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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. We bought this book at a garage sale in S. Dakota. About fifteen year old American Indian girl who loses everything, and tries to break away from the Old Ways and their tribal religion, towards Christianity. It took years, a sad and wonderful book. The sequel is sad, funny, uplifting and endearing and impressive. https://www.amazon.com/Crying-Wind/e/B001KIYRBY%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
  2. baloney. slutbaggage, your qb fave, had two FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS AT WIDE RECEIVER with the Texans. Brandin Cooks and Will Fuller. he also had the same head coach since 2014. Baker did not have even one in 2021. In 2020, he had poutypuss unhappy "injured" obj. and still took the Browns to the playoffs.
  3. she isn't smart enough, or not honest enough, to be on our Supreme Court. She's a "judge" and "doesn't remember the Dred Scott decision" ??? damn. that's ignorant. https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/biden-supreme-court-nominee-says-not-quite-remember-basis-dred-scott-decision Unqualified Biden Supreme Court Nominee Says She Does Not 'Quite Remember the Basis' for Dred Scott Decision Read more: https://www.westernjournal.com/biden-supreme-court-nominee-says-not-quite-remember-basis-massive-scotus-decision/#ixzz7P3tMvAN3
  4. you're a moron. I guess that makes you feel good about something.... doesn't matter what race she is - she is a leftwing activist liar - she'll promise to defend the Constitution, but she will rule against it for the left any damn time she is told to. The Constitutional Oath As noted below in Article VI, all federal officials must take an oath in support of the Constitution: “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” The Constitution does not provide the wording for this oath, leaving that to the determination of Congress. From 1789 until 1861, this oath was, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.” During the 1860s, this oath was altered several times before Congress settled on the text used today, which is set out at 5 U. S. C. § 3331. This oath is now taken by all federal employees, other than the President: “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
  5. You are a moron. pukin knew your biden was a worthless, farcical choice to run for the dem tick president. he was right, most honest people should admit by now, that biden is dangerously worthless. See, pukin went after crimea during obaMao's reign, then he invaded the Ukraine after teligraphing it with a build up of troops at Ukraine's border for weeks/months. Pukin did NOT DO anything of the sort during Pres Trump's 4 years - he knew he'd get his ass kicked. Bush was foolish at times, but we kicked the terrorists' asses after 9/11. Your weasel refused to arm the Ukraine, refused to sanction russia's oil.... until all the other NATO nations said to. He's a coward. You helped elect a worthless, chickencrap dangerously mentally not there corrupt asswhole to the presidency. and many, many Ukraine men, women and children have been murdered on purpose because of how you voted against Pres Trump and America First. Leave it to you and woodpecker to make stupid ass jokes about the genocide in the Ukraine. Go look read up on "Holodomor" and consider that your emotions make you look extremely ignorant and childish.
  6. Whoorta and woodpecker are proud of this? https://www.theblaze.com/news/to-meet-its-clean-energy-goals-the-us-might-go-mining-in-the-rainforest To meet its clean energy goals, the US might go mining in the rainforest
  7. this is a stupid correlation. 9/11 was a surprise attack on our country. Our intel failed. the invasion of the Ukraine was telegraphed openly for weeks/months. pukin knew obaMao and biden refused to arm the Ukraine. and biden refused to arm the Ukraine. The building was over time. pukin knew biden was simpleton corrupt cowardly idiot, who would do little or nothing about the invasion. Even after russia was committing war crimes, biden refused to put sanctions on oil. and still won't let jets be given to the Ukraine. Russian troops are withdrawing to re-equip, maybe after going in with air support and really hitting the Ukraine even harder - perhaps with a tactical nuclear weapon. Had those jets been given to the Ukraine, it would have helped prevent the upcoming "re-invasion" that will surely come to pass. America doesn't even have a real president. biden has the crap touch - everything he says is stupid, disjointed, and everything he is doing is failing - because it's all about the deep state not losing their tight grip on power, wealth and control.
  8. so, anyone who wants to deny voter fraud can go mmgw themselves. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/03/29/biden-got-255000-excess-votes-in-key-swing-states-n2605215 Funny Business? Biden Got 255,000 Excess Votes in Key Swing States
  9. she's also has little use for our 2nd Amendment - she's very anti-gun. Please...Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Is Anti-Gun And ... https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com › please-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson-is-anti-gun-and-everyone-knows-it Common sense dictates that any Supreme Court nominee who did not voice strong support for Biden's anti-gun agenda during these meetings would immediately have been shown the door. Furthermore, Judge Jackson was very well coached on all key Second Amendment issues. During her confirmation hearings, she dodged and sidestepped questions easily. Obama Supreme Court Nominee Has Anti-Gun Record https://freebeacon.com › issues › obama-supreme-court-nominee-has-anti-gun-record Stephen Gutowski • March 16, 2016 3:20 pm SHARE Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has a record of opposing gun rights as a federal judge,...
  10. "to the black community: keep voting for us because of racism, (you dumb fools haha)"
  11. Peace talks are worthless - a cold blooded tyrant that intentionally bombs hospitals, orphanages and innocent men, women and children on the streets.... laughs at the idea at peace talks unless it's to have the Ukraine surrender their sovereignty. to pukin, peace talks means "get a promise for NATO to stop helping the Ukraine insects". *********************************** We wouldn't want Russia on the Mexican or Canadian border It seems to me, that this is annoying - russia/soviet union has a long history of aggression, invading other countries. Holodomor..... the soviets/russia have made NATO a requirement for defense. We never had a history of invading other countries to own them, murder all their citizens.... Canada and Mexico have no fear of us. All of Europe now fears russia socialism/communism are failed systems. They cannot succeed economically. So they are desperate to take other areas to accrue wealth to exist. We don't want russian missiles in cuba because of russia's corrupt aggression. russia has nothing to fear from us at all - unless they start a war with us. IF russia was not a dangerously corrupt, vicious aggressive government, there wouldn't have to be NATO. In conclusion - Russia hates NATO membership because it stands in the way of their intention to own and dominate Europe. Russia didn't want the Ukraine to join NATO because they have long planned to resurrect the soviet union, plain and simple. https://www.numbers-stations.com/articles/soviet-and-russian-invasions-since-1917/
  12. but don't worry woodpecker, they won't draft illegals - they need to stay here and vote for the demorats. and, I have some conscientious woodpecker excuses already set up for you: 1. But you can't draft me, I'm a yellow-bellied sapsucker woodpecker...on the extinct species - I'm precious 2. Say, how about if I don't get drafted...but I just call putin and say stupid crap to him til he gives up, please? 3. You can't draft me, you're a moron. 4. You don't want to draft me, I peck. with my beak. I'll fail the physical with my bad feet... 5. I'm feeling like a dove gender, so...wait, that doesn't disqualify me? damn....ok, I FEEL like a tree gender, you know you can't draft a tree. Look at me, my little leaves are swaying in the breeze...... 6. You can't draft me, I might get trench beak and it would hurt our ability to win a war. 7. So, what did you have for breakfast? Rightwingers have breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast and jam, because they suck and don't know that birdseed is the best. ...so...you don't serve seed at the chow halls, right? 8. wait.... how about if I "feel" like a loser gender? you don't want to lose the war, right? 9. I'm too intelligent to be drafted - I need to stay here in my office and pretend I am of a darth vader gender ! 10. Look, you can't draft me, I'm an ornithological wonder, an engineer, and ....what you mean that doesn't matter. Now look here, these conservatives on the political forum - they should be drafted first. They have nads. See? I don't have nads. I just peck. Did I mention that you're a moron? Say, have you ever shopped at costco? I'll bet you haven't. I shop at walmart because walmart has bags of birdseed and costco doesn't I think. and I can only drive an electric car because....well, no, I don't have one ...well, ok, I don't know how to do that either, I have always had my nanny drive me places. Say, that's a nice tie you're wearing there. You're cute with that tie, haha you sure ....wait, now, just a minute ....I have my bird papers somewhere .....did I mention that you are a moron?
  13. ya. I would not enlist with woke/gay/trans/feelings/etc being the main indoctrination goal of our military - you know, instead of DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY..... and you asswholes who happily voted for all this garbage to happen..... including the tragic genocide in the Ukraine..... are directly responsible because you did not THINK and vote, you just emotionally kneejerked like social media lemmings. https://republicandaily.com/2022/03/selective-service-is-hinting-that-this-could-be-coming-soon/
  14. big serious trouble.....very ....pointed video...
  15. " " woody Yellow bellied Woodpecker | John James Audubon's Birds of ... https://www.audubon.org › birds-of-america › yellow-bellied-woodpecker The Yellow-bellied Woodpecker prefers the interior of the forest during spring and summer, seldom shewing itself near the habitations of man at those seasons. It is a sly and suspicious bird, spending most of its time in trees which have close branches and dense foliage. It generally bores its nest at a considerable height, and usually in the ...
  16. the Ukraine would never have been invaded if Pres Trump was president. A strong virtual consensus says watch the voting in '22 and '24.
  17. cowardly woodypeckerhead has no comment.
  18. 1. Stop social media inspred stupid ass emotional voting against your own country. 2. Admit you caused the genocide in the Ukraine.
  19. "we are doing better at spending more money on gas and food, and doing better at ignoring the men, women and children dying in the Ukraine because we helped elect a dangerously warped and cowardly asswhole as president haha"
  20. then why didn't you vote for Pres Trump and your country? no, you are the coward that won't man up and vote for the right things. and you proved me correct again. the original op was about electric cars being a stupid ass idea. Why don't you stop being a wimpy birdbrain and stick to the op just once? or are you too stupid? There is no waffle, I've never been an advocate of conflict of interest. Molting 101 - Your Connection to Wildlife https://blog.cwf-fcf.org › index.php › en › molting-101 Male and female Downy Woodpeckers. When the weather warms up, many birds will drop their dull winter feathers and start to grow bright plumage. Have you ever noticed that it's often males that don bright feathers? That's because they're showing off. It's true. The brighter the look, the more attention they get from the ladies. Reason #4.
  21. Thanks to Whoorta, tex neo ane woodpecker et all , our gov is the laughingstock/worry all around the world. even NATO countries are worried we are helpless right now to fulfill promises. Ukraine should NEVER have gotten rid of their nukes. It wasn't a bad move - except for the fact that fools elected a cowardly, corrupt government on purpose, and this slutty American gov will not honor those promises, and Great Britian, etc reneged on their promise. This invasion/genocide/war crimes would NEVER have happened if you self-absorbed fools hadn't voted against Pres Trump and America First - ....instead, you voted for your feeble frail feelings over mean tweets because it was social media cool. Innocent men, women, and children, and American journalists, have been murdered as a reulst . https://www.juancole.com/2019/09/ukraine-security-zelensky.html
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