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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. more haha about genocide in Ukraine? Whoorta? woodpecker? tex? still think it's funny? Mark Alexander: Brace Yourself America: Biden Sent Blinken ... https://patriotpost.us › alexander › 85661-brace-yourself-america-biden-sent-blinken-and-sherman-against-putin-2022-01-19 Perilously, Joe Biden and his domestic enemies of Liberty have eviscerated most of Trump's rock-solid foreign policy with China and Russia, and we are likely to pay a very heavy price for that when Putin crosses the Ukrainian border. The Obama/Biden foreign policy failures are ready for a repeat. But have no fear. Trump was 100% correct… - CITIZEN FREE PRESS https://citizenfreepress.com › breaking › they-mocked-him-but-trump-was-100-correct Can't wait to vote that "SOB" back in to lead & solve problems which there will be many thanks to the incompetent Biden administration & boot licking Democrats in Congress. He'll be unrestrained & free to do the right thing in his final term. We just have to hold on & vote out the Dems in November of 2022 to set up it up for clean up in ...
  2. Of Course Vladimir Putin Invaded Ukraine Under Joe Biden's ... https://ussanews.com › of-course-vladimir-putin-invaded-ukraine-under-joe-bidens-watch Biden's capitulation on Nord Stream 2, abetting Germany's unquenchable desire for more Russian natural gas at the expense of piqued allies such as Poland, presaged the timing of Putin's most recent Ukrainian blitzkrieg. Biden's bestowing an American imprimatur to Nord Stream 2 was a legitimizing event for both Putin and for Russia ... After Sanctions on Russia Fail, Biden Lies About Why He ... https://www.jihadwatch.org › 2022 › 02 › after-sanctions-on-russia-fail-biden-lies-about-why-he-imposed-them Biden is a disgusting man, a liar, creep, et al. Damn dumb too (was even before his dementia). The major thugs of the world like Putin and Xi must be delighted that such an inept, nothing of a man is now holder of the single most powerful office in the world, which for the time being has ceased being the most powerful office in the world as long as the man with no qualities continues to hold it.
  3. Every Biden voter is responsible for every death in ... https://interact.stltoday.com › forums › viewtopic.php?p=11181699 NO, you're the commie, un-American. You voted for Biden the Marxist and it he Biden that let this happen. YOU voted for an incompetent loser and that's who let this happen. Ukrainian blood is on your hands (and everyone else that voted for Biden) you loser.
  4. still proud, tex? Democrat Presidents Have Ukrainian Blood On Their Hands https://www.lifezette.com › 2022 › 02 › democrat-presidents-have-ukrainian-blood-on-their-hands Democrat Presidents Have Ukrainian Blood On Their Hands We lied to Ukraine in 1994. ... Results Vote. Clinton's Nuclear-Sized Mistake- First, there's President Bill Clinton's disastrous ...
  5. pukin won't stop for sanctions that don't matter to him. That is cowardice. It is dishonest at this point to brag about money spent to Ukraine, when dirtbag slut biden refused to send them arms earlier on. Now, it's too late? and not one plane has been sent. Not one tank. The world should have begun to plan to go in and stop the advance a week ago - it MUST STOP NOW. Listening to Zelensky to day at a press conference, he is a great man - a great human being, and a GREAT leader. Every single main stream media darling who voted for obaMao and biden....set the stage for this war to happen. this "president" can't lead a baggie of crap to a dumpster. A missile hit the Ukraine Holocaust Museum - a family of five, Husband, Wife and children - were blasted to death. Kindergartens ... hospitals, churches, schools, apt buildings... where are the "UN peace keeping forces" ? Right now, Turkey won't even join in in sanctions. How many millions of Ukraine folks have to die before the world stands up to another historical violation of an entire country's population? pukin establishes extermination camps for months? Earlier on, if the Ukraine had planes, they could have taken out the convoys on the move. We went in and kicked iraq out of Kuwait, in principle, the world MUST step in and kick pukin the hell out of the Ukraine. pukin has gone full stalin - he won't stop at the Ukraine. AGain, waiting til the conflict grows into a WWIII before you fight to stop it - is SO costly. Stop it TODAY. and grow up and sanction pukin's oil and gas and stop this genocide. it should never have come to this - but gutlessness, corruption, and cowardice by the dems who are in control - gave it a green light. Every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America have American and Ukrainian blood on their hands.
  6. he's a disgrace. far worse the obaMao, far more a liar than Carter, far more a crook than nixon.... and the world is watching pukin commit nazi style war crimes in the Ukraine.
  7. So, a weasel (most of us know who the weasel is.......) and a woodpecker give pukin a ride to a russian bar.......
  8. woodpecker feelings that they think are logical - taking one person they can diss, and applying it to all people they don't like. even entire segments of our population. Have to wonder why he doesn't feel that all engineers are mistake making failures. s This the Most Stupid Engineering Fail Ever? https://wonderfulengineering.com › is-this-the-most-stupid-engineering-fail-ever Admin November 7, 2013 1. Advertisement. Is This the Most Stupid Engineering Fail Ever? The event occurred in 2004 at a pier at Roundstone, in Galway, Ireland. Back in 2004, one blogger described the incident as below. We have certainly have had our ups and downs in the village this year what with somebody falling off the village wall, thank ...
  9. and so many take everything for granted, make ignorant smirking comments about people who do care about what we have. Too many feel that good times are always, and good things never go away - even feel that good times and good things are deserved without helping keep them continuing. That's an important thing about history - if you learn it, you can avoid repeating the same lessons. The underground Resistance during WWII - imagine if you were them. Fighting and dying to get your peoples freedom back. I remember planting too many tomato plants some years ago - after dark. I wanted to get them all planted before it was to rain the overnight. I got done, was walking back to the house, because the rain came early. I got halfway there, in the rain, and slipped in the mud, and fell directly on my elbow. Dislocated my shoulder, and completely tore a rotator cuff. I finally got up and went inside, My Wife came running in fast, knowing I was hurt because I was too quiet, lol, ... the days and a few months of rehab - a young gal physical therapist had me doing "itsy bitsy spider" up a wall with my fingers on my repaired shoulder arm. I can tell you, getting all the way back, and being able to button my own jeans and tie my own shoes was special. lol. Being able to throw hay bales again meant so much to me. I had never thought about being grateful for two great shoulders before. If we ever hit hard times again, so many will not have a clue of how to work to be taking care of themselves and their families. Seems that so many don't value what they have always had. spoiled.
  10. yep, I'm thinkin russian bot. maybe that is why you know who splashed garbage all over this particular thread. Russian Propagandists Are in Overdrive Right Now, Creating ... https://www.latestly.com › socially › social-viral › fact-check › russian-propagandists-are-in-overdrive-right-now-creating-content-that-attempts-to-latest-tweet-by-snopes-com-3419148.html The latest Tweet by snopes.com states, 'Russian propagandists are in overdrive right now, creating content that attempts to convince viewers that the Kremlin's unprovoked attack on Ukraine is justified. ...' 🔎 Russian Propagandists Are in Overdrive Right Now, Creating Content That Attempts to ... - Latest Tweet by Snopes.com. Russia's Propaganda & Disinformation Ecosystem - 2022 ... https://miburo.substack.com › p › russias-propaganda-and-disinformation Share. In April 2021, our team published an overview of the Russian propaganda and disinformation ecosystem—the media networks, outlets, and websites that often toe the Kremlin line, spread Russian propaganda or disinformation, and even, in some cases, take direction from Russian intelligence services or the Russian state.. While our 2021 chart was imperfect, it attempted to outline the ... Russian propagandists claim thousands have been 'tortured ... https://theworldnews.net › gb-news › russian-propagandists-claim-thousands-have-been-tortured-and-killed-by-ukraine Russian propagandists claim thousands have been 'tortured and killed' by Ukraine. Russian state TV has whipped up hysteria by highlighting a Donbas fighter claiming that Ukrainian nationalists will "kill and butcher you all, and hang your children on wires". It comes as Moscow relentlessly moved military assets towards Ukraine and conducted ... Facebook Sends a Serious Warning to Russia - TheStreet https://www.thestreet.com › technology › facebook-sends-a-serious-warning-to-russia Russian propagandists ran a handful of websites masquerading as independent news outlets, publishing claims about the West betraying Ukraine and Ukraine being a failed state. Putin's propaganda: Channeling the rabid 'Protocols of the ... https://www.haaretz.com › world-news › europe › .premium-putin-s-propaganda-channeling-the-rabid-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion-1.10638976 Solovyov is considered one of the major propagandists of Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime, and therefore it's not surprising that in that statement, at the beginning of his broadcast, he integrated two key Orwellian concepts underlining the Kremlin's moves these days: the first is that the invasion of Ukraine is not a war, but rather an "operation," and the
  11. Sounds like a progressive town in a hard core demoquack town? This is repulsive. The russian regime is going to start WWIII I think. They are out of control dangerously arrogant with a leader that is worse. ********************************************* https://www.theblaze.com/news/russia-kids-detained-protest-ukraine Russian police detain 5 children for trying to lay flowers at Ukrainian embassy in Moscow "Russian police detained two women and five children who were trying to lay flowers at the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow, according to a report on social media. Alexandra Arkhipova said in the Facebook post Tuesday that the mothers and their children were held in a police van before being taken to a police station. She posted photographs and video of the children in the detainment center behind bars in the Russian station. She also claimed that the police threatened to take away custody of the children from their mothers."
  12. typical woodpecker - one person that he can find fault with, is exactly like every other person who he doesn't. Thank goodness he doesn't pick a really messed up black demorat terrorist serial killer. To be consistent - he'd have to diss ALL black folks as just like the demorat. Pretty flimsy, invalid excuse for bigotry, I must say.
  13. How can he survive as a coach? He is a problem. Now at Grambling, offended a lot of people there with a hire. https://www.brownsnation.com/hue-jackson-causing-controversy-at-grambling/ Hue Jackson Causing Controversy At Grambling
  14. that would be going from the frying pan into the fire. lol. There is no free country for us to escape to. Maybe I'll go buy another little box of ammo. lol
  15. it just seems cowardly and self-adoring to 100% of the time - spew out contrarian and antagonistic asswholeish deliberate attention getting bs posts to any thread.... and divert from the subject at hand. Whoorta, tex, and woodpecker - the "look at ME...lonesome threesome".
  16. actually, there is an explanation for that - she identifies as an animal, which explains a lot: https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-7799173-north-american-raccoon-procyon-lotor-washing-his
  17. the scum russians are committing war crimes to frighten and intimidate the Ukraine people into submission. Right out of the nazi and terrorist book. The UN is feckless and corrupt - why spend any to support the farce? This could have been prevented, ...the difference between here and there is not very much considering that the world has gotten so much "smaller" all these years. My heart breaks for the people of the Ukraine. pukin now rivals stalin as being the worst war crimes russian/soviet criminally insane ruler in all history. I'm thinking it will be Moldova ? next. Then hostilities will begin on NATO countries, and it will be too late to prevent a WWIII.
  18. And putrid pukin will not stop, I think. Another country will be invaded by the russians. then.... Poland, etc, will be undermined until they get some excuse to invade. world war. Hope the hell not, but I think it may very well happen. https://100percentfedup.com/breaking-president-of-belarus-accidentally-reveals-what-country-putin-may-invade-next/
  19. and biden coward refused to help. Until several other countries acted and made him out to be corrupt loser faoe he's always been. so sad. I said there would be a war. I hope it doesn't turn into a world war. Taiwan isn't NATO either. Bet on communist china seeing the world of cowards doing a neville chamberlain impression, only acting a little bit, way too late. I saw it in NOVEMBER. All that equipment could have been moved from afghanistan TO THE UKRAINE. like chamberlain - the nazis and russians sensed weakness. and Britain paid a terrible price. America tried desperately to stay out of the war....til it grew into a major global war. Had they acted way earlier - it could all have been stopped. Now, russia is targeting apartment buildings, targeting civilians anywhere - with terrifying deadly weapons. Kindergarten. Elementary school. Hospitals. The Holocaust memorial..... Men, women and children dying horrible deaths of violence, because whoorta, woodpecker, etc etc.... climbed on board the liberal owned main stream media and voted against Pres Trump and their own country. Just a disgrace. War crimes around the Ukraine by russians. Beecause of lies, fake investigations, false testimony, and his "orange tan" and "tweets". Well, tweet this - a lot of us hold you anti-Pres Trump and America voters responsible. This invasion would NEVER have happened if Pres Trump was president still. I hope it comes to you sometime or another. Posted November 21, 2021 disastrous, corrupt, and incompetent presidency and congress - russia AND communist china will move to take advantage. They would NEVER have done it during Pres Trump's presidency. all hell may break loose. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/u-s-intel-shows-mass-russia-troop-buildup-near-ukraine/vi-AAQYfa9 U.S. Intel Shows Mass Russia Troop Buildup Near Ukraine
  20. yep. biden opens our borders all year, then dares to say he's going to strengthen our borders? he created a crisis to use it politically. more fancy lies cover up for his lifetime of failing. big, serious trouble is getting worse. Oh, and "confirm my nominee so we can control inflation" ??? priceless. Meanwhile, Ukraine men, women and children are being targeted by pukin';s puke soldiers. It's a heartbreak.
  21. It's history - it was true years before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Ukraine But the Ukraine people elected an excellent leader. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/volodymyr-zelensky-ukraine-president-russia/ so, I don't consider the Ukraine gov corrupt - bu undoing the corrupt in a former soviet dominated satellite, if a tough job.
  22. old news - that was the pro-russian corrupt hack. NOT ZELENSKI.
  23. for all the world to see. ***************************************************** Ukraine invasion demonstrates the importance of the Second Amendment Ukraine has nothing like a Second Amendment, but by European standards, their gun regulation is fairly friendly, especially regarding rifles. And now that their country is being invaded, the government has loosened the rules and authorized public carry of firearms. And as one reporter put it, weapons are being "handed out like candy." What's ironic is how the media is gushing over ordinary Ukrainian citizens acquiring guns as if they've finally discovered the meaning of "keep and bear arms" after spending decades spitting in the face of American gun owners. And of course the silence of gun control advocates puts their hypocrisy on full display. What you're watching is a brutal, real-time demonstration of why gun ownership is at the core of a free people. And it should be obvious to everyone why it's not a privilege, but a basic human right. I'm hoping to take a deep dive into Ukraine's gun laws and the role of citizens in Ukraine's defense in an upcoming podcast. Stay tuned. In the meantime, let's say a prayer for these brave men and women defending their homes and families. Yours for Liberty, Dean Rieck Executive Director
  24. I think we need a lot of "BIDEN IS A DEMENTED COWARD" bumper stickers made. and others....
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