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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    "I don't listen to the media, I just post links from the media with little context that completely explain my viewpoint". Alright. 


    Hey, you're adherence to state's rights is above your "it's murder" belief. That's fine. We'll see if that remains consistent I guess. 

    Let us know when you stop being a feathered coward and start having legitimate opinions of your own that you can actually explain and attempt to justify.

  2. So, Israel has every right in the world to go into Rafah, or bomb it to dust first, take out the tunnels there? and destroy the remnants of hamas.

    they should have already done it.

    Feb 8, 2024Hamas stronghold in Gaza's Rafah is key to its survival - analysis For Hamas, holding on to Rafah is a key to continuing to rule Gaza. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN FEBRUARY 8, 2024 08:56 Updated: FEBRUARY ...
  3. 6 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Yes, the defenses stopped a lot but they were saturated to the point that missiles got through to target. I wouldn't be feeling all that good if I was an IDF general, knowing that Iran is not far off from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Iran now knows the threshold it takes to get one through Iron Dome. 

       Maybe true - they can bet that Israel will have more after this. Iran has been at war with Israel for decades. They TRAINED the hamas-palestinians for Oct. 7th. They have armed and trained hezbollah and the houthis. Iran has been fighting a war with proxies they arm and control.

        Biden is the only reason that iran is headed to have a nuclear weapon.

    Until biden is no longer president, it's up to the Western nations to stop iran from having a nuke.

    Launching all those missiles and drones - is NOT just over the few generals being killed in Syria. Iran has been wanting to do that for decades, only now can they do it because of biden giving them so much wealth.

    If Israel doesn't retaliate in force, iran will be delighted to do it again.

    Personally, I think Israel should bomb the crap out of Rafah. They have given advance warning for innocent palestinians to LEAVE. If they don't leave, they are hamas or hamas supporters.

    Iran wants to protect what's left of their palestinian hamas to fight another day, when they can launch missiles and drones again at the same time, while having hezbollah attack from the North.

    If they sent hundred of drones and missiles at America, would you want us to not retaliate?

  4. 6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    You see it as murder outside of those situations but not enough to try and stop it in states that see differently. You'd think for something as extreme as murder you'd fight a little harder. I guess not. 


    I don't listen to the media for my opinions, stupid. I post articles to explain points because I'm not typing a novel everytime you say something extremely stupid. You can't help it, I guess. You've been doing it since way, way back in terms of years.

    As an example of your stupidity - if we don't live in a state, there isn't much we can do.  Is there any kind of perversion that you DON'T support?

  5. iran knows biden is a coward and totally incompetent.

    Iran says

    ""Conducted on the strength of Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense, Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus," the mission’s statement, posted on social media platform X, states. "

    how stupid. What about Oct. 7th? was that per UN bs?


    Again, those generals help TRAIN the palestinians-hamas to do that invasion.

    iran already declared war on Israel.

    Perhaps iran will rain missiles and drones on Israel again, to keep them distracted

    while they do another Oct. 7th....or to keep Israel from going into Rafah, which they must do.

  6. 1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    Lobbying interests on behalf of Israel and defense contractors are likely furiously fishing their hands up Congress’ ass right now like they are Jim Henson to turn this into a US tax payer problem. 

    it wouldn't be such a problem but this corrupt regime is politically spending billions and billions on asinine causes.

    7.4 billion with just the illegal student loan bailout.

    and biden claims he has cut our national debt by a trillion bucks?

    Ya have to wonder who the corrupt radicals are that he is listening to.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jax said:

    I see Biden is hard at work depleting and not restocking our oil. Must be getting ready to drive up prices more to push his ev scam.

    it's worse - we are open to a war - a lack of oil in wartime is a huge negative - it makes us look very, very weak.

    Meanwhile, biden is also cutting oil production in Alaska by HALF.


    Biden Admin Locking Down HALF of Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve From Energy Development

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

    Right, we know, what's the reality around abortion and what you think is happening are two very different things. You've been fed media to play to your FEELINGS and that's now fact to you. 

    Again though, your principles say it's murder but you want to try and win an election more. That's totally fine to say. 

    again, you are a liar woodpecker - it's worthless what you post - your "reality" around abortion is your leftwing view. I don't listen to the media, and my view is based on logic. I don't know that I have feelings about the issue - personally. It just seems that abortion at ANY time cannot be tolerated by any healthy society.

       Don't be a coward all the time - what do YOU "feel" about pba and letting babies die after they are born?  To save the life of the mother, or a pregnancy that is failing, rape, there are legit considerations to allow abortion.

    again and again - I see it as murder OUTSIDE OF THOSE CONSIDERATIONS.

    You really should stop falsely attributing stances against others - just so you can defend your leftwing radicalism.

    and, AGAIN, it isn't emotions that is the problem, it is the lefties like you who ONLY OPERATE ON EMOTIONS, with logic having nothing to do with your stances.

  9. 3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Arms race implications of this attack are pretty big. The Iron Dome, Patriot missiles, and scrambled fighter jets were overwhelmed by a relatively small salvo. What's new is the ballistic missiles with the final stage booster. Those are going to be exceptionally difficult to target. 

    "overwhelmed" ??? I'd say the defenses were oustanding - a huge success.

    Israel, I will keep reminding you, knows that Iran TRAINED hamas and your palestinians to commit Oct. 7th. Israel had every obligation to take out those iranian commanders when they had the chance, and they didn't do it in iran. No one should doubt Israel's intel workings.

    The knee jerk denial by the biden regime was cowardly and politically self-aggradizing, and encouraging to iran to act out.

    Truth is, Iran has been at war with Israel for decades, and eventually, after Oct. 7th, it may very well be necessary to take out the gov of Iran, or it will never stop.

  10. 1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

    That is not an alliance. Allies do not shoot down each other's drones/missiles. The US Navy helped provide Israel with defense against yesterday's attack. 

    Israel killed 4 IRGC generals by bombing an Iranian embassy. 
    Iran killed no Israelis, slightly damaged two airfields (one of which IDF posted an F-35 taking off from today).

    Israel is the clear winner of this exchange. They don't need to escalate further. 

    Iran should be feeling humiliated. The trouble is, Iran has been at war with the existence of Israel for decades. It will never stop until there is a major war. Iran wants that war - has threatened to wipe out Israel just because they hate the Jews.

    The trouble is, Iran has it's "armies" fighting israel and launching drones/missiles from Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon ? Israel is already been having Iran warring against them.

    The IRGC ? They TRAINED hamas and the palestinians TO COMMIT THE ATROCITIES ON OCT. 7th.

    Israel had every right to take out those commanders. To me - Israel should take out the drone factories, nuke plants and missile sites.

    Just i'm not a middle east country.

    Personally, I think iran is humilated, but the palestinians and others cheered the missiles flying.

    Maybe it's the best to not do anything but let Iran be afraid of retaliation for the entire rest of the year.

    Iran is living on thin ice. I feel sorry for the Iranian people living with a nightmare government.

    The UN is corrupt and worthless, or this garbage by the palestinians/hamas/hezbollah/houthis/iran would have been dealth with a long time ago.

    Some history:

  11. 2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    But sure, state's rights to decide something you think is murder. Cool. 

    no, I said


    23 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    partial birth abortion and abortion after being born??? Society can't allow that. That is murder. I

    so, the idea that abortion just because you want to for stupid, irresponsible reasons, like pba and abortion AFTER being born.

    so, you are having serious trouble reading and comprehending. SO many of your blathering is infantile.image.thumb.png.1695736e6c3c3224513a7b7e49418f4e.png

  12. 1 minute ago, Jax said:

    Am I reading this right?

    Iran is done attacking after they launched their assault?

    I mean, is Israel supposed to back down and say 'oh ok, I guess it's over'...

    More likely, they have tested Israel's defenses. Their excuse is Israel taking out one of their commanders. Well, that commander was taken out because he was heavily involved with TRAINING the palestinian terrorists/hamas. they armed hamas and the terorrists. They armed, funded hezbollah, who also was launching missiles from Lebanon after the attack/murders/rapes/tortures/baby beheadings/babies burned alive.......

    Iran has been at war with Israel for years. Thanks to biden and co, they became affluent and poured more money into the palestinian terorrists and hamas, and hezbollah, etc.

    North Korea just fired a missile into the ocean off it's east coast, and is using russia to test their missiles vs the Ukraine. The Middle East is headed toward all out war, putin is testing a giant new nuke and is warning the west, and china is collapsing economically and is ready soon to take Taiwan if they can.

    WWIII looms on the horizon, folks. Hope the hell it doesn't happen.


  13. Just now, syd said:

    LOL, Seriously ? A comedy  of errors. 

    Here's a further explanation why Iran would NEVER have invaded while Pres Trump was president:


    With the U.S. on the Brink of War With Iran, the Biden Administration Tries One Last, Desperate Ploy

    "At the end of Donald Trump's presidential term, Iran was nearing an economic collapse with little ability to project strength outside of funding terrorist proxies. Internal revolutions were brewing, and the Mullahs were in their weakest position in decades. 


    Then Joe Biden took over. Since then Iran has been revitalized, seeing significant growth in its military budget due to the waiving of sanctions. The Islamic power has also come far closer to developing usable nuclear weapons. What did the United States get in return? It received a frayed relationship with long-time ally Saudia Arabia and absolute chaos from Kabul to Tel Aviv. 

    Wherever Biden's foreign policy has been, abject failure has followed. One can't help but laugh at this post from his 2020 presidential campaign. 


  14. Just now, syd said:

    neo  is right. fucking putin  has been  pissed off for years.he does not want NATO at his back door

    of course he has, but planning for years doesn't matter - what matters is going to war while we are distracted, divided,

    our military weakened, and we have a totally corrupt belligerently senile ***hole in our WH, who fled Afghanistan and made America the laughingstock of every corrupt country on the planet, not to forget losing all credibility with our allies.

    All ....that.....equipment could have been given to the Ukraine to PREVENT what happened, and to ISRAEL to prevent what is happening.

  15. 1 minute ago, Neo said:

    Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It's easy to sit there and say that. Putin is a power hungry madman who has been planning the war in Ukraine for years and you think he would bend the knee to THIS GUY? Because republicans never get us into wars. Remind me again what clown was in office when terrorists decided to fly planes into the world trade center?

    warring countries, like terrorists and bullies, pick on weaknesses. Yes, Bush was in office about 5 months after eight years of bill clinton. That was their mistake - they got hammered by America, terrorist armer husseins got wiped out. The effect is the same - a weakened America can't be strengthened in five months.

    That is why we are in serious trouble now - biden and his radical handlers have surpassed obaMao commie in dividing and destroying so much of our strengths.

    I said they will have a better time to go to war than right now. Five months of the desperately needed Pres Trump presidency II isn't enough time to unwoke our military, strengthen our economy back up, undivide us, fix the corrupt in major depts of our gov, and our WH,

    Please learn to argue with a legit point to make.

    Oct 18, 2022US military in decline, threats from China 'formidable,' report says. By Zamone Perez. Oct 18, 2022. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, right, uses binoculars at the military observation post
    Jul 31, 202307/31/2023 11:19 AM EDT. Public confidence in the U.S. military continues to decline, reaching its lowest point in over two decades, according to a new poll. Only 60 percent of Americans expressed ...
  16. 1 minute ago, syd said:

    c'mon man. Do you really think  it matters ?

    not now, but in the future, yes. In the past, it would have prevented russia going into the Ukraine absolutely.

    The dem soft-pedaling assistance to prevent the invasion - led to the invasion. They didn't want to "escalate", and that gave russia time to invade.

  17. 17 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    Happily murdering unborn children because you didn't try to not have children - is a societal nightmare - destructive.

    I already said this, earlier, featherbrain. Under some circumstances, I can see the termination of a pregnancy, ONLY under certain circumstances.

    It's a volatile issue, a heartbreaking issue. It is not a "RIght" per our Constitution/Bill of Rgiths, therefore, it's a states rights to decide...issue.

    Society falls apart when there are no consequences for destructive actions by individuals enough to damage society. Respect for LIFE must be maintained.

    It's a tough question, but a free for all with abortion is no answer.

    You are wrong, and your slurs are just emotional knee jerking.

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