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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. woodpecker is just like those tiktok nutjobs. "WE ARE SO SO SPECIAL AND LOOK AT US WE ARE YOUNG!!!!!" when they are actually.... fools.
  2. more woodpecker stupid crap assertions. Just bigoted "look at me, I'm special" nonsense. Pretty much....woodypeckerhead is the last guy on this Saturday Night Live clip - he's the toilet plunger guy (looks like a long narrow beak)
  3. cry? you can't name one, so that is your feeble sissy retort? egad. have you no shame? no integrity? your obaMao commie and biden were losers in doing anything good/great for America. I listed Pres Trump's lists, you list biden's. go for it. man up, be the first to think of just ONE. Trump Administration Accomplishments - The White House https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › trump-administration-accomplishments Reduced the direct cost of regulatory compliance by $50 billion, and will reduce costs by an additional $50 billion in FY 2020 alone. Removed nearly 25,000 pages from the Federal Register - more than any other president. The previous administration added over 16,000 pages. Full list of President Trumps Accomplishments | WSAU News ... https://wsau.com › 2020 › 01 › 16 › full-list-of-president-trumps-accomplishments 480,000 Manufacturing Jobs added since President Trump's election US job openings rise outnumber the unemployed by 1 million Economic Growth Has Reached 3 Percent for the First Time in More than a ...
  4. they can be. Our friends bought some at Harbor Freight - for $120 - they were on sale for 89 with a coupon. We bought two, they are about 3' by...4' something like that....we thought about buying a solar generator when we were in Colorado last fall - but decided to research more. Today, we ordered one - a Bluetti EB55. Will be great for camping, and running the fireplace insert fan, small appliances, etc. The Bluetti has pass-through charging - (can charge while running something), and is known for their lithium ion batteries that last so much longer than a lot of brands. It was $499. We can heart our home with our fireplace insert, and we could cook a bit on the front extension if we needed to. This unit would help us immensely - for things like blowing up our high air mattresses - that have a built in inflater....if we end up camping in a non-electric spot. unlike the 70, it has a big nice light on the back - the 70 has a little light on the front. We are growing a serious garden - some friends want to help. People are getting worried about where our country is headed, but they never worried before. The big cans of keystone beef at Walmart are really terrific. They are 8.99 a can for now. The beef and pork are terrific - the chicken is good. Been hydrating fruits and vegetables for fun. And bought a pressure canner - to can meat. Only so much room in the bigger freezer, and it's full. It's strange to feel silly about stocking up etc in case of something very bad happening, and now here we are. Not distant anymore.
  5. of course they can. You chose stupidly. a career absolute corrupt, liar loser...who never did one good/great thing as a politician in his entire career. I posted over 200 good/great things Pres Trump did for AMERICA.; you can post a list of what your obaMao and biden have done. It will be blank unless you stuff it with crap that isn't true. You chose to vote against your own country. Your free choice. and men, women and children, orphanages, hospitals, homes are being blasted to bits, and we could enter WWIII if russia keeps going. Nobody is criticizing you for voting - it's voting like a social media emotional knee jerk that is the point. If you just admitted you screwed up on who you voted for, some of us could buy that.
  6. not buyin it. A vote for a third party is a wasted vote, may as well not bother. As far republicans don't stand for anything - why does a platform have to be new to you? Law and order, national security, develop our own energy, a strong military, drain the swamp, ORIGINALIST JUDGES TO THE SUPREME COURT, protect our 1st and 2nd Amendments, our Constituion, etc etc etc. Trump didn't fix the healthcare system? with a democrat controlled congress? that was launching fraudulent attacks on him during the campaign? I didn't like Trump at first. But I came to understand he meant what he said and would actually KEEP his PROMISES. A vote for third party was a vote for biden. You all did this absolute disaster. At home, the Ukraine, and maybe the upcoming? (hope the hell not) WWIII. So you voted in 2016, and after over 200 good/GREAT things he accomplished for America....you voted against your own country ? to help elect a do-nothing, mentally not right liar, plagiarizer, totally corrupt and sleazy loser all his life? Sorry, there is zero defending that. btw, Jorgensen was partly an asinine screwball. Some great things, several asswholish things.
  7. childish ignorant bs. I and others are criticizing your stupid criteria for voting. You were not thinking of bettering your country - you were thinking, apparently, about free handouts from president lyin. won't even admit to buyer's remorse. because no intelligent, well meaning voter could have voted for a totally career fookup and corrupt liar who never did anything good/great for America. not one. You can't name one. sad.
  8. This has some great points. I didn't mind the class, paying for the class, paying a small fee for the license... one great point - you don't have to go to jail if you inadvertently left your wallet at home, when you went out. I'm still happy to let an officer know I have a license and have a gun on me when I may ever get pulled over. You don't have to quickly tell the officer up front, though, but you had better answer honestly when he asks you. I'm good with it. Too many times, some cities/counties have bogged down granting licenses for leftwing political reasons. Some threats have been made to raise the price of applying to high levels to restrict the numbers of folks who can apply. etc. I will still renew my license, because I believe in it. ********************************************************************************************** Ohio Governor DeWine Signs BFA-Supported Permitless Carry Bill At approximately 4:50 p.m. on Monday, March 14, 2022, Gov. Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill 215, which will make it legal to carry a concealed handgun without a license in Ohio 91 days after signing. "This is a day that will go down in history," said Dean Rieck, Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association. "It has been about 18 years since Ohio enacted HB 12 to bring licensed concealed carry to the state. "However, the brass ring has always been to eliminate the licensing mandate, which people refer to as permitless carry or Constitutional Carry. And now, finally, that day is here. This is a great moment for Ohio and for those who wish to more fully exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. "Gov. DeWine made a campaign promise to Buckeye Firearms Association and to Ohio's 4 million gun owners that he would sign a Constitutional Carry bill if it was put on his desk. And he has fulfilled his promise." SB 215 makes several important changes to Ohio's concealed carry laws: Obtaining a concealed handgun license will become optional, so if you are able to legally carry a concealed handgun with a license, you will also be able to carry without a license. The same rights and responsibilities apply in either case. You will no longer have the duty to "promptly" notify every law enforcement officer during an official stop. Instead, you must disclose that you are carrying a concealed handgun only when an officer asks, unless you have already notified another officer. If you choose to obtain a concealed handgun license, you will no longer be required to carry the license on your person. Here are two references for further details on this new law: Text of the act as enrolled Summary and analysis by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission It is important to note that SB 215 will not eliminate or change the current Ohio licensing system. Those who wish to obtain a license for carrying a concealed handgun in Ohio or in other states with reciprocity agreements may continue to do so. In addition, whether you choose to carry with or without going through the licensing process, you must still be a qualifying adult, such as being at least 21 years of age, not prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law, not a fugitive from justice, etc. Refer to the links above or the Attorney General's booklet on concealed carry. In addition to permitless carry, the numerous legal and legislative accomplishments of Buckeye Firearms Association over the last 20 years include "preemption" to establish one set of state-level gun laws and prohibit the passage of a patchwork of local gun control laws, closing the media loophole to prevent journalist access to lists of concealed handgun license-holders, enacting castle doctrine in homes and cars to provide an initial presumption that you may act in self-defense, shifting the burden of proof to the state in self-defense cases, enacting "stand your ground" to repeal the duty to retreat, successfully suing cities such as Columbus and Cincinnati to reverse illegal gun control ordinances, and submitting amicus briefs in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases of D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago.
  9. With freedom comes responsibility. You all were extremely irresponsible with your vote. You were free to vote for the demise of world peace through strength, a great economy, staunch defense of our Constitution/Bill of Rights. But you all were manipulated to FEEL like voting for your fake dislike for Pres Trump's mean tweets you probably never read. and you were manipulated to vote for war in the Ukraine, innocent men women and children violently dying, NK shooting off missiles, Iran shooting ICBM's, china threatening any country that helps arm Taiwan, .... terror in NATO countries, a damaged economy here at home, defunding law and order, crime exploding in inner cities, and the real threat of WWIII and that war hitting our own shores. You voted for all the tragedy, death and damage to our country. just think on it.
  10. yeah, it would not have happened in the first damn place. The balance was tipped. The door was thrown wide open. The idea that anyone voted for biden or against Pres Trump and America..... because they thought that person would be a more effective president - is worse than ludicrous. Even a top office of the obaMao commie regime says biden should RESIGN. Simply put - name one good/great thing biden ever did in his entire career, and when you can't....you know you voted very, very badly.
  11. It's tough, Bob. But your vote was wasted, it wasn't even a valid choice - you elected to vote to not help America win with your vote. But it isn't just you- tens of thousands here and there also did. Just seems to me you didn't take the dangers seriously. How you and so many others felt about Pres Trump personally, and I wasn't on board early on, either.....disregarded what was best for America. Pres Trump did over 200 good/great things as president - he meant what he said, and worked tirelessly to keep all of his promises. But all the folks who did not vote for their country - has led to this war in the Ukraine - and Lithuania upcoming probably, and Poland, and NATO, and china threatening any country that sends aid to Taiwan, and Iran sending missiles toward Iraq and .... maybe, but hope the hell not, WWIII. World peace, domestic health here at home, and our security as a nation - was in our hands. Sorry, but if you didn't vote for Pres Trump and America - you chose unwisely - and the world/America too....will pay terribly. It is just true - it's happening now. I don't doubt that most will also let themselves be manipulated to hate whoever runs for president on the republican ticket. Desantis, anyone - will suffer the same attacks. And so many will vote stupidly, like they are democrat/progressive Manchurian Candidates. But, maybe not. Maybe a republican will get an honest look from those same people. dems are in control of both houses of congress, and the WH, and several major depts of our gov. and all thise despair and death and bombing and missiles ....wouldn't have happened. Didn't have to be. The fault is seriously on every voter who didn't take it seriously.
  12. and of course, Moldova. this would have been able to be prevented. but leftwing voters pretended to hate Pres Trump's tweets. Devastation, blood, WWIII is all on your stupid ass ignorant votes.
  13. all hell may break loose. Lithuanians are on high alert, putting forces toward their border with belarus. We bought two 100 watt solar panels yesterday, shopping for a solar generator today. Who knows. We can use it for camping when there is no electric.... and we can run small appliances and our fan on our wood-burning insert. sad - it isn't just the Ukraine. It's NATO countries, Europe.
  14. truth is, pukin has been working for this for decades. Back in the early years, like I've said before, the soviets entered into a treaty with us, that forbid development of offensive bioweapon systems. After the fall of the soviet union, they found out that the soviets, as soon as they signed it, went underground and expanded their secret development in underground secret labs - to design offensive bioweapons. fast forward to now, they have been violating the agreements now again. Pukin has had these weapons for years, and some more recently. Here is a great article on russian weapon systems and pukin's warped mindset - he says "people didn't listen to us then, they willl listen now. Meaning, russia will enforce their demands if those demands are not met....russia can destroy any opposition. right now, he is just looking for a chance to prove it. He wants the soviet union put back together, and he will nuke the world if he can't own it. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/18906/heres-the-six-super-weapons-putin-unveiled-during-fiery-address Here's The Six Super Weapons Putin Unveiled During Fiery Address The Russian president said "you listen to us now" as he boasted about nuclear-powered cruise missile, hypersonic weapons, nuclear torpedoes, and more.
  15. I have often ignored so much spooky doo fake crap - but, there are places where it is actually real. Sometimes others have already posted it, though. Sorting out the crap from real events and legit considerations is not worth a lot of time.... but it's a free country. I expected Jaf to post something like this:
  16. now, for anyone's intrigue and interest.... here is a video about russia and the Ukraine - in Biblical prophecy terms. A friend sent this to me - and it gets pretty intense toward the end of the video. It's long. Very, very interesting. Maybe we all need a bunker. lol. or.... not lol? `
  17. It's time for POland to get those migs to the pilots of the Ukraine. the democratic party is now the party of too many cowards in high places. Afraid to disagree with each other, afraid to protect their own country and people, afraid of our Constitution/Bill of Rights, afraid of law-abiding, decent patriotic Americans everywhere, afraid of veterans, afraid of gun owners, afraid of Christians, afraid of science, .... afraid of pretty much anything. Not far from a WWIII. All because ignorant voters voted against Pres Trump and America. https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/03/13/russia-demolishes-a-ukrainian-training-camp-on-the-polish-border-as-putin-gives-joey-softserve-a-brushback-pitch-n535529 Russia Demolishes a Ukrainian Training Camp on the Polish Border as Putin Gives Joey SoftServe a Brushback Pitch
  18. I suppose Gronk will play, too, Their success together has worked all these years....
  19. good question. what has more but little value? A. Jaf's 10 tons of misc stupid fake bs B. Woodpecker's 2 tons of stupid pecking and soiling his own nest because he FEELS he's? too special and too victimized to go outside.
  20. it goes to show that it's true - lefties/dems/progressives/'cowards - they only care about themselves and their egos. They worship their own feelings and NOTHING else matters. They don't develop character, integrity, discipline, respect, work ethic, sacrifice, love of country, love of freedom, they don't care about the lives of young unborn and born children, ....nothing. Nothing in this world is important except for THEIR FEELINGS, THEIR "entitielents", and THEIR benefit. They don't respect others, they don't respect their easy lives, they don't respect others' understanding about God, they don't respect.......anything. Probably not even themselves. They take everything for granted - it's seems such a sad, pitiful, cowardly excuse for existing.
  21. Pres Trump was ARMING the Ukraine, without rage from russia. They stfu. russia would never have invaded. They DID NOT INVADE. they didn't even begin to move troops....nothing. NONE of these events were happening with Pres Trump as president. Plain truth is, they ARE NOW. Why not STFU long enough to read? or watch fox news about the war? China threatening any country if they arm Taiwan. NK launching missile. russia murdered American journalist/filmmaker in the Ukraine. russia threatening to leave our American astronaut stranded in space. Pres Trump was RIGHT AGAIN. NATO was sleeping. Now we are screwed, the whole world may be at war, and you won't admit you should voted with us. Smartmouth all you want, the current dangerous events are ONLY happening NOW. Because your'all chickens**t "president" is a mentally warped corrupt coward.
  22. So, under biden, NK shoots big missile, iran lauches ICBM at Americans in a base in Iraq, china threatens any country if they send arms to Taiwan, russian thugs murder an American Award-winning journalist, now the russians are threatening to leave our American astronaut stranded in space ? The russian wolf has thrown off the sheep disguise. The world is going to hell, America is headed into despair.... all because selfish, emotional knee jerkers voted against America to be social media groupies. yes, you anti-Pres Trump/anti-America voters DID THIS. Blood, blood, and despair on your hands. https://redstate.com/tladuke/2022/03/12/elon-musks-space-x-might-need-to-rescue-an-american-astronaut-stranded-by-russia-n534953 Elon Musk's Space X Might Need to Rescue an American Astronaut Stranded by Russia
  23. The POINT is history - what pukin DID NOT do during the Pres Trump years. Proving again, that "Peace through Strength" is legit.
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