcript of President Trump's July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
  10. if any Americans can't get out of the Ukraine fast enough, the corrupt biden gov will NOT help them, and they believe russia will invade by Tues....... all hell could break loose. Have to wonder - biden will happily? let russia have Ukraine....... to protect his sleazeball druggie corrupt son? Ukraine will no longer be able to testify as to what all his druggie corrupt son has done in the past? Remember dirtbag "Col. " vindman? who was so "worried" about the Ukraine, he lied in his testimony vs Pres Trump? yeah. now? anybody hear any complaint from vindman about an apparent? russian invasion of the Ukraine? deep swamp silence. https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/02/11/white-house-orders-american-nationals-out-of-ukraine-and-biden-tells-allies-the-russians-could-invade-as-early-as-tuesday-n520747
  11. I'm going to get that book. Meanwhile..... there's goin to be a war. I said it for at least a few months now. It's history. https://www.theblaze.com/news/breaking-unconfirmed-report-says-u-s-believes-russia-will-invade-ukraine-next-week UPDATED: White House says Russia could invade Ukraine at any time
  12. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/02/11/this-is-intimidation-if-you-support-the-freedom-convoy-the-police-might-show-up-at-your-home-n2603174 social media supporters of trucker protest. Intimidating all Canadians who don't agree with the left. That can happen here, folks.
  13. https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/02/11/meet-your-federal-government-new-department-of-energy-official-is-a-drag-queen-kink-lecturer-and-fan-of-bestiality-n520570 Meet Your Federal Government: New Department of Energy Official Is a Drag Queen 'Kink Lecturer' and Fan of Bestiality
  14. ATF must choose whether to cover for Biden or comply with federal law by Lee Williams In late June, Joe Biden announced a new zero-tolerance policy for “rogue gun dealers,” who he claimed were responsible for skyrocketing violent crime rates in major cities historically controlled by Democrats. The violence wasn’t caused by weak prosecutors who refuse to hold criminals accountable, or gangs or underfunded police departments or by any combination thereof. It was all the fault of “rogue gun dealers,” who Biden claimed willfully transfer firearms to prohibited persons, and/or refuse to cooperate with a tracing request from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Biden’s illogical rant produced a bit of head scratching among the gun-rights community. After all, why target Federal Firearm Licensees, who are arguably the most heavily regulated federal license holders. If Joe really wanted to reduce violent crime, why not go after the real criminals instead, such as the 100,000 documented gang members living in Chicago. Hit them with federal RICO statutes, or fire the cowardly prosecutors who won’t send them to prison, or both. It all made no sense, unless of course Biden’s entire plan was nothing more than a pretext to make life even more hellish for American gun owners, which we all knew was the case. However, saying that a president is lying and proving that he’s lying are two different things. We went for the proof. To vet Biden’s rogue gun dealer theory, the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project immediately sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the ATF, seeking the following: Copies of documents that show the number of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) and their state of residence, who have been prosecuted for willfully transferring a firearm to a prohibited person over the past three years (from June 23, 2018 to June 23, 2021.) Copies of documents that show the number of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) and their state of residence, who have been prosecuted for ignoring and/or refusing to cooperate with a tracing request from the BATFE, over the past three years (from June 23, 2018 to June 23, 2021.) (Note: We did not seek the names or other identifiers of any FFL.) I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I can’t. It was Mr. Gottlieb’s, and it remains one of the cleverest strategies I’ve seen in a long time. Alan Gottlieb is the executive vice president and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. Our FOIA request was pretty simple, and it would definitely prove or disprove Biden’s claims, which everyone, even the ATF, likely knew were false. If the rogue dealers were responsible for the increasing violence, there should be hundreds if not thousands of prosecutions and subsequent FFL revocations. If Biden’s claims were false, there would likely be a half-dozen prosecutions in the entire country. I need to point out this wasn’t my first FOIA. During my years as an investigative reporter and editor, I have made hundreds of FOIA requests – local, state, federal and even a few territorial. After your first 100 or so, you start to learn what is in-bounds for FOIA and what isn’t. You also get to know how long a response should take. This request was an easy one – a couple of key strokes and it’s done. It should have taken a few hours at the most, certainly not days, or even weeks, and definitely not eight months. Four months passed without a word from the ATF – not even an acknowledgement they had received the FOIA request. Then, in October, the ATF finally admitted it had received the request, but warned it might take even longer to process. “For your information, this office assigns incoming requests to one of three tracks: simple, complex, or expedited. Each request is then handled on a first-in, first-out basis in relation to other requests in the same track. Simple requests usually receive a response in approximately one month, whereas complex requests necessarily take longer. At this time, your request has been assigned to the complex track,” the ATF letter states. The letter also provided the names of two FOIA liaisons, Darryl Webb and Zina Kornegay. Months of calls and messages left for these alleged liaisons were not returned. This week, however, after another four months had passed, Kornegay finally answered her phone. “I’m seeing a bit of back-and-forth,” she said of the request. “Let me look into this further. I will try and find out what’s going on with this.” She refused to say when the ATF would actually respond to the FOIA request. “Let me speak to my team leader,” she said. “I do see your request, but there seems to be some back-and-forth about the best way to handle it.” Toothless law The Freedom of Information Act is federal law. The ATF is a federal law enforcement agency, responsible for enforcing federal law. In a perfect world, that alone should be enough reason for the ATF to quickly comply with any and all FOIA requests. Unfortunately, the ATF’s world is far from perfect. The Biden-Harris administration has weaponized the agency and given it specific orders to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms. That much is abundantly clear. No law – especially one as anemic as the federal FOIA statute – will stop the ATF from targeting gun owners and gun dealers. If the ATF or any other federal agency fails to comply with a FOIA request, the requestor doesn’t have many options They can file a lawsuit, and if a federal judge determines the agency acted “arbitrarily or capriciously,” the court can assess attorney fees, which will be paid with taxpayer dollars. Also, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel can investigate a FOIA dispute. The OSC can determine whether discipline against the federal employee who improperly withheld the records is warranted, and the offending agency must take whatever corrective action the OSC mandates, but these actions are extremely rare. Actual federal FOIA-related criminal cases are even rarer, practically unheard of. As a result, most federal agencies – especially one as heavily politicized as the ATF – know there is no easy or timely way that they can be forced to turn over documents they want to conceal from the public. By comparison, many states have FOIA-type laws that have actual penalties, especially Florida. In the Gunshine State, knowingly violating public records law is a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in prison, a $1,000 fine or both. Why the federal government does not have a tough FOIA statute is a question for your elected officials. Options The ATF is in a trick-bag of sorts. They can comply with federal law and provide the documents, which will likely reveal that Biden’s rogue gun dealer policy is just a ruse concocted by anti-gunners, or they can continue to deny and delay the FOIA request even though their actions violate federal law. I’m starting to wonder if there is anyone left at the ATF who even cares about such things.
  15. First I've heard about it. Sick garbage right there. so the "officer" is black, right? and the woman is white? and unconscious. and the "officer" keeps beating her to death? This is corruption that has become dangerous to Real America. This sicko needs to be prosecuted. Looks like a fatal hate crime to me. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2022/02/10/cop-beats-unconscious-dying-female-trump-supporter-probe-deems-it-objectively-reasonable-n1558188 Cop Beats Unconscious, Dying, Female Trump Supporter; Probe Deems It 'Objectively Reasonable'
  16. Having said that, I really am rooting for the Bengals to win completely. I will be happy for them, and happy to not have objerk-desired commercials bragging about himself 24/7 for a few weeks after. lol GO BENGALS ! (sqealers and ratbirds won't be happy. YES !)
  17. they pretend to be whatever gets elected. biden/obaMao commie/higgardly/beto/tim ryan/sherrod brown... the list probably won't fit on this post. beto - "hell yes I'll take your AR-15's" turns into moderate "I want to make sure we defend our 2nd Amendment". only leftwing trolls go for this now. obaMao fooled a LOT of Americans, especially the first time. this garbage won't end until dem voters get honest about why and how they vote - and stop voting emotionally/for self-centered ideas that never come to fruition, and start voting for AMERICA - to be even better for ALL AMERICANS. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2022/02/10/beto-orourke-now-backing-away-from-his-hell-yes-about-gun-confiscation-at-lightning-speed-n520064 Beto O'Rourke Now Backing Away From His 'Hell Yes' About Gun Confiscation at Lightning Speed
  18. do not cross the red line in communist china. or canada. or...the biden/obaMAO wannabe communist...gov. IT's what liberals do - demand control. and power. Xi Jinping's Top Diplomat Warns Joe Biden Not to Cross ... https://www.newsweek.com › xi-jinpings-top-diplomat-warns-joe-biden-chinas-red-line-1566171 Xi Jinping's most senior diplomat issued a pointed warning to President Joe Biden about China's "red lines" on Tuesday when he addressed business leaders and experts at a U.S.-China advisory body ...
  19. gets worse: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/09/report-school-allegedly-makes-list-of-insubordinate-parents-to-watch-n519506
  20. how corrupt can this biden obaMao commie get? https://www.theblaze.com/video/copy-edit-jen-psaki-implies-the-us-government-will-not-rescue-americans-if-stranded-in-ukraine
  21. Great grandfather gets roughed up pretty good and arrested. Not a part of the protest but honked and thumbs up in support while driving by. trudeau's facsist gov is now threatening any parents who go near it - with the loss of custody of their kids. This is what liberal/marxist governments do. They arrest people for wanting to help truckers not starve by bringing them food? Serious loss of respect for the canadian government around the world. (except in communist corrupt china) https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/09/ottawa-drops-hammer-arrests-great-grandfather-for-honk-sics-child-services-on-convoy-n519625 Ottawa Drops Hammer: Arrests Great-Grandfather for Honk, Sics Child Services on Convoy
  22. we order pickup a lot at a Texas Roadhouse. The ribeyes are 12 oz minimum, and everything is perfect every time. The one we favor does the mushrooms and onions perfectly - some others don't.
  23. and hurry, before far more damage and disaster is done. I predict he will fail.
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