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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. bigger, more serious trouble. We got our solar generator now. I canned some excellent pork loin. The generator is a small one -great for camping if we need it - has four AC outlets, 4 USB outlets, etc. Runs fans, chargers iphones, laptops, etc. 537WH/700W ...2500 recharge cycles- 13 power outlets....can be pass-through charged via solar, or AC, or "cigarette lighter" plug.... (not really cig lighters anymore). about 500 bucks - 2 100 watt solar panels... Big thing now, is vacuum sealing dehydrated cooked beans in mason jars. We may very well crash. It will hurt so many people. We have friends who lol about prepping - now asking us stuff. Went to buy some more canning jars - they were sold out. that is a sign that concern is serious. Sadly, too many people have been so spoiled they won't admit what is happening, until it actually hits. then....it's too late. There isn't one country in the world who respects us as leaders of the free world - we are at our deadly weakest - a laughing stock to enemy countries, and those other countries who used to respect us highly. Right now, our word is mud - and it probably isn't only russia that looks to redraw the world's maps while the redrawing has little resistance from America. That is what the lefties voted for. It will take so much despair before they admit they voted destructively. and woodpecker isn't bird enough to admit it even then, maybe.
  2. liar. I only disagree with stupid stuff you say, which is most all the time.
  3. in twitter's defense...twiiter IS run by twits.......
  4. hey woodpecker: feel like a complete fool yet? they invest is what they are selling.... https://republicandaily.com/2022/03/pelosi-makes-big-green-energy-stock-trade/ Pelosi Makes Big Green Energy Stock Trade
  5. Closer and closer to WWIII. Why? because he is targeting innocent civilians. Blasting schools, orphanages, hospitals. It's now or maybe never for stalin/putin. America has never been this weak in our history. stalin/pukin demands his soviet union back, and more. He was bragging about his hypersonic missiles before - he can't wait because he feels he has the upper hand. 2000 tactical battlefield nukes, he is going for it. Let him have all of europe, or he will throw nukes around? Where in the red line? The Ukraine is just a launching pad for war vs NATO. Ukraine is his proxy location to launch his war. He doesn't care if his army gets blasted now, he won't care if they get blasted fighting NATO from Ukraine territory. Some group should go take out his ultra expensive luxury yacht. ******************************************************* RUSSIA'S WAR ON UKRAINE Ivanka Trump sends 1M meals to Ukrainian refugees Ukraine war widows providing aid on the front lines Poland seeks expulsion of 45 Russians suspected of spying Biden to target over 300 Russian lawmakers in new wave of sanctions: report Sean Hannity: Is Biden ready to respond if Putin uses chemical weapons in Ukraine?
  6. If only the Browns weren't STUPID and had traded a third round pick for Ryan. If Ryan had beaten out Mayfield for the starting job, nobody? would complain. I think I'll donate my browns garb to the Ukraine people relief fund. I hope the new baggage dept "qb" has a season ending injury in training camp, right after they trade Baker. just doesn't seem fun anymore. I guess there's the Bengals to win the division, and the Bills to get to the playoffs again, too. dammit. who knew berry was a fool.
  7. will the woodpecker grow up? will he ever admit he voted for the death, destruction and war crimes going on in the Ukraine? Will he ever stop moulting? How and Why Birds Molt - The Spruce https://www.thespruce.com › importance-of-molting-386470 How Birds Molt . The exact cycles, frequency, and timing of molts vary for different species, but every bird shares some similarities when molting. In general, feathers are molted in a symmetrical pattern across the bird's wings, tail, and body so it retains its balance for flight. The entire cycle typically takes 5-12 weeks, though ducks often ...
  8. I honestly believe this trans stuff is "look at me I'm famous" desperation. and biden's progressive fool nominee can't even define what a woman is. She is far worse than Ginsburg - she's corrupt morally and will legislate for the left in defiance of our Constitution if she gets into the Court.
  9. the msm are bought and owned. They will lie, smear and get paid very well to do it. ************************** Biden Administration paid media $1 billion for COVID shot ... https://www.thedesertreview.com › news › biden-administration-paid-media-1-billion-for-covid-shot-propaganda › article_004df1ec-9e42-11ec-9cf8-478353d0e684.html Emerald Robinson, an independent journalist who previously served as the chief White House correspondent for Newsmax (2020-2022) and for One America News (2017-2020), said she was contacted by a whistleblower inside Newsmax who confirmed that Newsmax executives agreed to take the money from Biden's HHS to push only positive coverage of the new COVID shots.
  10. a lot of the entitled black subculture makes that a given, really. 90 some % vote liberal. Trouble is, they support a black candidate, and still are not better off after decades and decades. More and more of that subculture are realizing they have been pandered to with no results - or worse results. It's all the dems do - self-serving decisions and policies that are just pandering to people easy to manipulate. I think that is close to running it's course - so they are letting millions flood across their borders, to give them the vote - and they will start all over again with an ignorant, easy manipulated, dependent voting block - to maintain their power and control and wealth. The swamp defends itself by nearly any means necessary. It has to stop.
  11. the left is using the race card already. only stupid people can buy that. odd, they didn't use the racist slur on those who tried to destroy Kavanaugh.....
  12. there he goes again. He's channeling his inner Sheply bird. https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/climate-change/the-bogus-consensus-argument-on-climate-change/ The Bogus “Consensus” Argument on Climate Change By Robert P. Murphy October 8, 2019 "[Cook et al.] got their 97 percent by considering only those abstracts that expressed a position on anthropogenic global warming (AGW). I find it interesting that 2/3 of the abstracts did not take a position. So, taking into account David Friedman’s criticism above, and mine, Cook and Bedford, in summarizing their findings, should have said, “Of the approximately one-third of climate scientists writing on global warming who stated a position on the role of humans, 97% thought humans contribute somewhat to global warming.” That doesn’t quite have the same ring, does it? [David R. Henderson, bold "
  13. driving out west - 80 mph a lot of the time, hours straight through the Great Plains...few side roads.... yep. seriously.
  14. how many times in the past have I blasted clapper and brennan? they are slutty liars. Drain the Swamp.
  15. reference - the DEEP STATE. dangerous, dishonest, all in liar bureaucrats. https://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2022/03/named-and-shamed-the-51-intel-officials-who-lied-about-the-hunter-biden-laptop-emails/ Named and Shamed: The 51 Intel Officials Who Lied About the Hunter Biden Laptop Emails The real threat to democracy is the swamp Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director John Moseman, former CIA chief of staf Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard David Buckley, former CIA inspector general Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer: Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis Ron Marks, former CIA officer Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis
  16. EXCELLENT POST ! Try being 71 and finally being so disgusted that you happily go outdoors more, travel more, camp and fish more. All these years, a serious tradition. But I have come to believe that the nfl and the browns have quit caring about the fans. This latest move will divide the lockerroom, and some free agents will go "wtf?" and not come to the Browns, I suspect. And, fans are obviously divided badly now. So, the tv contracts are so rich, the nfl teams can get as sleazy as they want to be because they get $$$$$$$$$$$ making controversial. We don't need this drama - some will applaud it - but I think most will be disgusted. Three first round picks? I would have loved it if they drafted qb's the next three years, first round, compared to this. To me, it's a slap in the face to the fanbase that doesn't buy into the watson baggage and drama. The haslams and berry should be ashamed - it's worse than giving up your entire draft to get Ricky Williams, the running back. The browns mistake will go down in infamy I think - No more - I've lost interest - I won't cheer on a slutty? qb while parents all over now-tainted "Browns Town" try to explain why the qb has 22 women suing him, and how he is not playing because he was suspended for.....half a season? I would rather sit in the woods and watch squirrels. Pressure can green beans. Read up more on wild plants for food and medicine. Treasure hunt in our woods. (surely there's a can of gold coins out there somewhere) LOL LOL. Everybody has their own "red line" - this is mine. It's too bad. and I think most all Browns fans who are no longer with us, and would never have been sleazy "woke" ....would go elsewhere for a tradition of watching a team. and, I believe Baker goes to a team that beats the Browns this coming season. You betcha.
  17. as per your bird brain modus operani..... your feeble ego-based retorts are stupid. Scientists who spoke out about the truth about mmgw were blackballed, unfunded, and ostracized .... they weren't paid to endure that. You seem to never be able to show why you say stupid bird crap. I can. Al Gore: Climate Change Deniers Should Pay 'a Price ... https://www.newsmax.com › Newsfront › gore-climate-change-deniers › 2015 › 03 › 16 › id › 630426 While the "price" that Gore suggested politicians should pay would come at election time, such declarations often make political waves. In 2014, when Robert Kennedy Jr. facetiously suggested that climate change deniers should be jailed, a conservative uproar ensued. https://www.bruceonpolitics.com › 2019 › 10 › 23 › there-is-no-scientific-consensus-on-mmgw The UN also say that MMGW is "settled science". This too is a lie. But it gets worse. The globalist MSM started brainwashing us that 98% of all scientists say that global warming is man made and that it is settled science. Anyone who uses the term "settled science" doesn't know what science is. Not so long ago neutrons, protons and ... How The BBC Are Using MMGW lies to ... - Bruce On Politics https://www.bruceonpolitics.com › 2019 › 04 › 27 › how-the-bbc-are-making-you-into-a-slave Distorting markets to favour large global supercorporations. So consumers and small businesses pay far higher prices. Ed Milliband's 2008 Climate Change Act was one of the most pernicious pieces of anti consumer legislation in recent history. At the BBC the MMGW lies rapidly became 100% corporate mantra. MMGW Dubunked Again! - Skeptic Friends Network www.skepticfriends.org › forum › topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8540&whichpage=2 What are you talking about? The article wasn't published on August 29, 2007. Some guy named Michael Asher posted a note about Schulte's work on anti-MMGW Senator (and sadly, fellow Oklahoman) James Inhofe's Senate blog at the time, however. Moreover, if you look at her critique, it's easy to see how it wouldn't take long to find flaws in Schulte's work. Al Gore: Climate Change Deniers Should Pay 'a Price ... https://www.newsmax.com › Newsfront › gore-climate-change-deniers › 2015 › 03 › 16 › id › 630426 While the "price" that Gore suggested politicians should pay would come at election time, such declarations often make political waves. In 2014, when Robert Kennedy Jr. facetiously suggested that climate change deniers should be jailed, a conservative uproar ensued. Stop It !! Stop It !! Stop It !! Stop It https://www.dansher.com › bnb › nice › gwarm.html STOP!! - just forget about all the so-Goreish Global Warming Stuff - it's so yesterday to worry about Kansans drowning in sea water.Besides, The Facts can just be so inconvenient anyway. That's right, you got to clear your mind (especially of facts) so you will be ready for The Next Big Crisis: Global Rotation Change (GRC) Yes, GRC is a really, Really, Big Deal (BFD). Why global warming is a global scam - AVForums https://www.avforums.com › threads › why-global-warming-is-a-global-scam.1144505 Dec 8, 2009. #1. Global warming environmentalists are insistent that the world, particularly the western world reduce long term their C02 emissions from their current levels by between 60-90%. Now firstly what climate gate has proven through the the thousand plus emails which have been leaked from the East Anglian Institute which is itself a ...
  18. bs - just READ THIS, grow up and try to shut your beak: https://republicandaily.com/2022/03/the-democrats-are-trying-to-hide-a-very-dirty-secret-about-electric-cars/ The Democrats Are Trying to Hide a Very Dirty Secret About Electric Cars
  19. well, they inflated the numbers to enable the dems to have a great election talking point. now, the truth comes out.
  20. true, but I don't see that - that would be mutally assured destruction. emp - https://science.howstuffworks.com/e-bomb3.htm Let's see - pressure can our pork loin....or build a smallish Faraday cage. Smallish, but big enough to put our new solar generator in. or...drink more green tea, plan our garden, and work on my second adventure novel. choices, choices.....
  21. It's a freak circus show we don't need with the Browns. Whoever is responsible for the watson idea.. should have their asses kicked just before being fired. The Browns front office is now a disgrace. https://theathletic.com/news/deshaun-watson-traded-browns/NXlCqzCON23L/
  22. It's so much a heartbreak....watching the invasion/desetruction/genocide by russians on tv. Intentionally bombing a theater/bomb shelter of Ukraine WOMEN and CHILDREN. these war crimes are meant to wipe out Ukrainians from the earth. Putin calls even his own people who disagree with him ...."insects". hitler called Jews "vermin" during WWII. stalin starved out millions of Ukrainians - Holodomor - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Holodomor The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, romanized: Holodomor, IPA: [ɦolodoˈmɔr]; derived from морити голодом, moryty holodom, 'to kill by starvation'), also known as the Terror-Famine or the Great Famine, was a famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians.The term Holodomor emphasises the famine's man-made and allegedly intentional Now, pukin is starving out the Ukraine people he can't murder directly. Just yesterday? he had one of his to generals arrested. Everybody knows this would never have happened if Pres Trump had been re-elected. Those who won't admit it - are deluded, liars, cowards, or just locked in hate groupies. Thinking back over history - the moves pukin has been making - is a plan to re-create the soviet union. He ....will.....not.....stop....until a WW stops him. Perhaps the question is "WHEN", not "if" right now. Why is pukin ordered genocide in Ukraine? out of hatred for everyone who doesn't see him as a soviet "darth vader". He's lost it. Going all out. Win it all or die. Why? Because the ukraine is his staging ground for a proxy war against NATO countries.right now, he told a stadium full of people that russia was fighting "to stop genocide" in the Ukraine. this is desperate, dangerous bass-ackwards propaganda of worse things to come. russian war criminals are now going after people and buildings near the Polish border. My estimation is, ...staging area. so russian forces bombed that theater/bomb shelter with Ukraine WOMEN and CHILDREN inside. and the rescue workers who were trying to get them out.....were FIRED UPON. The longer these countries wait, like WWII, the longer the WW will be, so many more will die to stop pukin and his hoard of thugs. pukin hasn't done all this to just stop. Does anyone doubt that? So, WWIII is apparently inevitable. it will be so much despair, blood, death and destruction on the hands of pukin and his military. and it could have all been prevented if so many "Americans" had been honest about voting FOR OUR COUNTRY instead of their corrupt, ignorant social media inspired emotional knee jerk votes against Pres Trump and America. You made this happen. We are leaderless in our WH, your corrupt dems own both houses of Congress, gov depts have been infliltrated by deep state bureaucratic wimps and liars..... and..... on Fox News, they showed a solemn picture of one hundred baby buggies in a parking lot - signifying 100 babies who have been murdered. and not one condemnation from the lefties around here? Did I miss one? dammit. stop up on some food - I fear WWIII is very, very possible to actually happen.
  23. Putin's similarities to Stalin; the greatest mass murderer ... https://richardameyer.medium.com › putins-similarities-to-stalin-the-greatest-mass-murderer-in-europe-5638c5c6ec18 Putin's two obsessions — absorbing Ukraine and whitewashing Stalin — share a tangled history. A historian would look at Stalin's brutality in Ukraine (as elsewhere) and realize they failed to achieve its objectives. Millions of deaths and forced relocations did not solve the question of Ukrainian identity in the way Stalin had in mind.
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