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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Why Is Critical Race Theory Dangerous For Our Kids? - U.S ... https://www.blackburn.senate.gov › 2021 › 7 › why-is-critical-race-theory-dangerous-for-our-kids Many on the left have tried to dismiss this as a political non-issue, but here in Tennessee, we see opposition to CRT is coming straight from parents and educators. In response, the Tennessee State Legislature passed and Governor Bill Lee signed a bill banning CRT in schools. Still, we must continue to stand firm at a local level. Why Critical Race Theory is a Terrible Idea https://www.neurosemantics.com › why-critical-race-theory-is-a-terrible-idea CRT is a bad idea because it contradicts Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideal of a color-blind society. They refute and object to "color blindness" and demand that we think of people, not in terms of individuals, but group identity. For them, the group or groups you belong to define you. Why Critical Race Theory is So Dangerous https://www.cagle.com › christine-flowers › 2021 › 07 › why-critical-race-theory-is-so-dangerous Many supporters of CRT are trying to go on the counterattack, pretending that these policies are nothing more than an attempt to bring transparency to a discipline - history - which has long glossed over the suffering of minorities. CRT advocates push forcefully back against the suggestion that they are making white children feel bad about ...
  2. Yep, you wouldn't have lasted two days in basic training. Does your nanny dress you each morning? or, you just wear the same feathers every day? Why not actually READ something instead of ccn telling you what emotions to knee jerk by?
  3. yep. obaMao commie. and his ignorant gutless stooge for a VP. Biden was never "all there" ...and now, he's "nowhere"
  4. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/24/germany-spits-in-the-face-of-the-united-states-again-dares-biden-to-challenge-them-n527336 Germany Spits in the Face of the United States Again, Dares Biden to Challenge Them
  5. dangerous and more dangerous. World War III ? Anti-Pres Trump voters would give pukins butt great big smoochies. electing biden was just that. sick and destructive. https://pjmedia.com/columns/kevindowneyjr/2022/02/24/its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-and-i-blame-joe-n1561491 It's the End of the World as We Know it and I Blame Joe
  6. energy prices, inflation of goods and services...... inflation hell could break loose. https://www.theblaze.com/news/oil-prices-surge-to-highest-level-since-2014-amid-war-in-europe
  7. I look forward to it. And, glad to help you out with that.
  8. yep - and an ignorant fake and a loser. Married Teresa Hines for her money, putting a taint on Heines catsup purchases, lol.
  9. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/24/the-left-suddenly-realizes-trump-was-right-all-along-on-un-n527223
  10. all WWIII hell may break out. seriously. What so many take for granted so much... it could all come crashing down. grid. inflation. food shortages. water shortages. crime even far worse. or not. but we are so very close to WWIII. who would have thought it would happen if Pres Trump were still president. Nobody.
  11. Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... pukin says if any country puts any sanctions on russia, russia will take actions if such sanctions threaten their economic standing. what some experts are thinking, that it could involve cyber attacks to take down our grid. Have some water stored away if you have city water? some food on hand in storage? all hell could break loose. none of this would have happened if msm darlings didn't get off on pretending to hate Pres Trump and their own country to be "cool". Emotional kneejerk votes against Pres Trump and all of us is the REASON this war has started. I said well before- communist china sluts will take action, too, to take Taiwan. we have an unelected coward/plagiarizer/senile/empty suit fake person as our "president".
  12. the pro-soviet Ukraine gov pukin installed, was the corrupt gov I thought. I could be wrong, but the current gov seems to be on the up and up.
  13. they know it's a farce. they do not care. has the woodpecker or whoorta ever once criticized communist china? ********************************************************** “Reducing emissions is not about reducing productivity, and it is not about not emitting at all, either. We must stick to the overall planning and ensure energy security, industrial supply chain security and food security at the same time as cutting carbon emissions.” But unfortunately for American consumers like you and I, they’re not the words of our president -- they’re the words of China’s President Xi Jinping. Rather than follow President Biden’s path to energy suicide, President Xi’s words reflect the belief that China’s low-carbon goals should not come at the expense of energy and food security or the “normal life of the masses.” And despite being the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, China continues to view sweeping pledges to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as a risk to jobs and economic growth -- important national priorities -- and has taken a cautious approach to Paris agreement and COP26 pledges to reduce emissions. To that end, China is actively building coal-fired and nuclear power plants and refineries, along with increasing its processing rates at refineries and its domestic coal production. In contrast, President Biden has blocked the building of new coal-fired power plants in the United States, sees nuclear power as too expensive due to onerous regulations, and is rejoicing as many U.S. refineries retool to produce renewable fuels. The result? Unlike in China, where the government is prioritizing economic stability and “normal life,” here in the United States American consumers and American families are the ones paying the price for the Biden administration’s anti-energy policies. Even as Biden continues to ban pipelines and close public lands to leasing, gas prices are up over a dollar a gallon since President Biden took office. Oil prices are above $90 a barrel. And energy prices for home heating, from natural gas to electricity, are significantly higher this winter. (According to the US Energy Information Agency, prices on natural gas -- used to heat nearly half of U.S. homes -- are up as much as 45% regionally.) So -- what’s it going to take for President Biden to come to his senses and recognize that China is getting it right, while the United States is getting it very, very wrong when it comes to energy security? Currently, U.S. leaders talk about an “all of the above” energy policy, which effectively translates into “nothing from below the ground” or no fossil fuels. Meanwhile, China is using all its resources to amplify human strength and grow its economy for its people. So it’s no wonder that the gap between the two economies is rapidly shrinking as China pursues the energy necessary for growth and to allow its people to flourish. The United States is currently napping, and the signs are becoming evident everywhere. The Biden administration would be wise to follow President Xi’s example on energy policy, since Biden’s current anti-oil and gas policies are escalating gasoline and heating costs for millions of Americans -- just when we can least afford those increases. Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  14. it was cowardly. Politically expedient, globally cowardly - right there was a go ahead for pukin to act out eventually. but we elected Pres Trump and were strong and tough-willed again, and had PEACE. now? weakness invites deadly aggression. It's history. "Why England Slept" indeed. Why England Slept by John F. Kennedy - Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com › book › show › 2003793.Why_England_Slept WHY ENGLAND SLEPT was written by the future 35th President of the United States as a historical thesis when he was a 22 years old Harvard student. It was first published in 1940. I was able to obtain a 1961 edition of this book, published soon after Kennedy was elected President. When this book was first published, England had just been pulled ....
  15. https://www.theblaze.com/news/the-world-wakes-up-to-all-out-war-ukraine-says-more-than-40-soldiers-10-civilians-killed-during-ongoing-invasion-putin-issues-ominous-threats-to-west World wakes up to all-out war: Ukraine says more than 40 soldiers, 10 civilians killed during ongoing invasion; Putin issues ominous threats to West as Ukraine declares martial law
  16. all the happy Pres Trump fake haters who voted against America doing well, because they were happily main stream media manipulated.... are directly responsible for this war. I only know of one member who is very sorry - that he made a terrible mistake. like I said well before ....the idiocracy of this wh and deep state, the corruption, the deliberate divisiveness, was a clear "go ahead and act out" to the evil countries of the world. russia wants to be the soviet union again, pukin's darth vader ego demands it. until then, he hates not having accomplished it yet. I suppose biden is being briefed on it until he asks "where is my ice cream, is it Martin Luther King day yet?"..... and this is just early in the second year. https://redstate.com/dennis_santiago/2022/02/24/analysis-putin-throws-world-peace-into-the-trash-bin-the-world-awaits-bidens-response-n527044 Analysis: Putin Throws World Peace Into the Trash Bin; the World Awaits Biden's Response
  17. the danger of it is, they have cheated and lied their way into so much control, they haven't been held accountable. yet.
  18. lies, fraudulent investigations, false testimony, and frame ups. this corrupt deep state punks in our gov will stop at nothing.
  19. The damage is going to be devastating - it won't end with the Ukraine. China is watching and will go after Taiwan. and.... hope the hell not, but a world war III about the time the chinese commies do, or pukin goes after Poland, etc.
  20. all anti-Trump voters need to apologize to their country, and all of us. pukin made fools of you.
  21. and it won't end with the Ukraine. Poland, Estonia, etc etc. Like I said, he is going for broke. pukin says, if we intervene in any way, we will suffer damage? like we've never seen before. I"m sorry I was right, back then. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/23/putin-officially-launches-a-full-invasion-of-ukraine-lodges-disturbing-new-threats-against-the-west-n527017 Putin Officially Launches a Full Invasion of Ukraine, Lodges Disturbing New Threats Against the West ******************************************************** PUTIN: Foreign powers that intervene in Ukraine will witness consequences they have not seen before. — Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) February 24, 2022 ******************************************************** UPDATE: Multiple live video streams show Ukraine's major cities coming under fire. Ukrainian media reporting nearly all major cities are under attack. — Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) February 24, 2022 Something massive just exploded in Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/GlKY1S8VbV — OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) February 24, 2022 Unconfirmed reports now that covert (& possibly airborne) #Russia troops have captured #Kyiv Airport tonight. Intel intercepts had predicted that as an initial move. — Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) February 24, 2022
  22. yep, the strategic use of cyber warfare has been developed over many years. Right now, it's a precursor to trying to render computerized air defense systems incapacitated, at least to a point. Missiles will be fired next to soften up the defenses. damn UN. It's just a money pit for our country.
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