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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. starting THINKING instead of only feeling. biden's "build back better" ? need to pass it to fix our bridges and roads? This gov manipulates you to believe that. Makes you FEEL valiant? Just another lie. Somehow, don't you lefties want to STOP being their stooges? ******************************* https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/03/04/biden-takes-a-swipe-at-joe-manchin-and-twists-the-truth-into-a-pretzel-n531868 Biden Takes a Swipe at Joe Manchin and Twists the Truth Into a Pretzel From Daily Mail: ‘The Build Back Better piece. What people don’t realize, mainly because one senator from West Virginia talks about how it’s all social spending – well, you know, all the money in Build Back Better provisions, there is about $500 billion of it is for the environment,’ he said in the Substack interview. ‘Five hundred billion is for the environment. But the other parts are for the best way to deal with people who have been getting the short end of the stick, as they say, for a long time,’ Biden told the Boston College historian. Imagine telling people who are being crushed by Bideninflation that hey, we’re spending a lot of it on the environment. Biden is so clueless, he doesn’t get that doesn’t help, it just makes things worse. Plus, if he thinks that continuing to take swipes at Manchin and singling him out is going to help convince him, he’s already found out that didn’t work and it ticked Manchin off. Maybe he should be wondering why Manchin was sitting with the Republicans during the SOTU? Unlike Biden, Manchin is focused on not making inflation worse. Biden just wants to keep spending more, not seeming to care or understand that’s the primary cause of inflation.
  2. what in the hell...... https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/03/04/joe-bidens-defense-department-cancels-a-long-scheduled-missile-test-because-of-offending-the-russians-they-need-for-an-iran-nuclear-deal-n531713
  3. I guess biden is afraid of getting him and hunter in trouble over the moscow mayor's...wife? giving them a ton of money
  4. although, pukin did it in secret - but it was found out, by our intel I guess
  5. Baker will be the starter next year you betcha. Meanwhile, the comparisons between Wilson and Chase sure seem to be legit. and Wilson is huge on being paired with Baker...again. https://www.brownsnation.com/garrett-wilson-would-like-to-reunite-with-baker-mayfield/ “Baker’s my guy,” Wilson said at the NFL Combine. “He was always a little older than me and he would come back and he coached 7-on-7. During the quarantine, we actually threw together a couple times. So I know that Baker’s a great player, and we have a good relationship.”
  6. really irresponsible - and dangerous. like giving intel to commie china so they can give it to russia. Like telegraphing that you are going to get russian oligarchs' assests, gives them plenty of time to laugh and move out of reach.
  7. yep. FEAR - to dangerous to disagree with pukin - informers, secret police everywhere. Their version of msnbc/cnn etc doesn't let them know about the war? russia has a long-standing deathly cancel culture. You disagree you die. Liberals feel that way here in our good ole U.S.A.
  8. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/03/03/biden-makes-insane-claim-about-the-russians-insults-americans-as-staffers-boot-press-again-n531203
  9. I know what you are saying, but bad people get guns under the table anyways, so.... now, liberals let violent offenders go free, but want to put the screws to hundreds of millions of good folks who own gun(s) to screw with the 2nd Amendment. anyone who is sincerely concerned about gun deaths in big cities should be offended - the political attack on the 2nd Amendment won't lower the violence in the big cities one bit. It's an excuse to be allowed to establish tyranny - oppressive control. Like goober warning. Like covid. Any excuse is their go to excuse.
  10. true, but if not convicted, I meant - I should have said "really bad temper but never actually crossed the line..." I suppose. Universal background checks are dangerous. they have to know exactly where the gun owners are, their addresses, etc, and who owns each gun, serial numbers, what type of gun, etc. Or, they would never have any idea that it was sold at a garage sale, to a friend, or transferred over to children in a will, etc. The left demands to know that information. They would love to use it against Americans. Not to be confused with selling it to someone who is not allowed to own one. That is why if I sold one, which I wouldn't, I would go through a gun dealer via background check. That is how auctions work, too. Have to have a background check.
  11. I wish both Wilson and Olave were 6'3"....like Michael Thomas. Don't really know what difference it would make, outside of being a slightly bigger target.
  12. translation: "Men, women and children are being murdered by my happy vote against Pres Trump and I don't care jimmy crack corn and it isn't my fault even though I'm guilty of a terrible vote but I will never admit it and nothing is my fault cause I'm a liberal hack troll"
  13. I am not sure, either. I believe it's a result of constant demoquack interference with 2nd Amendment rights. "may issue".....some city with a sheriff that doesn't like CCW. Threats of raising the training and license fees to high levels to fight the 2nd Amendment. I'm fine with the background check, and license. But it is only for three years. Not sure why the 3 years. It's like "universal background checks"... it's a trojan horse. Can lend a gun to a trusted friend to hunt with, can't leave a gun to your own son/daughter without another backround check, then it will be "universal background checks" every year. Every six months. and of course, tracking the location of every single gun .... which is their end game to get around gun registration. Once they know where every singal gun owner is, they can publish all names and addresses like they doxxed in NY. Someone with a history of domestic violence doesn't need a license and a background check? I don't think so, maybe I am not understanding the bill..... intially I thought it was about open carry, which I would never do, but we have that already, so...
  14. liar. we chose to wear ours. In buildings out west. and hand sanitizer. Didn't complain much - we have quit wearing them a lot of places. If i go to a small, crowded store, or a gun show or something, I will still wear it. Who loves wearing them? and it was my Niece's mother in law who has a serious immunity problem. We never got covid, so we're good. Worked for us, not a huge threat now...for now. So, tell us, are you happy about your vote still? happy about the genocide in the Ukraine? get real for first? time in your life. You upset about your vote? or running and hiding and continuing to kiss your own butt and ego? Meanwhile, I clearly said there was goin to be a war. At least as far back as Nov. This is March. Now there is a war. You don't understand much of anything about life at all. Really pitiful. Do you molt all the freaking time, every day?
  15. furthermore, fredo neo....in your face goes the truth: the UN is corrupt, the WHO is completely corrupt, and guess where the IAEA fits in: https://undercurrents723949620.wordpress.com/2021/05/14/world-health-organizations-ties-to-industry/ World Health Organization’s Ties to Industry, Gates “TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, delves into the corruption behind the World Health Organization https://youtu.be/xRBEvmtLme8 Industry influences, from Big Tobacco to the nuclear industry and pharmaceuticals, dictated WHO’s global agenda from the start; WHO’s 2009 H1N1 pandemic response was heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry WHO works closely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a promotor of the nuclear industry, and has downplayed health effects caused by the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters WHO’s investigation into COVID-19’s origins is corrupt, as China was allowed to hand pick the members of the WHO’s investigative team, which includes Peter Daszak, Ph.D., who has close professional ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that was being investigated The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the biggest funder of WHO when Donald Trump stopped U.S. funding, making Gates’ priorities the backbone of WHO Given the strong and ongoing evidence that WHO is heavily influenced, if not outright controlled, by Bill Gates and industry, WHO’s usefulness as a guardian of public health needs to be reevaluated
  16. go lick the IAEA's butts. This is from the people who ARE THERE, stupid. **************************************** https://www.rferl.org/a/chernobyl-radiation-levels-ukraine-invasion/31723877.html Ukraine Says Radiation Levels Elevated In Chernobyl Zone; UN Says Not To Worry ************************ so, stupid, the higher levels in the Chernobyl zone, coupled with the possible release of radiation from the 6X larger than Chernobyl plant, will be a disaster across Europe...or russia, depending on air currents. ************************* and, your IAEA is corrupt, just like the UN. Ukraine Says Radiation Levels Elevated In Chernobyl Zone; UN Says Not To Worry ****************************************** meanwhile... IAEA ineffective, or corrupt to the core? « Fire Earth https://feww.wordpress.com › 2016 › 01 › 11 › iaea-ineffective-or-corrupt-to-the-core Sent by a reader... edited by FEWW-JMC "Atoms for Peace" The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was set up in 1957 supposedly to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to prevent its use for military purpose, including nuclear weapons. It's based in Vienna, and has "Regional Safeguards Offices," one in Toronto and the… IAEA warns Ukraine crisis raises the risk of nuclear ... https://corruptionbycops.com › 2022 › 03 › 02 › iaea-warns-ukraine-crisis-raises-the-risk-of-nuclear-accidents The IAEA's Grossi said the agency had been informed by Russia on Tuesday that its troops had taken control of the territory around Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant. Situated in the southeast of the country, the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant is Ukraine's largest and houses six of its 15 operational nuclear power reactors.
  17. I'm waiting for whoorta, woodpecker and tex to stop feeling happy men, women and children are being murdered by their pukin's military. Honest Americans are SICK over it. but not them. Seems they would make good russians.
  18. woodpecker is addicked to his own beak and feathered sick superego.
  19. so, biden and the demoquacks and every one of the voters who voted against Pres Trump and America..... are directly involved in russian collusion I think.
  20. high radiation levels have been detected. It's all out world war, now, but only the brave heroes of Ukraine are fighting it. Pukin has already threatened Norway and Sweden... and his navy has hit some NATO ships in the Black Sea. and whorta's , woodpecker's and tex's biden insists on buying a LOT of oil from russia to finance it. Blood on al their hands.
  21. translation: "my biden is doing a great job at encouraging russia to commit genocide while he buys russian oil and makes us lefties happy. Deaths of Ukraine men, women and children is good for fighting global warming..."
  22. except for wimpy liberals who refuse to learn history, and continue to ridicule everything in the world, to continually FEEL like "gods". and their refusal to admit their votes caused the current war in the Ukraine.
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