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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. This is the work of 18 U.S.C. § 2, which visits the same consequences on anyone who orders or intentionally assists in the commission of a federal crime. Aiding and abetting means assisting in the commission of someone else's crime. Section 2(a) demands that the defendant embrace the crime of
  2. neo-nazi much?

    Oct 18, 2023Pro-Hamas extremists are flooding social media platforms with calls for attacks on Jewish communities and other targets in the U.S. and Europe, prompting U.S. law enforcement agencies to step up ...
  3. 1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

    You can't come up with an actual crime they've committed. 1A allows us the freedom to say offensive things without being jailed for it. You can't throw them in jail because they wished death/cancer/disease/rot on someone or some group. Please try again. 

    false claim. Yes I can.

    The Espionage Act is a law that was created in 1917, shortly after the United States joined World War I. The Act was created to protect the United States by prohibiting its citizens from supporting the nation's enemies during wartime. It also made it illegal for citizens to obstruct military operations during



    the offense occurs in or affects interstate or foreign commerce; or
    an offender aids or abets any person over whom jurisdiction exists under this paragraph in committing an offense under subsection (a) or conspires with any person over whom jurisdiction exists under this paragraph to commit an offense under subsection (a)."


    Aiding and abetting

    Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets another person in the commission of a crime. It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if he or she is not the principal offender. Wikipedia

  4. 3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    You want them kicked out of the country for what crime, exactly? You've sat here and argued that the Jan 6 protesters have been treated unfairly by the law because they're getting the book thrown at them for trespassing. Now you want the book to be thrown at pro-Gaza protesters for trespassing? Please help me to understand what you think the difference is. 

    Oh, please, you aren't STUPID like your woodpecker is. Just grow up a bit.

    Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "death to America" ? NO

    Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "death to Israel" ? NO

    Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "death to anyone or any country" ? NO

    Did the Jan 6th protesters ever chant "gas the Jews" ? NO

    Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "river to the sea" ? NO

    Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever take over streets, bridges and deny Real Americans the ability

    to go where they want to go? NO

    Don't be like your little insipid birdbrain - I said nothing about trespassing.

    The fact is, -it's terrorism. and 71% ? of your self-destructive "palestinians" SUPPORT TERRORISM = hamas !

    Turn about is fair play -

    "Please explain why you are happy Ashli Babbit was murdered for trespassing but none of your

    "palestinians" were shot - not one? Even fighting with the police ! Terrorizing Jews on college campuses?

    Why should Jewish students have to go home when they are peaceful and have done NOTHING WRONG ?

    1 day agoPro-Palestinian protests have paralyzed a handful of the country's most elite campuses, where political free speech is pitted against a spike in antisemitic attacks that are leaving Jewish ...


    • Upvote 1
  5. On 4/21/2024 at 12:15 AM, VaporTrail said:

    We have given Israel $3B/year since Obama has been in office. We are also sending our Patriot missiles and other munitions to supply them. They are a first-world country with a top 10 military. If they can't defeat Hamas with that astronomical amount of military aid, then why on earth do they deserve more of our money? Same with Ukraine, this $50B package isn't going to change the outcome of the war.  If they want to kill each other so badly, then they can do it without us being a party to it. 

    I am an America first voter. I don't care who controls the Israel Gaza border. I don't care who controls the Russia Ukraine border. Our foreign policy shouldn't create a bunch of refugees who will come here and flood the labor market. Our foreign policy shouldn't worsen inflation that's been out of control since COVID. 

    Yemen is going to hold the Mandeb strait hostage as long as Israel keeps killing Gazans. This worsens inflation.
    Cutting Russia's economy out of the Western markets has reduced supply of all sorts of metals and fertilizers. This worsens inflation. 
    If we keep kowtowing to Israel, don't be surprised when a cornered Iran shuts down the Hormuz. This will also worsen inflation. 

    You can clearly see that inflation peaked shortly after we enacted Russian sanctions. It hasn't gone back down to less than 3% since the pandemic started. 


    Whatever brings the cost of gas and cheeseburgers back to $2

    to paraphrase "

    "let the arab terrorists take over the world, let them murder all the Jews and wipe out Isreal off the map, and let WWIII happen  because in all the despair, our lives will be better because food will be in short supply and we can be like the stupid "palestinian terrorists" who ruined their own lives and blame everything on those Jews because they are too ignorant to blame themselves and the ocmmunists should take over the world because everybody is equal and everything gets divided up equally, even though there is nothing to divide up and.............................................................................................................................................................................................................."

  6. Israel will hit back at iran, or iran will happily do it again. iran should have been kept poor like Pres Trump did with sanctions.

    biden undid some of those important ones, and gave them billions, that iran happily used for terrorism and weapons.


    Hamas has to be destroyed if Israel is going to survive as a state: Gen. Jack Keane

  7. I served with some terrific leaders, had a talk with an outstanding general once. Some Lt. Colonels I admired, some, a few,  were trash human beings.

    This General is OUTSTANDING.

    and he is absolutely correct.


    Israel has to retaliate: Gen. Jack Keane

    Fox News senior strategic analyst Ret. Gen. Jack Keane weighs in on how Israel could respond to a missile and drone attack from Iran on 'Special Report.'

  8. "I'm damn tired of the persona attacks and insults." - Whoreta


    started the name calling and endless slurs as soon as you got over here, and even started in on the Browns forum.

    Here's your sign:


    • Haha 2
  9. 6 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Unfortunately, more will be coming because Biden let Israel flatten Gaza. But hey, so long as they're not Israel's problem anymore! 🤡🌎

    oh, boo hoo baloney. They've been coming here for years, and Israel didn't flatten gaza, they fought the palestinians/hamas that raped, murdered, beheaded babies/burned babies alive over 1200 Israelis and a few Americans, because our "president": is a freaking incompetent coward.

    That is why russia went into the Ukraine, China is ready to move on Taiwan (out of economic desperation and arrogance), and Oct. 7th happened.

    THINK before you vote next time, eh?

    • Like 1
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  10. biden is a coward, and will only pretend to take a stand when he is told to by his radical handlers.

    biden has been wrong on foreign relations his entire career.

    He has lied about himself since at least college.

    Biden isn't all there, and it's impossible to hide anymore.


    Sen. John Kennedy Wrecks Biden Over Iran Appeasement, 'Go to Amazon and Buy a Spine Online'

  11. 31 minutes ago, Jax said:

    "I'm damn tired of the persona attacks and insults." - Hoorta

    The kiddies really need to grow f**ck up- - Hoorta very next line

    I haven't seen you contribute anything but come attack and instigate people.

    The Browns side of the forum could use cleaned up, I see plenty of childish attacks there. Again you know this but continue to lie and play games. Stop crying about not posting here and stop posting here or post something honest. We have enough childish games between Woody and CCp.

    I'm stupid enough to even reply to you today but whatever.


    MY POV, It's outlived it's usefulness. This board has been destroyed by letting  whackos run amok with zero consequences.  - hoorta

    Your pov is the only one that matters, everyone else is a whack job that needs punished and silenced. Said every typical lib everywhere.


  12. so, alvin bragg is a SOROS funded "prosecutor" who bends the law again and again, to manufacture a false prosecution of Pres Trump.

    and dirty smelly bragg met with......biden at the WH THREE TIMES BEFORE DOING IT.

    New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg met with federal law enforcement before indicting Trump on a state charge. Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted Trump on a federal charge shortly after ...
  13. So, on a very minor point, they try to prosecute Pres Trump for a misdemeanor, except they make it into a phony "felony". Then they change the law, and retroactively negate the statute of limitations, and try to ruin biden's dominant political opponent.

    Which, fani et others have coordinated with the WH that is stunk up by biden poopypants and his corrupt band of radical handlers.

    The democratic party is no more.


    Even CNN Legal Analyst Incredulously Wrecks 'Weakness' of Unprecedented Criminal Case Against Trump

  14. Whoreta chimes right in with nonsense slurs and garbage.

    Then it calls this forum a sewer. Like  a skunk that spews scent all over a car and says "your car stinks".

    pretty freaking stupid.

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