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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Ann Lesby

    Lesby, Ann




    It's a parody account, champ 

    doesn't matter - the reality is, it isn't that far-fetched from reality that is going on now. Social media has created a venue for really hating, screwed up people to act out perversely. The op is probably a parody, but.....


  2. told ya a few years ago. That is why they wanted them to come in.


    Durbin pushes voting rights for illegal aliens without public consent

    "Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and his fellow Senate Democrats recently sent a letter to Joe Biden demanding a quick path to legal status for the more than 10 million illegal aliens who have entered the United States since 2021. "


    States have already been denied access to federal migrant tracking databases, thereby preventing comprehensive voter registration citizenship checks.

    We are already registering millions of new arrivals for federal social service programs, which have voter registration attached by mandate of the National Voter Registration Act. Those who say the threat of noncitizen voting is unfounded either aren’t paying attention or are simply lying.

    Could Durbin’s missive lead to an executive order granting amnesty and citizenship status? Absolutely.

    Read Durbin’s list of demands for yourself. He demands the millions who came here illegally be granted a quick path to legal status, and he wants U.S. taxpayers pay for it. He demands full citizenship rights, which would include the right to vote. He demands that America change forever, without citizens ever having a vote or even a say about it."

  3. 9 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

    Meanwhile, at Ohio State.

    What are the odds Biden has himself a May 4th?


    Not an unfair question - except the anti-war demostrators at Kent didn't call for American's death, and death to Israel. They didn't claim to be terrorists. If you are inferring the students killed at Kent were deliberately shot, that is a lot of nonsense for the most part. and it was the National Guard firing warning shots - dangerously - that ended up killed some students away from the crowd...that was throwing rocks at the national guard. The Kent protesters weren't threatening anyone, though they burned down the ROTC building on a Saturday....

    Not snipers up on roofs. Barring your protesters from throwing rocks etc at the police - I would say no, the odds are extremely bad for it to happen.

  4. 1 hour ago, JAFBF said:

    Cal (more so than me) and I have posted elsewhere of things that people can do to help prepare, but I don't know how far things will go (food likely, fuel ?, power ?, etc ?) - it's looking like this is the year, though for maximum shake up it could go into next year (really hope not)

    We don't go way overboard, but I look at the history of the struggles of a LOT of folks back in the depression days. On my Dad's family - their farm saw plenty of desperate folks who were on the move to live with relatives etc to try to eek out necessities to live on. My Dad's family never turned anyone away - people would help on the farm and have some great meals. They had everything they needed - the only way they knew there was a depression was from folks stopping by for a helping hand.

    Back then, people ate weeds like Lambs Quarter and dendelions.... I have mentioned before - that back in the civil war days, pioneer days, they roasted dandelion roots and chickory roots to make coffee. So many people were in desperate times.

       Today, it seems most believe that those times couldn't happen again. Between WWIII and our economy crashing via our national debt - it's possible more and more.

      Our country is falling apart politically, domestically, spiritually, and our national security is glaringly compromised, and our gov is out of control corrupt up on high.

    Remember bar shelves when covid hit? What would happen if something worse happens?

      It's a fun hobby for me and it's like insurance you hope you never have to use.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Getting closer to communist behaviors that are recorded in history -


    'The Hell It Can't Happen Here!'

    "It can indeed happen here. In the coming years, the Left will demand that you agree that 2+2=5, and when you refuse to applaud the madness, they will "discover who the independent people" are, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in "The Gulag Archipelago." "



    The Gulag Archipelago

    "The book describes and discusses the waves of purges and the assembling of show trials by Stalin through the 1930s in the context of the development of the greater Gulag system; Solzhenitsyn closely examines its purposive legal and bureaucratic development. The narrative ends in 1956 at the time of Nikita Khrushchev's Secret Speech ("On the Personality Cult and its Consequences"). Khrushchev gave the speech at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, denouncing Joseph Stalin's personality cult, his autocratic power, and the widespread surveillance of all classes of people that pervaded the Stalin era. "

    • Upvote 2
  6. I guess hamas and the "palestinians" still want :"palestinians" to starve to death so they

    can blame it on Israel.


    they are their own worst enemy - they have historically created their own misery.


    Biden's 'Humanitarian Aid' Pier Off Gaza Gets 'Humanitarian' Mortar Barrage From Hamas

    • Upvote 1
  7. how long has his name been coming up?

  8. Expose & report corrupt judges & attorneys. File official complaints to your state judicial oversight bodies. Cite specific violations of rules or codes. And then publish those complaints here and on the FCLU's Facebook and Twitter sites. Research and publish reports on corrupt judges. An example of
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