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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Israel owns our politicians. Your freedom of speech ends when you say mean things about Jews. 

    ah, the old "them Jews run the world"

    and, criticizing the Israeli gov is one thing, ignoring the rape, murder, torture, kidnapping, beheading and burning alive of Israeli babies,

    but whining that "palestinians" are being killed in the war to survive, by Israel, while hamas forces innocent palestinians to be human shields (or they happily do it anyways).......

    is anti-semitic, imho.

    There was no war at all, until your hamas/"palestinians" committed over 1200 serious war crimes against completely innocent Israeli men, women and children, (including unborn children).

  2. On 4/23/2024 at 3:44 PM, VaporTrail said:

    Yes, and I'm pointing out that he's an unprincipled hypocrite who is only rooting for it this time because the people getting arrested are on the other team. 

    you aren't that stupid, you are just mad I disagree with your "palestinian" bias against Israel and the Jews, even when they are in America.

    Did the Jan. 6th protesters chant "Death to America" ?


    your hater nazi-like people are.

    So, it's hypocritical to ignore that simple difference.

    Was any group of folks terrified and threatened by Jan. 6th protesters?


    but your people want death to all of America and Israel, and

    have issued death threats to Jewish STUDENTS.

    Your bigotry against Jews and Israel is asinine.

  3. 2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Jesus Christ you're a fucking moron cal. You truly are. The same thing could be explained to you multiple times, slowly, sounding out the words, but if it doesn't fit your world view you won't comprehend. 


    It is very easy to tell the difference between criticism and antisemitism. You're so blindly wrapped up on defending Israel you just can't tell the difference. 

    Calling what the Israeli government is doing in Gaza genocide isn't antisemitism towards Jews. How are you this stupid?

    yes it is, because it is a deliberate lie. Again, go read up on what "genocide" is.

    That is NOT what is going on in Gaza,. girliebird.

    Try to stop with the stupid slurs and explain why you feel it's genocide.

    Go ahead.

  4. 2 days agoCleveland Browns. 2022 first-round pick: Deshaun Watson (15 th overall pick was traded). Watson was suspended by the NFL for the first 11 games for violations of the league personal conduct policy. In six games started, Watson was 3-3, threw 7 touchdowns and 5 interceptions, and had a
    • Haha 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    The lobbying arm of Israel will make sure any criticism, founded or unfounded, of Israel is defined as antisemitism. Remember our politicians are for sale.

    The trouble is, how can anyone tell the difference between simple criticism and antisemitism?

      The slurs about "genocide" towards Israel is antisemitism, since it is completely bogus, since the same people don't use it for hamas's war crimes in the surprise, unwarranted invasion on Oct. 7th

  6. 3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    And you call them animals. So does Israel's far right government. 

    Y'all had sides picked before anything ever happened. 

    Israel will run this excuse into the ground or until they level all of Gaza, regardless of casualties. 

    It is a genocide. 

    ok, now you are just a liar again. We didn't commit "genocide" in Japan in WWII - it was war.

    You sound like a palestinian terrorist. If you know history, it's legit to know the truth before hamas raped, terrorized, kidnapped, burned babies alive, and beheaded babies....... so yes, before hamas/palestinians rampaged in war crimes, some of us know most of the palestinians are sick terrorists just like hamas. Hamas started the war with hideous war crimes, and still keeps many hostages - many who are raped every day. That is a legit REASON. You think Oct. 7th, was an excuse?

    Was the Holocaust "just an excuse" for fighting the nazis?

    You can't explain in detail why you say "genocide" - without ignoring the actual definition and making up your own to suit your perverted outlooks.

  7. Who is funding all this "palestinian" riots crap?

    dirtbag george soros for one. I saw the Rockefeller Foundation listed on Fox News a few days ago.

    All those signs etc were not made a week after Israel had to go to war vs hamas.


    Who's behind the pro-Palestinian protests that are disrupting Biden's campaign events and blocking city streets?

  8. 9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Israeli fat right officials have called Palestinians inhuman animals to justify their killing. 

    It is funny though, that again, you're painting Israel as perfectly innocent in all of this. 

    I also see where cal gets his "this is all in self defense" responses from. 

    Well, let's see - 71-78% of palestinians SUPPORT THE RAPE, TORTURE, BEHEADING OF BABIES in FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS THAT THEY THEN SHOT AND MURDERED, AND BEHEADING OF BABIES the same manner.... yeah, they are inhumane lowlife scum, every one of them.

    I'm not saying Israel doesn't make mistakes - I'm saying the Israelis have lived with terrorism that hits them every so often.

    Israel hasn't done the suicide bombing, the raping, etc. Israel is the victim of "palestinian" atrocities.

    It's extremely stupid to declare that Israel deserves terrorism. Israel, as I pointed out, has been terrorized by arabic/muslim tribes since ancient times, now it is worse.

    btw, in Iran, Christians get a death sentence. That isn't Israel's fault either. Not our fault.

    It is who the vicious inhuman animals are.

  9. It's a strange way to have a culture - HATE, demand to control the world, HATE some more, ridicule everyone who isn't like them....wish death on entire countries........

    sounds like a bunch of violent woodpeckers.


    CHAOS: Columbia Pro-Hamas Fanatics Storm Hamilton Hall, Barricade Inside and Desecrate Building

  10. 8 hours ago, Jax said:

    There's nothing but Hamas in gaza, let that sink in. They may not all be fighters but they all support what they're doing.

    Also, it's not blind support for Israel if that makes you feel better though it changes nothing.

    No ones calling for genocide and Israel is not committing genocide. As stated, this is war, it ends with complete surrender or when Israel has taken control of gaza.

    Unless Israel decides to withdrawal for whatever reason. I support Israel in this knowing the history and given recent events. Why don't you grow a set of balls and call gaza for what it really is?

    No go ahead and complete the playback loop of how it's Israels fault Hamas exists and that all of Gaza hates them. You can't back that statement up, but even if true, then Israel needs to destroy the monster it created or it will keep coming back. It's all moot, and something your entitlement crowd needs to understand is Hamas and those people make their own choices. They choose to be terrorists and commit crimes against humanity. They are responsible for their actions and only them. But you don't get to make that claim, do you know why? The acts they committed wasn't of a poor, impoverished people craving peace and freedom from their oppressors, it was hate fueled terrorist actions looking to merely murder a race of jews. What they did was far worse as they couldn't even control themselves. They represent gaza and when they dragged mutilated bodies through their streets the 'civilians' were all out cheering. Israel could have already obliterated gaza if they wanted, and if they wanted to commit genocide they would have done it quickly while the world was still in shock over what hamas had done.

    You can't even get the history right and you accuse us for lacking critical thinking skills. Come on man, do better. Educate yourself and come back with some real insights. Just be honest and truthful.


  11. 37 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    Would be great if you could learn how the internet works before using it but unfortunately that ship sailed. 

    You're the political version of tricking the elderly to buy crap on the home shopping network. 

    meaning nothing. The internet works in a manner that you can use words incorrectly and it's okay? LOL

    Another waste of time nonsense insult?

    You lose.

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