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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. nobody is "praising putin " anything. Never underestimate your opponent - putin isn't stupid, he's diabolically driven, and is evil. Clever, sure. He was in the kgb. Why not give the trolling fake narratives a rest - they blow up in yer'alls faces all the time.
  2. He is far more a REAL AMERICAN than the trolls around here who FEEL that Ukrainian men, women and children DYING is funny. https://www.theblaze.com/news/video-hero-ukrainian-soldier-sacrifices-himself-to-blow-up-bridge-and-stop-advancing-russian-troops
  3. that was true, this government is the new real good gov. though.
  4. Good time to get some money out of the bank, and stock up on some food etc ....and water if you have city water.... once it falls apart, all hell can break loose. it's history. See my survival thread for help.
  5. Ukraine men, women and children dying is funny to you all. got it.
  6. yep. and the you know who is too cowardly to admit that ONLY under obaMao/biden, and now biden/harris.... has pukin made brazen invasions to make his new soviet dreams come true. Watching the news on the war... Ukraine men, women and children are dying.... fighting in the streets, the nazi russians have sent missiles into hospitals, an orphanage, homes, and they have a "kill on sight" list. only every voter who voted against a terrific PRESIDENT TRUMP, like him personally or not, caused this war to happen, caused Crimea to happen.... and maybe WWIII. They laugh, don't give a damn, because their egos are the only thing that matters to them. really sick stuff. A Ukraine young boy ran for help from his Father was shot down in the street. Funny to the lefty trollers, no doubt. Russian soldiers in a hospital were telling staff that they were told...... that the Ukraine invaded their country. No free press let's that be possible. Russian thugs beating up and arresting hundreds of protesters against pukin and his aggressive war on the Ukraine, in cities all around Russia. and certain pukes have zero respect for our Constitution/Bill of Rights, our freedom, our country, our flag.... because all they can see is their egos, beecause theire swelled heads are stuck up their asses. I said there will be a war. There's a war. Crimea and Ukraine and whatever else are directly the fault of slutty obaMao commie and bumblebrained biden.... and every single voter who voted for them. Especially all those who were deceased but voted for them anyways via anonymous mail in ballots.
  7. It's history, folks. Of course pukin will keep doing it when he senses he can get away with it when corrupt loser democrats get into the leadership of America. If this happens later.... it's squarely MORE blood and death and despair at the hands of liberal voters who voted for them. So many wouldn't have cared when hitler established the "final solution", as long as they felt their egos were happy. Soviets invade Czechoslovakia - HISTORY https://www.history.com › this-day-in-history › soviets-invade-czechoslovakia Soviets invade Czechoslovakia. On the night of August 20, 1968, approximately 200,000 Warsaw Pact troops and 5,000 tanks invade Czechoslovakia to crush the " Prague Spring "—a brief period ...
  8. https://www.praguepost.com/czech-news/37782-russian-embassy-denounces-giant-putin-hitler-caricature-in-liberec
  9. obaMao made this current war happen with his stupid-assness. Every voter who voted for obaMao and biden....should realize the damage to America, and parts 0f the world they have helped make happen. Putin has been working on getting back to be the vicious soviet union for years. He's finally admitting he's a lethal kgb minded dicktator of Europe. Pukin is going full on hitler to start WWIII if he must to take over the former soviet satellites again. https://www.theblaze.com/shows/levintv/why-ukraine-gave-up-nukes
  10. EXACTLY https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/02/24/joe-bidens-justice-department-shuts-down-china-focused-counterintelligence-programs-because-hurt-feelings-matter-n527333
  11. seriously? they shut down this counter intel group because........... https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/02/24/joe-bidens-justice-department-shuts-down-china-focused-counterintelligence-programs-because-hurt-feelings-matter-n527333 Joe Biden's Justice Department Shuts Down China-Focused Counterintelligence Programs Because Hurt Feelings Matter " Shortly before Attorney General Jeff Sessions was defenestrated, he initiated the China Initiative. Unlike most of what the Justice Department and FBI have done in the past year, like targeting regime opponents and using agent provocateurs to manufacture crimes, this program had the objective of defending the United States from an audacious and voracious intelligence foe. " ************************************* still waiting for at least ONE MORE anti-Pres Trump and America voter to admit they make a horrific, devastating mistake.
  12. and woodpecker and others don't have the feathers to admit it.
  13. obaMao and biden refused to arm the Ukraine back then, and refuse even to levy harsh sanctions against russia now. this asswholeness may very well lead to a WWIII, including China taking Taiwan by force. Watch. and consider storing some water, food and medicine... we may be in a depression with attacks by russia and china to keep us occupied while they finally go for broke and remake the world's maps. We didn't enter WWII til late, after it was a gigantic task. Now, this corrupt, chicken crap, moronic American leadership is going to hide from stopping WWIII, and then commit the same stupidass mistake. "De Ja Vu" all over again. dammit. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/24/the-white-house-appears-to-wave-the-white-flag-on-russian-sanctions-n527633 The White House Appears to Wave the White Flag on Russian Sanctions
  14. Yep. Only ONE voter has admitted they made a terrible mistake. I respect that. The others .....nope. The rest, so far, are in "heil putin and biden" mode. Trolling til the end. You have to wonder how devastating a world war III has to be to get them to become honest human beings.
  15. What next? "Biden promises hoorta that he will bring the moon to earth and feed all the earth's people with cheese" ?
  16. so, where are the rabid lefties wailing about "indiscrimate missiles" ? again with the faked indignation that always reeks of emotional knee jerking politics. they never care about an issue, they just use belligerent siding with issues to troll. The siding flips sides when they feel like it.
  17. God Bless the Ukrainian people- I'm thankful they don't have a woodpecker weakwillie in their midst. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/24/putin-begins-to-pay-in-blood-for-his-ukrainian-misadventure-n527552 Putin Begins to Pay in Blood for His Ukrainian Misadventure
  18. woodpecker's kind: https://www.theblaze.com/news/hidden-camera-catches-teacher-saying-conservative-christians-need-to-get-covid-and-die-now-shes-on-administrative-leave Hidden camera catches teacher saying conservative Christians 'need to get COVID and die.' Now she's on administrative leave. https://www.theblaze.com/news/russia-attacks-ukrainian-hospitals-airports-apartment-buildings Video: Russia attacks airports, hospitals, apartment buildings in Ukraine, is reportedly 'making a move on Kyiv' to overthrow government News
  19. Why Is Critical Race Theory Dangerous For Our Kids? - U.S ... https://www.blackburn.senate.gov › 2021 › 7 › why-is-critical-race-theory-dangerous-for-our-kids Many on the left have tried to dismiss this as a political non-issue, but here in Tennessee, we see opposition to CRT is coming straight from parents and educators. In response, the Tennessee State Legislature passed and Governor Bill Lee signed a bill banning CRT in schools. Still, we must continue to stand firm at a local level. Why Critical Race Theory is a Terrible Idea https://www.neurosemantics.com › why-critical-race-theory-is-a-terrible-idea CRT is a bad idea because it contradicts Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideal of a color-blind society. They refute and object to "color blindness" and demand that we think of people, not in terms of individuals, but group identity. For them, the group or groups you belong to define you. Why Critical Race Theory is So Dangerous https://www.cagle.com › christine-flowers › 2021 › 07 › why-critical-race-theory-is-so-dangerous Many supporters of CRT are trying to go on the counterattack, pretending that these policies are nothing more than an attempt to bring transparency to a discipline - history - which has long glossed over the suffering of minorities. CRT advocates push forcefully back against the suggestion that they are making white children feel bad about ...
  20. Yep, you wouldn't have lasted two days in basic training. Does your nanny dress you each morning? or, you just wear the same feathers every day? Why not actually READ something instead of ccn telling you what emotions to knee jerk by?
  21. yep. obaMao commie. and his ignorant gutless stooge for a VP. Biden was never "all there" ...and now, he's "nowhere"
  22. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/24/germany-spits-in-the-face-of-the-united-states-again-dares-biden-to-challenge-them-n527336 Germany Spits in the Face of the United States Again, Dares Biden to Challenge Them
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