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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. I think I'd go back to Hawaii before going to Australia, lol, so many lethal critters around in the ocean and on land.

    The times we snorkeled in Hawaii, and then the Caribbean, no worries until the guides up on the boat threw a bunch of

    chum in the water, and hundreds of little fish moved in. Pretty amazing to hear the ladies shriek under water....

  2. On 4/27/2024 at 12:48 PM, Unsympathetic said:

    Yes, they played every snap -- and not because the depth is poop.  Deep dive at tOSU incoming.. for whatever old-head reason, OSU doesn't rotate.  It's dumb for umpteen reasons... but they don't. Not at WR, not at DL, not at LB... you name the position.  Starter WR legs are dead by Michigan because they're out there running go routes late against Akron, that's why S Lathan Ransom got injured last season because he was playing late in a game they already had comfortably won, etc etc.

    And if you think OSU DT depth last season was not there... that's a fried take, their DT room as a whole was at worst the equal of UM who had the #1 DT room in the country, and likely/arguably was better.  Same is true in upcoming 2024 season and possibly better in 2024.

    And let's be clear: "Depth" doesn't magic a fr/so who isn't great into a starter.  The point of playing the young'uns is to decrease their role on that play or package to put them in positions to succeed within the decreased role so they get comfortable with the game.. so responsibilities can be expanded.  Some freshmen were great from the rip last season such as Jermaine Mathews and Malik Hartford.

    Tia, have you heard anything of the so-called "personality red flags" that are guessed to be why Hall fell?

    I really like the Hall pick. Don't know about Zinter - no complaints.


    Ohio State DT and 2024 NFL Draft prospect Mike Hall Jr. turned a potential red flag into a strength

  3. 15 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


    all you have ever done is insult other people in your posts. It's really a bad look for anyone, especially

    an arrogant birdbrain who has no idea of what he is talking about.

    You don't have the historical education, you don't have the life experience, your observation skills are poor, you don't respond to anyone else's posts legitimately, and your stupid antagonism reeks of bird seed excrement.

    But it's a free country, still, you are free to be a loser in every thread.

  4. 8 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    Sorry man, this is getting to close to that  red pilled part of the Internet. Have some lied? Sure. That exists literally everywhere. But I'm not going to call a movement to push women's rights and the realities of sexual assault/abuse out of the shadows a cancer. 

    the spin is real in this one


  5. YES, What Jax said. I have pictures of the National Guard - they were polite and just being there to stop the violence.

    Again, when we were leaving the campus, we saw two tall longhaired hippie freaks messing with one lone National Guardsman guarding their little parking lot of vehicles. They bumped him a bit, we started to go over and stop them -

    and they went to try to put a flower, then a pebble down the barrel of his rifle, then he whipped his gun at them and ordered them to back off.

    They freaking shut the hell up and quietly left.

    I figure that the anti war rallies was just an excuse for fighting the status quo. They were on power trips - they loved the feeling. When the leaders throw a party and don't even to their own rally - that is really telling. Like a big crowd that goes to a rock concert and raises hell.

    Look at all the money that blm brought in and abused. Look at all those new tents and signs and "palestinian" garb - who buys all that for them?

    Antifa raised all sorts of hell - it wasn't about Israel or the Ukraine, it wasn't about race relations - it was about rock concernt hell raising, anti-American politically motivated.

    These "palestinian" rallies have been in the planning for several years, I think.

  6. 1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

    BLM protests didn't threaten military industrial complex profits - police stood down as the protests turned into riots and several American small businesses were destroyed.
    Vietnam and Israel antiwar protests DO threaten military industrial complex profits - police shut them down promptly. 

    Personally, I'd prefer the government prioritize the average American over any foreigner, but I guess that is considered quite antisemitic in this day and age. 

    blm protest/RIOTS happened without being shut down because they happened in hard core democrat cities, who allowed it.

    The Vietnam protests happened a lot, we used to watch them for a bit, and laugh at the stupid crap. They weren't shut down because it wasn't necessary, til they went to D.C. and ended up in RFK stadium. The trouble was, as a gal was crying huge tears, her friend in the student union explained - her brother was in Vietnam and the leaders of the trip used their remaining bus money to throw a wild party at their hotel. They didn't get arrested because they didn't even go to the protest.

         I've told that story before.

    With rocks thrown at the National Guard at Kent May 4th, and the previous burning down of the ROTC building, that is why it was shut down.


    There is no protest that threatens the "military-industrial complex".

    Prefer away, but your opinion that you'd want our gov to prioritize Americans over foreigners - that is how WWI and WWII ending up having to be enjoined by America, and how so many of our SOLDIERS DIED in those wars.

    It has nothing to do with being the "world's policeman", but ignoring conflicts completely lets them become military confrontations that have historically become world wars.

    I want us to supply the Ukraine and Israel with weapons etc to help them not be destroyed. Except, Pres Trump had IRan on the economic ropes and russia would never have invaded because before they did, We'd send the Ukraine what they needed TO PREVENT RUSSIA FROM INVADING.

    We live in this world, and there are times when we need to prevent the world from exploding into world war. Failing that, all hell breaks loose.

    Just my opinion. Prevention is a great cure for the risk of having to put our Soldiers into harms way.

    It's history.


  7. So, if you buy a nicer house, you get hammered.


    Successful Americans are not totally dependent on the gov,

    so socialists have to take their money to spread it around.

    Probably in the name of the un's ....."man made global warming" farce.


    Biden's INSANE Proposed Capital Gains Tax Would WRECK Economy

  8. 9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    How many Palestinians have been killed by Israel? Any answer?

    Is it easier to pretend they're all terrorists? The children too?

    still don't know how to look stuff up yourself? I don't know, nobody does, given

    the corrupt terrorists lies and murder/starvation of their own citizens.

    Answer it yourself, woodpecker. lol


  9. to the point of trying to destroy biden's political opposition (he will lose) - to the point of the White House covertly arranging these

    Stalin-like show trials to keep Pres Trump from campaigning.

    Meanwhile, every day in the fake corrupt show trial - his donations are going up.



  10. 2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    How many Palestinians have been killed in Gaza by Israel? 

    how many have been used as human shields? how many kidnapped/raped/beaten HOSTAGES were

    murdered by hamas?

    With 71-78% of "palestinians" being supporters of hamas torture, rape and murder, including babies being burned alive in front of parents/beheaded etc.....

    how many of those "palestinians" killed were actually enemy combatants?

    Civilians die in wars?

    how many "palestinians" have worn suicide vests and blown themselves up?

    Go have someone teach you to look stuff up on the internet.



  11. 24 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    I really should have waited on this one to let you all reply. 


    It isn't the first time one of you has posted satire as fact and it won't be the last time 

    None of us said it was fact. But the parody has some truth to it.

    Again, you rarely, if ever, have any legit opinion of your own - all you do is "peck" -

    ridicule and argue with other poster's opinions, to try to be some kind of superior bird.

    you are just a lowly woodpecker. Go clean your nest. (are you unemployed now? hope not. your murdering, raping illegals need the support).



  12. SAy - now some of the pro hamas protesters are also supporting



    Have to wonder where all those "palsetinian", "i am hamas" etc garb and signs are coming from......

    Has anyone seen those for sale at any walmart?


    The Pro-Hamas Crowd Has Found a New Terrorist Group to Support

  13. One study of Palestinian suicide bombers reveals the critical role played by the Hamas dawa - Hamas's social-welfare infrastructure of clinics, schools, mosques and charities - in pushing angry and frustrated Palestinians to the point of committing acts of terrorism. While they acknowledge that no single
  14. 10 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Meanwhile, at Ohio State.

    What are the odds Biden has himself a May 4th?

    btw, on May 4th 1970 = I was actually on campus there.

    No tent city. No threats to kill an entire nation, no threats to Israel to be destroyed,

    The two officers could be feds or state police, I guess.

    At Kent State, the National Guard guys were tired and wondering "what the".....

    But I guess if one of the "palestinians" had a suicide vest on, which is what they do in the middle east,

    the officers on the roof might have to take that bomber out.

  15. In 2016, Torres married a Cypress tree in Mexico. The famous tree, known as El Tule or Arbol del Tule, is one of the oldest and widest trees in the world. ... A Japanese man known as "Sal 9000" built a virtual relationship with Nene Anegasaki, one of the avatars on Love Plus. After the 25-year-old dated
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