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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 14 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    Beating your chest in victory because of a battle from 1500 years ago? I'll just assume that's the dementia talking.

    Israelis are actively pushing into the West Bank now, attacking Palestinians and pushing them out of their homes. They've been doing this long before the attack last October. This has been condemned by more than just middle eastern nations. Though it's clear you're just throwing "good" and "evil" onto, let's say, certain types of people at this point. That reality comes out more in each one of your posts. 

    No matter what happens though, no matter what violence Israel commits, no matter what violence they have committed in the past, I'm sure you'll claim self defense. 

    Again, you make an ass of yourself. There isn't any "beating my chest" - you run your beak with garbage eeking out most of the time. lol

    The point you stupidly missed, as usually, is that the Jewish folks were persecuted way, way, way back, and it's still going on today.

    Israel has every right to the West Bank - they were declared war upon, and the other side that started it LOST. That is history, and you don't know any history - it seems you never use history to make any point - so I guess you don't know history at all.

    Show me one video were Israeli's massed together and chanted "Death to all arabs and muslims" .

    you can't.

    Show me one instance where an Israeli was a suicide bomber.

    You can't.

    Show me in history where Israel ever started a war.

    You can't.

    You lose.

    Have a nice stupid day.

  2. 50 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    What are your thoughts on Israeli settlers on the West Bank kicking Palestinians out of their homes? Something that has been condemned by many nations. Easy one to start with. 

    baloney. Explain why you FEEL it's nonsense. I don't care about the nations that don't want Israel to exist.

    Like I explained in the other thread - Israel was declared war upon by Egypt - Israel fought Egypt, Jordan meekly joined in to a point, and syria joined in, too.

    Israel won hugely. Because they WON THE WAR THEY DIDN"T START, they kept some of the land for future security to prevent other militaries from having so much an advantage.

    How infantile, criticize where I showed you the arabs/muslims/Mohammed's army destroyed a country in the earlier history of the region, and you say I don't do history? LOL

    Yell at the sky all you want, but you are wrong on nearly? every single discussion you pretend to have a legit offering to put forth.

  3. 7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    I mean, start with all the Israeli settlers pushing into the West Bank.

    The West Bank was taken by Israel because they were declared war upon, but won handily.

    A country starts a war, they lose, winner wins, and Israel took was was necessary for it's security in the


    Israel gave back the entire Sinai for peace.

    Of course, it didn't work. Learn some history on the region.

  4. 1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

    Hamas =/= Palestine 

    We have plenty of experience being the root cause / growth of terror orgs. What do you think drove the creation and growth of Hamas? You think Israel was just being a good little neighbor this whole time???

    If you've decided that genocide is a viable solution to destroy Hamas (which won't happen, you can't just hope to kill an idea), than any discussion of resolving the actual root cause is a moot point.

    1. You really are an asshole. and extremely ignorant, too.

    2. 71-78 percent of "palestinians" support hamas, so they may as well be the same thing.

    3. No one has decided anything like "genocide is a viable" nothing. You do this constantly - invent what isn't true, then declare it isn't true. Pretty flimsy, girliebird.

    You also use words improperly, whether intentionally or stupidly.




    Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". Wikipedia"

    With defending yourself against war declared on you, after a vicious attack AGAIN....that is war in self-defense and survival. Pretty cowardly to ignore history and facts.


    7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    you blather after I posted this. You think the ancient Jews from that place deserved to be destroyed and murdered because they sent ancient jets to bomb mohammed's army? what is wrong with you?

    Where is the "root cause" of Banu Qurayza - and all the men, women and children being murdered or taken as slaves? eh?

  5. 2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Maybe you should read up on your history too. Preferably from not right wing sources or "Israel Times" or whatever. 

    tell us, oh birdie, what your version of history is that says Israel

    made mistakes that warrant the terrorism of them since the ancient times.

       Next - do you think the Jews did "some wrong things" that justifies the Holocaust?

    Anyways, for once, read some legit history:

    (btw, don't blame Israel for the siege of Banu_Qujrayza because Israel did not exist at that time.


    Siege of Banu Qurayza

  6. there goes the woodpecker again, worse than ever. It? doesn't know any history, and claims Israel is fighting hamas out of revenge.

    that is stupid.

    They are fighting a WAR that was FORCED UPON THEM to keep

    the war crimes from EVER HAPPENING AGAIN.

    Woody, your posts on this subject are infantile, ignorant, and belligerent.

    You don't lose a war on purpose because civilians and "civilians" get in the way, or

    your country gets run over, and genuine genocide happens, and Israel is no more.

    Israel has NEVER instigated terrorism on the fake palestinians. Not ever.

    You have just made a complete ass of yourself again.

  7. 16 hours ago, Jax said:

    Hate speech is not as protected as you think it is these days, though I agree it should be. It's the actions that matter.

     It's more a complicated issue than a lot of folks think. Hate speech is one thing, terrorist threats are another - this article explains it better than I can:


    When Does the First Amendment Protect Threats?


  8. 15 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    I don't disagree with the end of your post either. But I do disagree that the whole me too movement was a cancer. Anything has bad actors. I still think the net was positive to get issues out into the light. 

    baloney. It was a mmgw kind of political leftwing movement.

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