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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. that naiils it. I wonder if any lefties ever once even read one of Pres Trump's "mean tweets" apparently, they think genocide was worth how they feel to vote against Pres Trump and their own country and peace through strength. Still waiting for just ONE to admit what they've done.
  2. tex, whoorta, woodpecker, etc... voted for this corrupt hell bent bunch of asswholes and won't admit that they caused this genocide in the Ukraine by their hero's cowardice, ineptness, and ignorance. seems not one will admit it. being a liberal means "everything we screw up is everybody else's fault we caused it haha" bs. again - they worship themselves, nothing else matters, they don't respect anything else. I wonder if their cnn or mscommunistnbc is even talking about the horror their leftwing weasels have caused. they voted for this to happen, like it or not. I wonder if any one of them in this country who still don't admit their sick mistake in voting - "what is more improtant - your ego and elitist feelings? or genocide in the Ukraine and threats of nukes ? Seems not one would answer the latter. They would rather keep trying to change the subkect and talk about lead poisoning. When will it ever end.
  3. the demoquack party has now had control of both houses of Congress, and the wh, and men, women and children are being blown to bits, deliberately, but the nazirussians. Out of control inflation is happening, and it's just the beginning. russia says sanctions are a declaration of war, if you don't stfu, it's a declaration of war, nuke threats, cyber attacks threatened, russia tells democrat controlled gov to jump and they say "ok, we'll let men women and children be blasted by bombs and missiles and be shot on the streets in the Ukraine, and this gov whimpers. Cowards in our WH because Pres Trump had an "orange tan" ? Hospitals, maternity wards, grade schools, apartment buildings, etc.... and woodpecker's left gov tries to USE it as a lever to pass their political get leftwing votes for the next election? dammit. all because the social media manipulated a whole subculture of happy ego/emotion/self-interest Americans to "hate" Pres Trump and everything about America. So tragic.
  4. Holocaust discussion - woodpecker changes the subject. War crimes, genocide currently going on in the Ukraine...... woodpecker changes the subject. This subject isn't even politics. No admitting responsibility for voting against their own country.
  5. can't stop it either. 4,000 miles on a 2 week vacation out west, and we saw a recharger station..... in Custer, S. Dakota. yeah, we will NEVER buy one. When a leftwing gov needs even MORE money, as they always do, they will charge you a lot more for the same service. Or charge more in red states. kiinda like being dependent on russian oil. they gotcha over a barrel. No pun intended.
  6. mported Chinese Products Continue To Contain Lead and ... https://jonathanturley.org › 2016 › 03 › 19 › imported-chinese-products-continue-to-contain-lead-and-cadmium-this-time-its-childrens-jewelry Under Washington's Children's Safe Products Act, items intended for children cannot contain more than 40 parts per million of cadmium. In four pieces of jewelry sold packaged with a girl's clothing item, Ecology's testing found cadmium at levels up to 984,000 parts per million, meaning the item was 98 percent cadmium. Lead in Foods, Cosmetics, and Medicines | Sources of Lead ... https://www.cdc.gov › nceh › lead › prevention › sources › foods-cosmetics-medicines.htm Ba-baw-san is a Chinese herbal remedy that contains lead. It is used to treat colic pain or to pacify young children. Daw Tway is a digestive aid used in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). Analysis of Daw Tway samples showed them to contain as much as 970 parts per million (ppm) of lead. ... People selling these products may not know if the products ... Lead-Tainted Kids' Shoes From China Seized At Seattle Port ... https://www.huffpost.com › entry › kids-shoes-lead-seized-china-seattle_n_1578330 Some 1,700 pairs of children's shoes contaminated with three times the legal limit for lead landed at a Seattle port on Wednesday. The $23,000 worth of footwear, made in China and destined for U.S. stores, joins a growing list of toxic consumer products -- from jewelry kits to toy robots -- that have been seized by customs agents. Experts warn of high levels of chemicals in clothes by ... https://www.cbc.ca › news › business › marketplace-fast-fashion-chemicals-1.6193385 Scientists found that a jacket for toddlers, purchased from Chinese retailer Shein, contained almost 20 times the amount of lead that Health Canada says is safe for children. A red purse, also... Images for chinese children's products contain lead More Images Made in China: Seven toxic imports - The Week https://theweek.com › articles › 498611 › made-china-seven-toxic-imports In 2007, 467 different types of toys made in China were recalled—including a slew of toys containing lead paint, which can harm brain development in children. Among the most notable were some of... Lead in Consumer Products | Sources of Lead | CDC https://www.cdc.gov › nceh › lead › prevention › sources › consumer-products.htm website or 1-800-638-2772. CPSC also has a new policy addressing lead in children's metal jewelry. Get your child tested for lead exposure If you think that your child has been exposed to a product containing lead, contact your child's health care provider. Most children who are exposed to lead have no symptoms. EnvironmentalChemistry.com: Made in China with lead or ... blog.environmentalchemistry.com › 2007 › 08 › made-in-china-with-lead-or-other-toxins.html 900,000 Children's Necklaces and Charm Bracelets Recalled by Cardinal Distributing Co. Due to Lead Poisoning Hazard(Made in India) Various Metal Key Chains Recalled by Dollar General for Lead Poisoning Hazard A&A Global Industries Recalls Children's Bracelets Due to Lead Poisoning Hazard List of Problem Chinese Imports Grows : NPR - NPR.org https://www.npr.org › templates › story › story.php?storyId=11656278 Yellow and red paint on the recalled products contain lead. If ingested by young children, lead is toxic and can cause adverse health and developmental effects, including long-term neurological... 50% of toys from China contain toxins, study reveals ... https://www.poisonedpets.com › half-toys-tested-china-contain-toxins-posing-danger-children-pets 50% of toys from China contain toxins, study reveals. A Chinese consumer organization recently warned Chinese parents to not to let children put toys in their mouths after many were found to contain a toxic agent that could cause liver or kidney damage. This stunning advice came after the Consumer Council found phthalates at concentrations up ...
  7. sad. so many are finding out so late that the fake promises to them only made for them to become complete emotional knee-jerking fools.
  8. It's a great idea. 22 wmr were harder to find last time I checked. We are headed for all hell breaking loose - and it's only the early second year of this leftwing asswhole fiasco.
  9. Pres Trump was absolutely RIGHT. Now NATO sees the destruction from their Neville Chamberlain butt kiddings of putin. Too late. Someone should write a book "Why NATO and fake utopian liberals slept and caused war crimes by russia"
  10. it's liberal wingnut thing. They happily offend at every turn, it makes them FEEL GOOD. but if they get offended or pretend to be offended, they FEEL BAD, so the latter should NOT be allowed to happen. the russians blasted a maternal hospital. A man saw the video - his wife and child were murdered. Attempted genocide/war crimes because of the votes of those who voted against Pres Trump, all of us, and against our country. All hell could break loose, but haven't seen any of them admit it yet. Blood on their hands.
  11. the dems are so corrupt - the only reason biden will ban russian oil is because both parties in Congress and even European countries shamed his handlers into it. Tragically - the left doesn't go by honoring principles, they go by how they feel. They have now delayed til it's nearly too late for the Ukraine. Men, women and children are being blasted and shot to death, all because social media inspired lefties to want to belong their fraudulent propaganda club against Pres Trump. 71% of Americans strongly believe this invasion would NOT HAVE HAPPENED if Pres Trump was president. It's too late - all your votes made you happy, and now none of us can believe the war crimes going on, deliberately, by pukin and the russian nazi like military. Maybe next time some of you anti-America voters will understand to vote FOR YOUR COUNTRY.
  12. yes, it's true, but not now. The Ukraine people fixed that.
  13. nope. We will be playing cards in our underground bunker, which is what I call our basement. Or, in the barn - it has a metal roof so .........🙄
  14. that's tough - since the wr class is really deep. If experts figure Wilson is the next best wr coming into the draft that is like Chase..... I trust these Browns to figure it out.
  15. Oh, btw https://www.theblaze.com/news/russian-forces-firing-rockets-at-kharkiv-institute-a-dangerous-move-considering-there-s-a-nuclear-reactor-inside-the-building
  16. Having said that, it could be WWIII, fallout around the world, a mega earthquake, asteriod hitting earth, who knows. But having extra food, ability to have good water - seriously important, medicines.... I've been studying plant medicines and food all around us. It's amazing. Been interested in it since our hs grad wilderness adventure where I was taught how to use it on myself by an old American Indian, who went to canada instead of going to war in WWII. Those plants I used worked outstandingly. Been intrigued ever since. If it all falls apart, having some extra food put away would be a great thing, even if it is only a blackout for a few weeks. (russia could take down our grid entirely maybe - who knows) I think I'll go make myself some pickled eggs.
  17. and, this should never have come to this. and, establishing a "no fly zone" - too late. What I mean is, obamao/biden/ pukin is even saying sanctions are an act of war. Not bending over to get yer ass kicked is "an act of war" to him. Apparently, pukin has his mistress and children hidden away in another country. Why the )(&*)(& would he do that? He is ready for going all out, nuclear war, to bring back his soviet union dreams, or die. All this would never have happened if Pres Trump was president - HE was ARMING the Ukraine way, way ahead of time. Sad to say, Poland is going to send their migs to the Ukraine, they just need America to get them our jet fighters to stay strong enough pukin won't start invading them. The genocide in the Ukraine, and that IS what it is, war crimes, deliberate civilian populated targets..... has been going on. only NOW germany realizes that playing the hokey pokey with russia was a mistake. NOW they are sending help to the Ukraine. I'm afraid it's too late for the Ukraine people. Pukin finally went for it after America was divided badly, and lacked any legit leadership whatsoever. So, WWIII may start after pukin takes the Ukraine, if he does - this war criminal won't stop. It's how he came to power - just like hitler..... until he is stopped. Darn. I never did get myself an AR-15.....
  18. The russians have been working on the military offensive might for many decades. Read the book "Germs..." America and the soviets entered into a NON offensive bioweapon treaty. found out after the soviet union collapsed, that as soon as the treaty was signed, the soviets went UNDERGROUND and increased their funding for secret offensive bioweapon lab research. the russians are very much similar to the nazis - scary stuff. But hopefully, WWIII is avoided, or it's destruction and damage everywhere on the planet. pukin seems to be playing "russian roulette" - he either becomes the supreme leader of the soviet union times 10x, or he dies. We don't want to die. But he has lost his mind.
  19. well, it invoved Iran attacking Israel, which they never did, it was iffy that Iran would, as a result of a "goahead" from Russia... to distract America and Israel from being involved in Syria. Syria says Israeli strike near Damascus kills 3 soldiers ... https://abcnews.go.com › International › wireStory › syria-israeli-strike-damascus-kills-soldiers-83078037 DAMASCUS, Syria -- Israel fired several missiles toward Syrian military positions near the capital Damascus early Thursday, killing three soldiers and causing material damage, state media reported ...
  20. Seriously, for my own edification....why is it not so much?
  21. on the news - russia says a deal with iran will require dropping sanctions on russia. I still can't believe that the Ukraine went with a deal to get rid of their nuclear weapons, while russia promised to not invade and America (bill clinton slut) promised that we would come to their defense. so, stalin boy pukin waits, seethes and waits, until fools elect a mentally warped, corrupt coward to run our country.... into the ground.
  22. Russia has been getting ready for it for decades. They have an ICBM that can hold TWELVE missiles, commonly called "satan". They have fired on NATO ships already. Assasination hit squads just murdering people right and left, including journalists. Meanwhile, pukin hitler has threatened Finland and Sweden - to not even think of joining NATO. Why is that? because he is on an all out war to rebuild the soviet union, that's why. War ciminal pukin is all in on a WW to get that back. He's let the world know just how danerously cold blooded and vicious he is. and biden is still buying oil from russia while russia commits war crimes via his military. 100 Million dollars a day to help russia fund gencide and war crimes all around the Ukraine. Moldova will be next. Then Poland, Latvia. He'll say several countries sent arms to Ukraine to try to stop him, already said that was aggression. Our gov is cowardly and completely self-destructive and incompetent - mentally screwed up and corrupt. It's pukin's time to go for broke. Waiting, going full Neville Chamberlain , just lets the conflict grow and grow - which will probably end up a World War. Every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America.... caused this to finally happen. They are responsible for not taking that election seriously. It's so must despair and agony because of gutless votes for biden and all votes against Pres Trump. People in russia don't believe russia has invaded the Ukraine - their "media" lies. We are right there with the corrupt lies with cnn, msnbc, etc. pukin knows it's now or never. and the reluctance, self interest, and cowardice of russia's enemies will never be so easy to ignore. Just seems history is going to repeat itself, again. IF anyone thinks russia will stop at the Urkaine - they should read the history. pukin and russia have gone full nazi. russian hit squads fired on journalists in a car, to murder them: https://www.theblaze.com/news/russians-targeting-on-scene-journalists-with-their-bullets-report Report: Sky News reporter ambushed and shot by Russian troops while covering Ukraine invasion
  23. Greenflation. Bidenflation. Take your pick. But no matter what you call it, President Joe Biden's anti-energy agenda is hurting everyday Americans -- and his State of the Union address proved the president doesn't plan to change course. That's why it's up to pro-American energy activists like you and me to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear ... and to send a message that enough is enough. Please join the American Energy Alliance and pro-American energy supporters across the country to tell President Biden he MUST abandon this failed "green" scheme and restore energy abundance in America. For 50 years, misguided D.C. politicians have been pushing their "green" agenda on the American people. Yet this fascination with weak, intermittent, and renewable energies has never paid off. In just one year under President Biden, the American people have seen: • The loss of American energy independence, which President Trump had previously achieved thanks to his pro-energy agenda. Now, there's been a 29% increase in oil imports from Russia, while our Canadian allies and friends are shut out thanks to President Biden's cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline. • Rising prices at the gas pump and in home utility bills, as the green left's favorite bad ideas, from the Paris Agreement to undermining American energy producers, necessarily increase costs for consumers like you. (Those "green jobs" supposedly coming to help the thousands lost from the Keystone Pipeline's shutdown haven't emerged either.) • Our country put on the fast track to dependence on often-hostile foreign regimes, including Russia and China. Tragically, we're now witnessing the horror of energy dependence and what it has wrought on the European continent after the attacks of Vladimir Putin's Russia on Ukraine. It's time to tell President Biden that he MUST abandon his failed energy agenda ... unleash the power of America's energy producers ... and make sure our country has affordable, abundant, and reliable energy to fuel our freedom and our way of life. Join the American Energy Alliance to contact the White House now! The more of us who speak up, the better our chances to get American energy back on track. Under President Trump, our country saw what American energy producers are capable of, as the United States achieved energy independence, affordable and abundant energy at home, and a new status as an energy-producing superpower globally. If we don't change course and return to pro-energy policies now, we could lose our bright future ... for good. Stand with the American Energy Alliance and tell President Biden to give up his "green" schemes and restore America's energy greatness again.
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