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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. toilet paper - same price at Sam's Club. etc etc etc etc.
  2. Not A Smidgen - Obama Administration Refuses To Handover ... https://www.freedomworks.org › content › not-smidgen-–-obama-administration-refuses-handover-irs-white-house-documents Well that was fast. After saying last week the administration was going to release about 2,500 IRS documents, possibly including tax returns that might have been shared with the White House, the inspector general office for the Treasury Department just decided not to release the information because the release could violate existing law. Why Obama hesitates to release the CIA's JFK ... - JFK Facts https://jfkfacts.org › why-obama-hesitates-to-release-jfk-records Baker, author of "Family of Secrets," calls on supporters of President Obama to write to the president calling for release of 50,000 pages of CIA documents related to JFK's assassination. [For more details, see "Top 5 JFK files Brennan should make public".] He wonders, though, if Obama might have some "trepidation" about doing so. Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret ... https://www.cbsnews.com › news › obama-administration-spent-36m-on-records-lawsuits-last-year WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration in its final year in office spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under the Freedom of Information...
  3. Obama administration refuses release documents about $1.7 ... https://www.americanthinker.com › blog › 2016 › 07 › obama_administration_refuses_release_documents_about_17_billion_ransom_payment_to_iran.html On the same day in January that sailors captured by Iran were released, a $1.7 billion payment was made to Tehran, ostensibly a settlement of a longstanding legal dispute. So says the White House.
  4. Obama administration won't release IRS targeting documents ... https://thehill.com › business-a-lobbying › 232249-feds-wont-release-irs-targeting-documents The Obama administration is refusing to publicly release more than 500 documents on the IRS's targeting of Tea Party groups. Twenty months after the IRS scandal broke, there are still many...
  5. Have to keep Hunt, I believe he wants to be here, great friends with Chubb and plays a vicious 100% every snap. Johnson is an important #3 on the depth chart. The only way I could see trading him is if he wanted to leave.
  6. https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/02/18/canadian-stasi-snatch-freedom-convoy-organizers-off-the-street-as-trudeaus-crackdown-begins-n524127 Canadian Stasi Snatch Freedom Convoy Organizers off the Street as Trudeau's Crackdown Begins
  7. need some good coffee to go with all these food ideas. I got rid of our coffee maker bout 3 years ago. I cook up cowboy coffee - friends really think it's great. ...a stainless steel one for in the house, and a high quality stainless steel mini-perc one we bought at a great well-known frontier mini-mall place in S. Dakota called "Wall Drug". Rarely does any place serve coffee this good, imho:
  8. power and control. goober warning and covid etc is just an excuse - that they feel tips their ability to take total control. Meanwhile, it can happen here. They will CREATE excuses to have "reason" to declare a national emergency. I mean, look at how they pretend to view Jan 6th.... https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/02/17/finnish-member-of-parliament-and-lutheran-bishop-face-prison-time-for-speaking-out-for-christian-beliefs-n523592
  9. Illegal immigrants and the resulting violent crime rate - (a bit over 30% higher) will add to the damage done to our country. The left looks forward to going "national emergence" due to crises of their own making. BREAKING: Democrats Set To Invoke "Martial Law" Using Mass ... https://outragedpatriot.com › power-hungry-democrats-planning-to-invoke-martial-law-using-mass-coronavirus-histarya-as-gateway And Democrats and the media are hoarding food and toilet paper and talking about Martial Law! The Daily Caller reported: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer discussed the outbreak of the coronavirus Friday morning on the Michael Patrick Shiels talk radio show. Shiels asked Whitmer whether she would declare martial law in the state of Michigan. Dems look to martial law, freeing prisoners, nationalizing ... https://www.independentsentinel.com › dems-look-to-martial-law-freeing-prisoners-nationalizing-industries-banning-guns-over-covid-19 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Socialist Democrat, discussed the outbreak of the coronavirus Friday morning on the Michael Patrick Shiels talk radio show. She has already closed schools for three weeks and banned large gatherings of over 250 people. Shiels asked Whitmer whether she would declare martial law in the state of Michigan. She refused to rule […] Punishing the Unvaccinated: One Step Closer to Martial Law ... https://thelibertybunker.com › 2022 › 01 › 15 › punishing-the-unvaccinated-one-step-closer-to-martial-law Despite this, most Democrats support vaccine mandates, and many want punitive measures against those who don't get the COVID-19 vaccine. In a new national telephone and online survey from Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute, 48% of voters support President Biden's plan to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine on employees of large ...
  10. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/16/justin-trudeau-gets-eviscerated-after-he-accuses-a-jewish-mp-of-supporting-nazis-n523395 Justin Trudeau Gets Eviscerated After He Accuses a Jewish MP of Supporting Nazis *********************************************************** WATCH: Biden Compares Trump To Nazi Leader, Struggles To ... https://www.dailywire.com › news › biden-claims-he-got-to-the-senate-180-years-ago-compares-trump-to-nazi-leader-appears-to-need-help-remembering-what-hes-talking-about-appears-to-call-female-host In moments highlighted in video clips which quickly circulated online Saturday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden compared President Donald Trump to a notorious figure in the Nazi Party, struggled significantly to make multiple points during an interview, and remarked that he was elected to the U.S. Senate "180 years ago." ************************************************************* Joe Biden Compares Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley to Nazi ... https://www.breitbart.com › politics › 2021 › 01 › 08 › joe-biden-compares-ted-cruz-josh-hawley-to-nazi-propagandist-joseph-goebbels Jan 8, 20215:37. President-elect Joe Biden compared Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels on Friday, saying they shared responsibility with President Donald Trump for the riot on Capitol Hill. Biden declined to say that Cruz and Howley should resign, but said they should be defeated at their next elections.
  11. apparently, a stupid "advisor: at that. another leftwing ivy college idiot who has no idea about how MANY minorities have been in our military for so many decades??? or, it's a dishonest message to kids out of high school who will vote dem because the dems had a "new idea" about hiring minorities to serve........ woodpecker would fall for this one. https://www.judicialwatch.org/military-minorities-competitive-edge/ Sr. DOD Advisor: Military Needs Minorities to Retain Competitive Edge, Achieve Critical Missions
  12. Hint to kapersnitt - white guys are also in the draft. Samoan guys are in the draft.
  13. so woodpecker FEELS that the nazis were the "good guys" ??? that is offensive Nazi book burnings - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Nazi_book_burnings The Nazi book burnings were a campaign conducted by the German Student Union (German: Deutsche Studentenschaft, DSt) to ceremonially burn books in Nazi Germany and Austria in the 1930s. The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism.These included books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist ... Book Burning | Holocaust Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org › content › en › article › book-burning Book Burning. Beginning on May 10, 1933, Nazi-dominated student groups carried out public burnings of books they claimed were "un-German.". The book burnings took place in 34 university towns and cities. Works of prominent Jewish, liberal, and leftist writers ended up in the bonfires. The book burnings stood as a powerful symbol of Nazi ...
  14. I'm dehydrating kiwi fruit and pineapple slices. and making pickled eggs. and researching wild plant seeds to grow some things in abundance. Thinking about raising pheasants. We used to hunt those, Dad and I, when I was a kid. They all froze and snowed out of Ohio in the late seventies. Might find a good sale on cabbages, and dehydrate them chopped up. That works great - still good after several months. A lot of different things. Took the pineapple stem and am going to grow a pineapple plant. Just for fun.
  15. https://redstate.com/jimthompson/2022/02/14/lets-go-brandeau-trudeau-channels-his-inner-daddy-fidel-castro-n522399 Let's Go Brandeau! Trudeau Channels His Inner Daddy, Fidel Castro
  16. ...bought seven cans of the Keystone beef at walmart last week. 62 bucks. Everything is getting more and more expensive. Sadly, some families don't have the funds in tight budgets to account for it. It's just the start - it's tough to think it could actually skyrocket, but it CAN, and historically, it does when a country is doing the same garbage this demorat gov is doing. No checks and balances politically - just serious damage being done. https://redstate.com/joesquire/2022/02/15/no-end-in-sight-as-another-inflation-measure-spikes-n522490
  17. have to wonder, letting in hundreds of thousands of illegals, drug cartel members and sex trafficers and criminals with them.... defunding police, rising inflation, leaving Americans stranded in Afghanistan and the Ukraine, encouraging russia to invade, spying on Trump and Pres Trump, calling all violent antifa/blm protesters who rape and commit arson and want to tear down America...."peaceful"........and label any and all political opposition "traitors" and "threats to democracy"..... I suppose the left in control of our government desperately wants to declare martial law here, too, if they could just cause enough damage. What other reason is there for their sick profound failure to fix any problem - but make them far, far worse?
  18. we watched about one minute, then went and fast forwarded through it all. watching it on record is great. We checked out a few commercials here and there, but none of them were funny and brilliantly done. I guess the woke nfl was playing to their LA inner city audience.
  19. right. I'm sure they FEEL that prosecuting them and them losing their power, wealth and freedom? in prison.... is a "threat to democracy".........................
  20. it's cowardly. They happily blasted Pres Trump for what has now been PROVEN to be completely false, makes them FEEL "elite" and "special" because they trolled about it. But, now, they ran and hid. They never cared about the truth at all.
  21. so Woodpecker = seriously, can you SPELL "gender" without looking it up online? lol
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