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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. in woodpecker world, smart-ass stupid comments are brilliant because he feels like a big bird.
  2. when you grow up, hopefully you will know...er....FEEL the difference between false allegations with no evidence.... and legitimate fault with plenty of legit proof. Do your stupid feathers ALWAYS get in the way? I can post a long, long list of good/great things Pres Trump accomplished for America. YOu name ONE good/great thing your obaMao/biden ever did good/great for America. Go for it. Name one.
  3. Here is Pres Trump's good/great things he did for America. Now, you name just ONE thing biden has ever done good/great for America. we'll wait. you could stfu if it helps you try to be honest. Trump Administration Accomplishments - The White House https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › trump-administration-accomplishments First president in history to attend the March for Life. Stood up for religious liberty in the United States and around the world. Protected the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, teachers, and groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor. First president to convene a meeting at the United Nations to end religious persecution.
  4. liberals always fail - they act out of self-centered emotions and their sick egos require them to blame anything/everything/everyone else instead of them admitting they love pukin's power and wish they had it.
  5. See dick and jan play softball. See kamoola harris say dick is a racist and a homophobe See kamoola throw a softball at dick's groin. See joe biden tell jane to "come here and let me sniff and slobber on you, and I will nominate you for the supreme court. see pukin destroy the ukrain and murder men, women and children intentionally. see liberal voters for biden/harris laugh. see how America has already been badly damaged.
  6. Things are falling apart. On my way home from the store - gas was $4.69. pukin was just waiting for cowardly morons to be in our WH and congress, and he sees it. 71% say this would NEVER have happened if Pres Trump was still president. the kremlin saw that our military is being gayed and transed and woked.... and a bumbling coward, liar and fake asswhole as president. No time like now for him to go to war and tell America to kiss his azz or he'll nuke us.
  7. Meanwhile, I've been dehydrating sliced strawberries and bananas. Bananas are different - you need to slice them up about a quarter inch, and dip them in lemon juice or citric acid, and then put them on the tray.... you can also dehydrate dates, and grind them up into sugar. and it's time to make my own sauerkraut again. that is some excellent stuff.
  8. old trick - thousands of pages to read in a short time, then they insert crap. https://republicandaily.com/2022/03/democrat-spending-bill-contains-serious-expansion-of-federal-gun-control/ Democrat Spending Bill Contains ‘Serious Expansion of Federal Gun Control’ ************************* dangerous corruption more and more
  9. I was never able to open these things before I found out, that ya can right click and select "open link in new private window" and it opens right up.
  10. Inflation is Biden's fault, and only Biden's fault https://nypost.com › 2022 › 03 › 10 › inflation-is-bidens-fault-and-only-bidens-fault 1 day agoInflation is theft. It siphons money particularly from poor, working and middle-class Americans. But Joe Biden fueled it with absurd fiscal policies that included continuing to pay people not to ... Inflation soars to highest point in 40 years as Biden ... https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › 2022 › mar › 10 › us-inflation-sets-a-fresh-40-year-high-over-past-y 1 day agoInflation soared by 7.9% over the past 12 months, the federal government reported Thursday, with Americans besieged by higher gasoline, food and housing prices in a tumultuous election year for ... Biden's inflation plan will only pour 'fuel on the fire ... https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › 2022 › mar › 10 › bidens-inflation-plan-will-only-pour-fuel-fire-war 1 day agoPresident Biden 's proposals to pour more taxpayer money into government programs to counter rising costs have fiscal hawks confounded, with many arguing it will exacerbate the current inflation ...
  11. why would I discuss the stupidity of ccc's trolling posts?
  12. democrat marxist bailouts maybe. or... skyrocketing inflation. Used to get our favorite butter for 2.87 during Trump years. after one year of the local lefties' heroes' reign.... one pack of our butter is $6.99...... that is going to not help anybody, but it could go a lot higher, with the asinine spending going on, rampant out of control inflation is going to ruin a lot of people. It's happening because of the stupid votes of Whoorta, woodpecker, tex, and a few others around here.... and all the stupid votes across dem city strongholds especially. If the true despair really hits, maybe at least one of them will admit they screwed over America, and the Ukraine, and caused all the horrific destruction and deaiths. Lord only knows how serious things have to get before they admit what they have done.
  13. er......let the russians monitoring cnn here ....know what they are doing wrong. seems stupid to me.
  14. the world doesn't respect our gov anymore. They didn't LIKE Pres Trump wanting them to try harder. but they respected us. now, we are the laughingstock, and there isn't any other time for nations like russia/china/iran to act out and start WWIII... unless the world surrenders.
  15. Hope it doesn't go there, but the signs are....it will. https://www.theblaze.com/news/inflation-breaks-another-record-in-biden-economy Inflation breaks another record, 64% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck in the Biden economy
  16. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/03/10/even-cnn-isnt-buying-bidens-new-lie-about-inflation-n534231 Even CNN Isn't Buying Biden's New Lie About Inflation
  17. btw, I got out some dehydrated strips of mango, and red grapes - from fall 2020. They were excellent, and I only put them in a plastic baggie. Put em in a clean glass jar, with an oxygen absorber in it, last years longer. If we crash, hope you planned for what we assumed might not ever be close. It's close now. We'll see.
  18. well, that was back in early feb. Now, russia is on the warpath now that we are helpless with a corrupt, totally incompetent wh. russia may cyber attack out grid, and worse. This thread was way, way in advance of big serious trouble that we have now. Now it's a war.; I said there was going to be a war. gas around here is now over 4 bucks a gallon. we could crash, spiral into serious, runaway inflation. It might snowball - we are seeing just the beginning. I've used acorns to make flour - just an experiment - but it isn't that good to make again. Here is zucchini flour - this is terrific and I'm going to make a lot of it this summer: ********************** SunStone Orchard & Rabbitry Y9estefS0rday87o4ni8 at cso10r:5164 eAMd · Zucchini flour. Might be old news to some, but you never know right. With rising concerns on wheat costs just thought I’d share it. There’s probably fancier ways of doing this out there, but here’s how I learned. Easy peasy. Nothing to it. We love and make tons of zucchini flour every year. You may have heard it called Amish flour or troops flour before. It’s a Staple in Amish and Mennonite household for generations here. It was also embraced in the 1940’s during rationing. You let your zucchini grow, oversized is actually better. Large to extra large. Marrow sized. I peel mine with a carrot peeler, into thin even strips for less drying time. Or slide it through a mandolin for speed of prep. Run it through the electronic dehydrator or just thread it. . No large seeds if possible for finer texture. Everything else is fine. It must be absolutely dry. It’s essential. If in doubt always dry it more, any moisture will ruin it during storage Then run it through a food processor or hand grinder until you have a powdered consistency. It will be a marbled green looking power. Texture is similar to a good quality whole wheat flour. That is zucchini flour. Three large zucchini is about four or five cups for me finished. It can be used to replace 1/3 of flour in most recipes without any change to the finished products, acts as a thickening agent for gravies, great for breading fish but we really tend use ours for tortillas and bannock since those are our quick go to breads. It also makes great dumplings and brownies. Store in air tight jars , or we often vac pac ours For us, we still purchase grains from a local family owned grist mill. So this is free, sustainable, easily produced on site and it has a mild taste. Most people wouldn’t pickup on it. It cuts our flour usage by a third . You can do the same with sweet and regular potato, other squash acorns, and pumpkin. I just find myself zucchini is the least flavoured. Plus we get overloaded by the darn things. Shared
  19. so what? covid hit. Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden's top 10 blunders | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com › opinion › newt-gingrich-joe-bidens-top-10-blunders President Biden has overseen a remarkable number of complete blunders with just 7 months in office. To make sense of them all and consider how to overcome them, I decided to make a list of them. 100 Mistakes, Missteps, and Misstatements in Biden's First ... https://patriotpost.us › articles › 79505-100-mistakes-missteps-and-misstatements-in-bidens-first-100-days-2021-04-28 100 Mistakes, Missteps, and Misstatements in Biden's First 100 Days ... Waiting longer than any president in the past 100 years to hold a formal press conference. ... That was already happening before Biden took office. Sending stimulus checks to convicted criminals, including murderers in prison. Biden's first year: The president's biggest blunders | Fox ... https://www.foxnews.com › politics › happy-anniversary-a-year-of-bidens-most-significant-blunders President Biden was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021, where he talked about unity and major legislative goals. However, his administration has been plaqued by tensions within the Democratic ...
  20. Your ignorant replies are not generally funny.
  21. and serious inflation - it may very well get seriously worse. Maybe even cause so much despair that ONE of the voters who voted against their own country will admit they were wrong and made a terrible mistake. or not - they may never give a damn.
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