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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Hoorta's, and Neo's, and woodpecker's turd loser president... did not send arms to the Ukraine either, until other countries around the world took action and made him look like the coward he is. White House freezes Ukraine military package ... - POLITICO https://www.politico.com › news › 2021 › 06 › 18 › white-house-ukraine-military-lethal-weapons-495169 Jun 18, 202106/18/2021 01:00 PM EDT. Updated: 06/18/2021 06:53 PM EDT. The Biden White House has temporarily halted a military aid package to Ukraine that would include lethal weapons, a plan originally made ... Joe Biden refuses to say why US is not personally ... https://news.yahoo.com › joe-biden-refuses-why-us-195552551.html Joe Biden has refused to say why the US is not personally sanctioning Vladimir Putin after he Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine. Speaking at the White House on Thursday afternoon, just hours after Russia started attacking cities across Ukraine, Mr Biden announced a set of sanctions against Russia that he claimed would be as damaging as the bombs and bullets being fired by Russian forces.
  2. President Trump was a LEADER and did over 200 good/great things FOR AMERICA. Trump admin approves new sale of anti-tank weapons to Ukraine https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-admin-approves-sale-anti-tank-weapons-ukraine › story?id=65989898 The Trump administration has approved the $39 million sale of defensive lethal weapons to Ukraine, according to two U.S. officials and another source familiar with the plan.. U.S. arms sales to ... Trump gives green light to selling lethal arms to Ukraine ... https://thehill.com › policy › international › 365906-trump-administration-approves-lethal-arms-sales-to-ukraine By John Bowden - 12/20/17 06:00 PM EST 582. The Trump administration on Wednesday approved the sale of lethal arms to Ukraine's government as the country battles pro-Russian separatists in its ...
  3. sissy trolling lies. they never end. Obamao refused to arm the Ukraine. He was and is an UNAmerican coward. Sorry, Joe: Team Obama refused to arm Ukraine at all https://nypost.com › 2019 › 10 › 09 › sorry-joe-team-obama-refused-to-arm-ukraine-at-all Oct 9, 2019In December 2017, the new administration announced that the United States would send the lethal aid to Ukraine that Poroshenko requested and Obama and Biden refused — the sale of $47 million ... When Obama Left Ukraine Defenseless | National Review https://www.nationalreview.com › corner › when-obama-left-ukraine-defenseless The Daily Mail had the report back in March: As a U.S. senator, Barack Obama won $48 million in federal funding to help Ukraine destroy thousands of tons of guns and ammunition - weapons which ... Obama Won't Arm Ukraine Because He Led the Disarming of ... https://www.nationalreview.com › corner › obama-wont-arm-ukraine-because-he-led-disarming-ukraine-andrew-c-mccarthy The Daily Mail had the report back in March: As a U.S. senator, Barack Obama won $48 million in federal funding to help Ukraine destroy thousands of tons of guns and ammunition - weapons which ...
  4. because their "demoquack" politicians can get rich. Yep, doesn't make sense to me, either. Meanwhile, "birds of a feather flock together....woodpecker's party... dems support demoquack party who are nice to russia and communist china while russia tries to commit genocide in the Ukraine (their first attempt): https://www.theblaze.com/news/ukrainian-government-official-shreds-biden-democrats Ukrainian government official shreds Biden, Democrats: 'If Democrats weren’t such p***ies in foreign policy, this might not have happened'
  5. Typical two-faced lefty woodpecker. See, you have insulted everybody? that disagree with, especially your common squawk... "you're a moron", yet you don't know the people you say it to, either. So, let's see, you are anti-2nd Amendment, you are anti everything? America believes in, you seem to not believe in anything except for your own ego and you believe in not believing, and you smart off to people who do. You ridicule anyone who has a real story, because you don't have any real story to tell. So, if we all were in the Ukraine, you would not even be the last person to pick up a gun and fight a big enemy. You never would, I think. I don't remember one time where you planted your beak and stood your ground on something you believe in - seems you believe in nothing. so, it stands to reason that you would never take up arms and fight the redcoats, or nazis, or war criminal russian military in the Ukraine. Your pretend "i'm a victim bird" doesn't fly. and your "big head" ego surely keeps you from flying as well. Have a worm or a bug and get over yourself, woodpecker.
  6. he's an incompetent do nothing, not in his right mind disaster. oh, every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and their country should be apologizing to all the rest of us.
  7. A. I wasn't talking to you. Generally, I have your belligerent crap on ignore. B. I never used the fword. It's way too easy to be creative in expressive my thoughts. C. If the shoe fits, wear it or bake it for a few minutes at 350 degrees for a few minutes and have it for lunch........no, wait, I'm just kidding, don't do that. D. I only associate with friends in real life, some of them are very liberal. I wouldn't hurt their feelings by telling them that, and they wouldn't tell me stuff, either. I let everybody else go their own way just fine. E. If any anti-Trump voter refuses to admit they voted wrong, then they should admit all this damage is on them.
  8. Whiner response further makes it seem like I was far more correct than I thought.
  9. Please take your long winded nonsense and shove it into your own thread. Ukraine supported... A lot of them speak russian? Gosh, the Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union. Or don't you understand what that means? And the Ukraine support nazis? One half of an issue makes you look like maybe you have a point, except the other half makes you look like a moron like woodpecker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_in_German-occupied_Ukraine "By the time the Red Army returned to Ukraine, a significant number of the population welcomed its soldiers as liberators.[1] More than 4.5 million Ukrainians joined the Red Army to fight Nazi Germany, and more than 250,000 served in Soviet partisan paramilitary units, dwarfing the numbers of Hiwis and occupation troops and other anti-Soviet soldiers, even in the early years of the war.[2]" ************************ now read that about 4 times to let it sink in for once. And the Ukraine of today is far, far, far a different country now.
  10. NOPE, unless it's a secure underground city/bunker like in Colorado.
  11. if we were invaded, I don't believe anyone would think you could man up and defend your country. You couldn't even VOTE for your country. You can't stand up for any principle America holds dear, you pizzoff about anything that matters about life. It seems all you care about is your fake ego about having been in college. You, you, you, .......sometimes.....America needs so much more from so many Real Americans who WOULD fight for her. You're just an empty cluster of feathers. There seems to be nothing you take to heart about Real Life. Mostly, I guess, because you haven't lived it. Vitaly's Sacrifice gets me choked up. Love of his Country and his people - so much more important to him. I don't believe there is anything more important than how you feel...to you. sad and empty, I reckon. You never seem to love any principle, anyone....except yourself. The contrast here - shows you what you seem to be - the opposite of a true hero. There are so many of them in Ukraine. John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay ... https://biblehub.com › john › 15-13.htm Verse 13. - Greater love than this (love) no one hath, namely (ἵνα), that one should lay down his life for his friends.Meyer and Lange endeavor to maintain even here the telic force of ἵνα, "The love to you is of so consummate a character, that its object and purpose is seen in my laying down my life for my friends;" and Hengstenberg thinks so because probably a reference here is made ...
  12. See, woodpecker - the Ukraine soldiers know that their families, their country, their freedom ... is far, far more important than themselves. you liberals FEEL nothing is as important as you, putting yourselves on the line - would never occur to you. Sad. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10556813/President-lose-grip-power-doesnt-Ukraine-says-minister.html?ito=windows-widget-push-notification&ci=514420 " Marine who blew himself up to destroy a bridge and halt advancing Russian troops is made a 'Hero of Ukraine' - the country's highest honour Volodmyr Zelensky has declared a marine who blew himself up along with a bridge near Crimea to repel advancing Russian forces a Hero of Ukraine. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Vitaly Shakun was manning the Henichesk bridge in the Kherson region when Kremlin troops advanced and the battalion decided the only way to stop them was to blow up the bridge. It was mined, and Shakun had no time to get out. He texted them and told them he was going to blow up the bridge. Seconds later, they heard an explosion, a post on their Facebook page said. Shakun's efforts dramatically slowed down the Russian advance and allowed his comrades to regroup and re-deploy, the Ukrainian General Staff added. Zelensky has now made Shakun a Hero of Ukraine, the highest national title that can be conferred upon an individual citizen by the country's president. "
  13. very bad. The EU now is putting sanctions on Belarus, who was going to enter the war? Ukraine citizens kneeling in front of russian tanks. A Ukraine citizen carrying a land mine. and we can't even get lefty American voters to vote for their country because the msm made them turn into self-interested hidin biden groupies. sad. Seems that pukin wants a war with NATO to be able to actually become the soviet union again. But you are correct, DH, .... pukin is mentally not right. He is actually dangerously so. I mean, look at this picture. Pukin makes his two military brass sit this far away from him? putrid pukin - megalomaniac
  14. Trudeau is an arrogant, dishonest slut. Canada will not send weapons to Ukraine, boosting cyber ... https://globalnews.ca › news › 8540045 › ukraine-canada-defensive-weapons-russia-standoff He was asked by multiple journalists to provide a clear answer as to why the government has decided not to send weapons to Ukraine. Trudeau repeatedly did not directly answer the questions.
  15. pitiful attempt at a defense. It was good that you voted, but it was sickening that you voted like the main stream lefty media manipulated you to vote. Voting because of Pres Trump's TWEETS? they didn't bother anybody - and the orange tan? and jumping onboard higgardly clinton's fake about "russian collusion" ? and jumping onto the "NY prosecutors gonna...". NOPE. AGAIN FAILED because it was a FAKE in the first place. But you all happily fell for it. "look at ME, I FEEL happy to vote against world peace, America, secure borders, booming economy, energy independence, military strength to deter war and aggression...". it was all about you lefty's and how YOU FEEL. Everything else could go to hell, as long as you FELT elite by joining the fad haters club and voted like you were told. Now....our country is falling apart here and there, world peace is shattered. you voted for a president that you know has NEVER done anything good/great for America in his entire career. Biden has been an incompetent cowardly nutjob faker his entire life. Voting against your own people and country - it's YOU ALL that should go live in russia. You'd be happy at least for a week maybe, til reality sets in, ....maybe.
  16. JAF - a thousand pounds of "mystery secret scooby-do" nonsense crap that goes on and on and on.... is too much for me outside of your universe-sized thread. Thanks🙄
  17. all that equipment biden left in Afghanistan.... the Ukraine could sure use it now. Every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America....has so much blood and guilt on their hands. If they refuse to admit it....
  18. this is great stuff: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/26/ukrainian-president-zelensky-tells-russia-to-pound-sand-and-hits-joe-bidens-impotence-n528342 Ukrainian President Zelensky Tells Russia to Pound Sand — and Hits Joe Biden's Impotence "That rift escalated after Zelensky directly addressed urgings from the Biden administration for him to flee Ukraine instead of remaining to lead his nation’s defense. In a phrase that will no doubt become an iconic part of this entire saga, Ukraine’s president asserted, “I need ammunition, not a ride.” Putin’s main achievement in the last 48 hours is making President Zelensky a global hero. His quote to Americans offering to evacuate him “I need ammunition, not a ride”. — Stig Abell (@StigAbell) February 26, 2022" *********************** I guess biden's offer of a ride out of country was per an instruction by pukin.....
  19. we all need to pray there is no WWIII. but it is history. pukin isn't getting any younger - he has lost his patience entirely, totally cold-blooded. He knows how to pretend he is just another countries leader. but he is more than that, dangerously so. The kind of dangerous that could lead him to lose all patience and risk a WW and he won't care. https://www.grunge.com/441914/the-truth-about-vladimir-putins-kgb-career/
  20. although Georgia conflict was different. That was a historical hostility between russia and Georgia, since 1918. Different situation entirely. https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/opinion/russian-seizure-of-georgian-pipeline-has-dangerous-implications/ See, russia vs Georgia was five days. Bush and the world handled it, got a ceasefire, etc etc etc. Look at the timeline. But it started again... in 09. Why? because obaMao became president after winning in Nov 08, that's why. And when russia took over Georgia's crtitical OIL PIPELINE ? it was in 2015. Guess who was president in 2015. ObaMao commie sombeitch. His vice pres obviously was bramble-brained biden. Now, the Ukraine has been fine except for a corrupt pro-Soviet gov. back then - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_pro-Russian_unrest_in_Ukraine VAST majority of the Ukraine people wanted freedom and closer ties with the west. Now here is where it gets amazing. Yanukovych. ***electoral fraud***. Elected.... favoring EU, etc. then goes full on toward russia. Then became incredibly filthy rich. where did the fortune come from? it wasn't his presidential salary. He was finally removed from office by the Ukraine people for being a traitor and selling them out to russia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych russia has been meddling for years. But invasion? that takes weak leadership in America. obaMao/biden/left. That is how russia prefers to work. obaMao was president. failing to keep controlling the Ukraine (refer to stalin and Holodomor in the distant past) pukin has been seething over the loss of the soviet union and not controlling and "owning" the Ukraine for years. But did not act out and invade until biden was back into our WH.
  21. this moron must be impeached, as well as the other twit as VP. I just can't believe this one. https://www.theblaze.com/news/report-biden-admin-gave-china-intelligence-on-russia-in-bid-for-help-then-china-handed-it-off-to-russia Report: Biden admin gave China intelligence on Russia in bid for help — then China handed it off to Russia
  22. lookin really dangerous. not good. Might want to get a litte food, water, toilet paper. Just in case all hell breaks loose. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/25/russia-threatens-two-more-countries-with-military-and-political-consequences-n528213 Russia Threatens Two More Countries With 'Military and Political Consequences'
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