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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 34 minutes ago, Neo said:

    You really think Putin just woke up one day and decided to attack Ukraine? You really think an ex-KGB is scared of some reality TV moron like trump? Invading Ukraine was years in the making just like the attack on Israel was. Give it a rest you clown.

    baloney - the actual invasion is what is important. russia would NEVER have invaded the Ukraine when Pres Trump was pres.

    and Iran would NEVER have launched a bunch of war drones and maybe ballistic missiles? directly from Iran into Israel.

    There's goin to be a war. Planning but not doing an attack until your weak, corrupt, chickencrap fake leadership in America gives them the green light.

    Iran is attacking now because of your corrupt, witless biden and co. runing our gov.

    You're just mad because I told you what was going to happen ahead of time.

  2. sad, and true:


    As Many Abortions as Possible


    Everything they saw that day, from the vast fields of ripening grain to the many children, spoke of fertility. It seemed nothing could change the vitality of these people. As Martin and Karl drove from village to village their faces grew increasingly grave.

    In the evening they returned. Martin talked about all the children he had seen and warned that, "someday they may give us a lot of trouble" because they were "brought up in a much more rugged way than our people." Alarm spread through the group until its leader spoke.

    Obviously peeved, he pointed out that someone had suggested that abortion and contraceptives should be illegal here. He went on, "If any such idiot tried to put into practice such an order. . . he would personally shoot him up. In view of the large families of the native population, it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible."[1]

    The date was 22 July 1942, the same day the Nazis began transporting Warsaw Jews to the Treblinka death camp.[2] The place was the 'Werewolf' headquarters in the Soviet Ukraine. The group's leader and abortion advocate was Adolf Hitler. The two men were Martin Bormann, his secretary and Karl Brandt, his physician."


    unlimited convenient abortion - a little bit likecD43KSarfE-8.png


  3. 2 hours ago, FY56 said:

    Since it has been determined by the SC that abortion is not protected under the Constitution, going forward If abortion were to be decided on a federal level as you suggest, I would presume it would involve an additional amendment?

    I believe that is exactly true. A sick, failing society has no bounderies of good and bad.

    the bad is the left trying to pervert/subvert the rest of society.

    It's a social disease worse than a lot of folks think.

    If we did add an amendment on abortion, the left would fight ANY restrictions, including pba, after being born, maybe they would demand abortion up to two years.

    Then they would fight to make it three years.


  4. Woodpecker demands abortion, slurs anyone who thinks differently because it hurts his FEELINGS.

    He can get all outraged at some gay person being murdered, but Ashley Babbit gets murdered - he couldn't feel one bit of outrage.

    He FEELS like it is good to ignore the torture, murder and rape by his illegals, and unlimited abortion is fine with him.

    He just pecks against the wind. Apparently it makes him be a sad bird, so he just lashes out at others.


  5. so.......


    Hamas Just Made a Major Announcement...And the Media Is Nowhere to be Found

    "It’s wild when you think about it: news organizations were taking Hamas propaganda as if it were verified and accurate information. No one learned from the Gaza hospital fiasco, the first wall the media crashed into when they erroneously said that an Israeli airstrike hit this facility. The reality was it was the terrorists' own rocket salvo, fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The New York Times had to print a retraction, but the damage was done. Now, Hamas has openly admitted they inflated the death toll in Gaza, and the media is AWOL (via Foundation for the Defense of Democracies😞 "


    Soon, evidence emerged showing that a rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists was nearly certain to have caused a blast in the hospital’s parking lot. An unclassified U.S. intelligence report on October 18 said the blast likely caused between 100 to 300 deaths, and it leaned towards casualty estimates at “the low end of the 100-to-300 spectrum.” 

    Nevertheless, the health ministry does not identify the individuals who died as a result of errant Palestinian fire, even though the Israel Defense Forces reported that 12 percent of rockets fired during the first month of the war fell inside Gaza — more than 1,000 total misfires. "

  6. Furthermore, Vapor -

    it has been shown that your own hamas MURDERED PALESTINIANS and blamed it on

    the IDF in the conflict.

    and you stupidly buy that?

    May 30, 2015Palestinians walk through an area of destruction on August 15, 2014 in Khuza'a, Gaza. A new report from Amnesty International alleges that during the summer 2014 war between Israel and Hamas ...
  7. 3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Cal, this is what your posts look like. I literally have no idea what mental gymnastics occurred in your head to point out what happened on October 7th throughout history.

    I was just pointing out that your Oct 7th date for the Hannibal Directive has nothing to do with your hamas kidnapping over 200 INNOCENT ISRAELIS and raping, torturing, and murdering them.

    It had to do with Israeli SOLDIERS who were kidnapped.

    Three hostages were MISTAKENLY KILLED by an Israeli soldier who panicked and thought they were hamas/palestinian terrorists coming to blow him up.

    So, your slur inferring that all of hamas' kidnapped Israelis were not murdered by your hamas, but by the IDF.

    That is a lie, and you should be ashamed.

  8. 1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

    Ignoring that fact it is adorable, delusional, and hilarious you think Trump doesn't lie...

    Why would you want it to be a state's rights issue? Don't you think abortion is murder? I would think you'd want it to be a national ban. Why are you leaving human rights up to the states?

    As out of touch and insane conservatives are that want a national ban at least they're standing on their principles 

    I don't think Trump lies - he gets in too much trouble for telling the truth. I already explained why I want it to be a states rights issue. I'll say it again, just read it this time.

    When the Constitution/Bill of Rights designates a RIGHT, it is a federal issue.

    There is no abortion RIGHT established there, so .....it isn't a federal issue.

    I don't believe in abortion. Under some circumstances, it may be a necessity,

    medically speaking, and in cases of rape.

       That is just me. Now, You either have ZERO abortion, or you have to figure out what is socially acceptable. The left wants total lack of consequences for self-destructive actions - which often, includes sex with no pregnancy preventative - with zero limits.

    partial birth abortion and abortion after being born??? Society can't allow that. That is murder. IF you have to have the ability to terminate a pregnancy - it can't be after someone uses the pregancy for gov funding ($$) - then finally murders the child because they don't want the child, never did. That is just one abhorrent example.

    It's a complicated issue- and our U.S. Supreme Court saw it like I do - it isn't a federal "right".

    Happily murdering unborn children because you didn't try to not have children - is a societal nightmare - destructive.

    On a state level - let the states decide. If you find their position intolerable, you can move to another state - more conservative or more leftwing. Finally, if a woman needs to have an abortion, she sure as heck should know it by 12 or 15 weeks.


  9. 1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

    Are you capable of reading the links you post? (No)

    If you scroll down, you'll see the part where the Hannibal directive was applied on Oct 7. So thank you for proving my point.

    You'd look like less of a dunce if you'd stop FEELING like a liberal and use your brain to think. 

    that is bs - I read it, but you are pro-terrorists in gaza, so you can't defend the meaning of the Hannibal directive. A lot of people are born on Oct. 7 - does that make for a slur that says they are Jewish victims of Oct. 7th?

    Did you know that on Oct. 7th, Spain outlawed slavery in Cuba?  in 1886....

    and Oct 7th, Willem 1 resigned as king of the Netherlands? (1840)

    on Oct 7th, a 16 hour fire injured 30 of Chicago's 185 firefighters? (1871 - it was probably started by your palestinian terrorists)

    On Oct 7th, 1916, The German submarine U-53 arrives off Newport, Rhode Island, and sinks 9 British merchant ships in international waters.... you know, the german kidnappers, torturers, murderers and rapist war criminals just like your palestinian terrorists and hamas.

    On Oct 7th, 1935, Himmler, Hess and Heydrich inspect the concentration camp at Dachau. Your palestinian terrorists would put Jews into concentration camps I believe. You support that unconditionally? You know, the war criminals just like your palestinian terrorists and hamas?

    on Oct 7th, 1944, there was the Revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau - the  Uprising at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Jews burn down crematoriums [1] You know, how your palestinian terrorists and hamas burned babies alive and you refuse to admit it?

    say, this should excite you -

    ON OCT 7th, your PLO terrorists seize Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro. But you support your palestinians unconditionally, right?

    On Oct 7th, 1990, Israel begins handing out gas masks to its citizens. You know, because of terrorism. like the terrorism your palestinian terrorists have perpetrated against innocent Israeli citizens since they became a country, and many centuries BEFORE they became a country.

    Say, here';s one - on OCT 7th - 2015 US President Barack Obama apologises to Doctors without Borders President and the President of Afghanistan for the bombing of a hospital in Kunduz

    But that is okay with you because it was your obaMao commie. But let Israel make a mistake, and "they should withdraw and lose the war" eh?

    So, being a smart ass because you can't defend your pro-palestinian bias doesn't work.


  10. 1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:


    Clearly Trump is just saying whatever to win. I mean, that's politics. Not unique to him.

    But for pro life posters here, do you think this is a state's rights issue?

    Thoughts on Arizona falling back to a law from the civil war that basically bans abortion?

    Clearly biden and obamao and higgardly etc LIED to get into office. Trump doesn't lie - that is why the left hates him. And yes, it is absolutely a states rights issue, one that should be decided on by a state level. What does it matter if Arizona goes back to a law from the old days?  That doesn't make it invalid. Murder was illegal from the old days. Rape was illegal from the old days.

    There is no Constitutional/Bill of Rights basis to establish abortion as a federal law, as there is for gun ownership, and free speech to mention two.

    • Haha 1
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  11. On 4/4/2024 at 11:34 PM, VaporTrail said:

    Israel's gone way past the line of defending their right to exist. That's why most people, including myself, are critical of them. 

    That is bs. Israel has not gone past the line of stopping the palestinians and hamas from committing mass murders, rapes, babies beheaded and burned alive, kidnappings. more murders and tortures ..... from ever happening again.

       You are way too dishonest on this subject to discuss this intelligently.

  12. It's stupid to compare watson, a sleazebag, with Trump.

    You have to pick between two choices.

    The fools who won't complain about biden being a dirtbag hate Trump for being a dirtbag?

    just how does that work?

    You can pick many choices to have a qb as the face of your franchise.

    Draft. Free agency. All sorts of options.

    Between biden and Trump - Trump was a GREAT AMERICAN PRESIDENT and biden has had one war break out, another one in the Middle East goint to break out, and China is on a rampage to take Taiwan.

    China will use, intentionally, iran attacking us and Israel as a diversion while they go after Taiwan.

    Pres Trump - the only option is to elect him again, or America falls into despair and tyranny.

      Throwing the asinine, gigantic  twatson trade into the mix hurt the Browns in the short and long run. 

    Comparing the two is worse than stupid.

    But liberals keep trying to brink politics over to the Browns forum, and they try to bring the Browns over to this one.

    just say NO.

  13. no country on earth has any respect for biden or our corrupt, incompetent demoquack ridden government.

    This cowardly WH regime - is egging on direct confrontations - with china, already russia, already hamas/hezbollah, now Iran directly saying they will hit Israel.

    Iran hit Israel in the beginning, via hamas and the "palestinians". All hell could break loose.

    NONE of this happened while Pres Trump was president. ("we won't put worthless sanctions on you if you don't invade the Ukraine"

    freaking cowardice. Second link - don't miss the part about Iran TRAINING hamas and "palestinians" to invade Israel and all the war crimes they committed.


    With the U.S. on the Brink of War With Iran, the Biden Administration Tries One Last, Desperate Ploy



    Middle East Tensions Are About to Get Hotter (and It's All on Joe Biden)



    REPORT: Iran Attack on Israel Expected Within Next 48 Hours

  14. 15 hours ago, Jax said:

    I think there were a bunch of civilians that sounded that alarm years ago.

    Who would have ever seen this coming when they allowed the invasion to happen from the start?

    Best part is you still have brain washed libs crying about racism as the reason most are against this illegal invasion.

    But they allowed this, so now we need to ask why?

    That there is a dangerous ulterior motive should be considered a given.

  15. oh, btw, the dirty crap done to these fired investigative reporters - phones, email, computer, documents, etc....

    sounds like fbi/cia political weapon crap to me.

    and back in the ObaMao commie days........obaMao hack AG eric holder okayed a search warrant to go after another investigative reporter.


    DOJ confirms Holder OK'd search warrant for Fox News reporter's emails

    The Justice Department pledged Friday to to review its policies relating to the seizure of information from journalists after acknowledging that a controversial search warrant for a  Fox News reporter’s private emails  was approved “at the highest levels” of the Justice Department, including “discussions” with Attorney General  Eric Holder.The statement, confirming an NBC News account
  16. this dem/deep state gov is ridden with liars, and pompous law breakers,

    and false persecution artists.

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