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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 16 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

    Solar panels have been around a long time, and their efficiency has improved over the decades.

    I think they have a niche in certain applications, but they still have a way to go for widespread use.

    That’s not right wing, that’s common sense.

    But if it makes you feel better.

    We have a small generator that is solar-powered, we can use it for camping, and if the power goes out, it has run the

    fireplace insert fan for about 6 hrs. Pretty cool stuff - the panels are about 3' x 5', I wired them in a pair. Can recharge in about 3 hrs. Won't run a hot plate or anything like that - but it's cool.

    • Upvote 1
  2. time for dirty judge, his dirty prosecutor to stop the bs and throw this fake trial back into the toilet it came from.


    Trump Trial Smasher: DA's Witness Testifies Trump Did Not Direct Payments to Michael Cohen

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jax said:

    Is that what Al Gore told you?

        IT seems that pecker adopts anti-honesty out of anger that the entire country isn't gay, trans, perverted and/or socialist/communist.

    I also think woody HATES because he hasn't been allowed to marry his nest.

  4. furthemore:


    Israeli–Palestinian conflict

    During the Second Intifada, Palestinians killed by Israelis were referred to as "martyrs"; Israelis killed by Palestinians were not.[156]

    Israel announced a "boycott" of the Arabic broadcaster on 13 March 2008, accusing it of bias in its coverage of the Gaza Strip conflict and toward Hamas.[157] Israeli government employees declined interviews and denied visa applications for the organization's staff. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Majalli Wahabi accused it of focusing on Palestinian suffering and ignoring that of Israel: "We have seen that Al-Jazeera has become part of Hamas ... [sic] taking sides and cooperating with people who are enemies of the state of Israel."[157] According to Israeli officials, Al-Jazeera covered the Gaza incursion but not Palestinian rocket attacks against the Israeli city of Ashkelon. Wahabi said that the Israeli Foreign Ministry would send letters of complaint to the organization and the Qatari government. Officials of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party has accused Al-Jazeera of bias toward Hamas (with which it is at political loggerheads), and Fatah official Mohammed Dahlan sued the broadcaster.[158][159][65][160][161][162] Al-Jazeera agreed to discuss its coverage of Mideast conflict, and the issue has apparently been settled.[163]

    In February 2009, Israel again imposed sanctions on Al Jazeera after Qatar closed the Israeli trade office in Doha in protest against the Gaza War. Israel had considered declaring Al Jazeera a hostile entity and shutting its Israeli offices, but after a legal review the Israeli government decided to impose limited measures restricting the organization's activities in the country. All Al Jazeera employees would not have their visas renewed, and the Israeli government would issue no new visas. Al Jazeera staff would not be allowed to attend government briefings; its access to government and military offices was reduced, and it could not interview Knesset members. The organization would only have access to three agencies: representatives of the Prime Minister's Office, the Foreign Ministry, and the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.[164]

    On 15 July of that year, the Palestinian National Authority (PA) closed down Al Jazeera's offices in the West Bank in an apparent response to claims made on the channel by Farouk Kaddoumi that PA president Mahmoud Abbas had been involved in the death of Yasser Arafat. The Palestinian Information Ministry called the organization's coverage "unbalanced" and accused it of incitement against the PLO and the PA.[165] Four days later, Abbas rescinded the ban and allowed Al Jazeera to resume operations.[166]

    In August 2011, Afghan bureau chief Samer Allawi was arrested by Israeli authorities and charged with being a member of Hamas.[167] Walied Al-Omary, Al Jazeera bureau chief in Israel and the Palestinian territories, said that a military court accused Allawi of making contact with members of Hamas' armed wing.[168] The Committee to Protect Journalists Middle East and North Africa program coordinator Mohamed Abdel Dayem stated that "Israel must clarify why it continues to hold Samer Allawi."[169][170] Allawi was imprisoned for over a month and fined $1,400 after pleading guilty to meeting with Hamas, a militant group viewed as terrorist by Israel and most of the West.[171][172][173][174][175][176][177] In 2013, UN researcher Nicola Perugini was accused by UN Watch of fabricating a United Nations Human Rights Council session in his Al Jazeera article about the latest UNHRC report on Israeli settlements.[178]

    During the 2023 Israel-Hamas war, Al Jazeera was conducting an interview with a wounded Gazan resident, who blamed Hamas hiding amongst civilians for his wounds; Al Jazeera promptly ended the interview.[179][180][181]

    Al Jazeera has also been accused of pushing Hamas propaganda, repeatedly broadcasting statements by Hamas' military and political leaders calling for a broader uprising and aligning themselves closely with Hamas' preferred language for the conflict.[182] In addition, Israel accused several journalists of Al Jazeera of assisting or commanding Hamas units in their fight against Israel.[183][184]

    Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa was killed by an Israeli airstrike on 15 December 2023 targeting Al Jazeera bureau chief Wael Al-Dahdouh, who was also injured during the strike.[185][186][187]

    The IDF accused one of Al Jazeera's journalists in Gaza of being a deputy commander for Hamas and released images of him handling various weaponry.[188][189]

    In late March 2024, Al Jazeera published a story alleging that IDF soldiers have committed rape at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. After an investigation by Hamas, it was found that the story was fabricated by a Gazan woman who wanted to "arouse the nation's favor". Subsequently, Al Jazeera removed all relevant material without releasing a formal retraction.[190][191]""

  5. 58 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:




    Nothing says "free press" like kicking press you don't like out of the country...

    it wasn't a "free press" - it was "owned" by hamas and radical muslim groups. Talking out of your tail feathers is so much a birdbrain knee jerk reaction.



    Al Jazeera has faced considerable criticism and backlash in Egypt and other Arab countries; from ordinary people, media outlets, and governments who accuse it of supporting Qatari agenda and Islamists such as the Muslim Brotherhood[22][23][24][25] Al Jazeera has been criticized by an Egyptian newspaper for its allegedly-biased coverage of news related to Egypt and its government. According to the Egypt Independent, many Egyptians believe Al Jazeera's attacks to be a concerted effort by the channel to destroy Egypt's image in the region."[26]""



    During the Iraq War, Al Jazeera and other news-gathering organizations experienced reporting and movement restrictions. Reporter Tayseer Allouni was expelled from the country and Diyar Al-Omari, another reporter, was stripped of his journalistic credentials by the US. On 2 April 2003, the organization announced that it would "temporarily freeze all coverage" of Iraq in protest of what Al Jazeera called unreasonable interference by Iraqi officials.[44] Contrary to allegations, including those by Donald Rumsfeld on 4 June 2005, Al Jazeera has never shown beheadings; beheadings have appeared on a number of other websites, and have sometimes been misattributed to the organization.[45] When the allegations were reported in other media, Al Jazeera pressed for retractions; The Guardian later corrected its report that the organization "had shown videos of masked terrorists beheading western hostages".[46] The allegation was repeated on Fox News, however, when Al Jazeera's English service was launched on 15 November 2006.[47]

    The Iraqi Allawi government closed Al Jazeera's Iraq office on 7 August 2004, calling the network responsible for a negative image of Iraq and charging it with fueling anti-Coalition hostilities. Al Jazeera spokesman Jihad Ballout said, "It's regrettable and we believe it's not justifiable. This latest decision runs contrary to all the promises made by Iraqi authorities concerning freedom of expression and freedom of the press,"[48] and Al Jazeera vowed to continue reporting from inside Iraq.[49] Photographs showed United States and Iraqi military personnel closing the office. The initial one-month shutdown was extended indefinitely in September 2004 and the offices were sealed,[50] drawing condemnation from international journalists.[51]

    In September 2008, Al Jazeera broadcast live the killing of a U.S. soldier by an Iraqi sniper in Baghdad.[52]

    In April 2013, Iraq banned Al Jazeera and nine other TV channels for "sectarian bias".[53] In a statement, the Iraqi Communication and Media Commission said that the satellite channels had "exaggerated things, given misinformation and called for breaking the law and attacking Iraqi security forces". The commission noted a "sectarian tone" in the TV coverage and "undisciplined media messages exceeded all reasonable limits", threatening to "jeopardize the democratic process".[54][55]


    Al Jazeera TV covered welcome-home festivities for Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese terrorist imprisoned in Israel for killing several people in a Palestine Liberation Front raid from Lebanon into that country, when Kuntar was released from prison on 19 July 2008. On the program, Al Jazeera Beirut office head Ghassan bin Jiddo called Kuntar a "pan-Arab hero" and organized a birthday party for him.[56][57][58] Israel's Government Press Office (GPO) announced a boycott of the channel, including a refusal by Israeli officials to be interviewed and a ban of its correspondents entering government offices in Jerusalem.[59][60] Several days later, Al Jazeera director-general Wadah Khanfar issued a letter admitting that the program violated the channel's code of ethics and saying that he ordered its programming director to take steps to ensure that such an incident would not recur.[61][62]

    The channel was also criticized for allegedly-biased coverage of events in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, including the 2002 Bat Mitzvah massacre where the network omitted the facts that the victims were attending a bat mitzvah at a crowded banquet hall.[63] When Palestinian militant Raed Karmi was killed by the Israeli Army, Al Jazeera was criticized for failing to provide sufficient context in its story.[63]

    Israel again accused Al Jazeera of bias in 2008. Deputy Foreign Minister Majalli Wahabi accused the organization of focusing on Palestinian suffering and downplaying that of Israel, referring to Israeli residents of the western Negev who had been the target of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.[64] "We have seen that Al-Jazeera has become part of Hamas ... taking sides and cooperating with people who are enemies of the state of Israel," said Wahabi, a Druze. "The moment a station like Al-Jazeera gives unreliable reports, represents only one side, and doesn't present the positions of the other side, why should we cooperate?"[65] According to Israeli officials, Al Jazeera covered the Gaza incursion but not Palestinian rocket attacks on the Israeli city of Ashkelon. Wahabi said that the Israeli Foreign Ministry would send letters of complaint to the government of Qatar and Al Jazeera.[65]

    In February 2015, Al Jazeera posted an article on its online edition alleging that the Israeli government had opened dams in its southern region to intentionally flood parts of the Gaza Strip. The article was replaced on 25 February with a statement that there were no dams in southern Israel and the original article was false.[66] During the June 2017 Jerusalem attack, Israeli media accused Al-Jazeera of not identifying it as a terrorist attack and ignoring an attack by three Palestinians on the Temple Mount in Old Jerusalem (focusing instead on the killing of a Palestinian by Israeli forces during Friday prayers).[67][dubious discuss][unreliable source?]

    During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, Al Jazeera Arabic has used the Hamas codename, "Al-Aqsa Flood" in its articles to refer to the conflict.[68] On 1 April, 2024, Israel's parliament approved a law that would allow Israel to shut down Al Jazeera broadcasts from inside the country. Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamim Netanyahu, accused Al-Jazeera of "actively participating in the October 7 massacre and inciting against IDF soldiers". Israeli authorities also cited Al Jazeera's alleged links to Hamas.[69]

    On 5 May 2024, the Israeli government shut down Al Jazeera in Israel and authorized the seizure of its equipment.[70]"


    Saudi Arabia

    This section needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (April 2019)

    Saudi Arabia banned Al-Jazeera and another Qatari website in early 2017 after Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said that he recognized Iran as an Islamic regional power and criticized Saudi Arabia and Donald Trump's policy toward Iran. He praised the Lebanese organization Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas. Qatar denied the allegations, saying that its QNA website had been hacked and it was investigating the incident.[84][85]"


    Allegations of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment


    An article by Sherry Ricchiardi in the American Journalism Review (AJR) noted that critics of Al Jazeera have "assailed what they see as anti-Semitic, anti-American bias in the channel's news content."[144] Ricchiardi had earlier criticized an Al Jazeera report that Jewish employees of 9/11 targets were informed of the attacks beforehand, a report which was also criticized in an October 2001 New York Times editorial. She cited the former Al Jazeera weekly show Sharia and Life, hosted by Yusuf Qaradawi (an Egyptian cleric who "argues clearly and consistently that hatred of Israel and Jews is Islamically sanctioned").[145] The organization held a 2008 on-air birthday party for Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese terrorist convicted of killing four Israelis who was released in July of that year, later admitting that its coverage of Kuntar's release violated its code of ethics.[146] The organization's Beirut bureau chief said, "Brother Samir, we wish to celebrate your birthday with you" and called him a "pan-Arab hero."[120][147]""



    On May 30, 2017, Al Jazeera's English-language account retweeted an Anti-Semitic meme.[152][153] [unreliable source?] The network tweeted an apology after the incident, calling it a "mistake".[154][unreliable source?]

    In May 2019, AJ+ produced a video denying and minimizing the Holocaust. Al Jazeera said it had "swiftly deleted" the video, stating that it had "violated the editorial standards of the network". The video stated that "[the] number [of Jews murdered in the Holocaust] had been exaggerated and 'adopted by the Zionist movement', and that Israel is the 'biggest winner' from the genocide."[155]"



  6. this corrupt judge and prosecutor should never have been allowed to start this garbage in the first place.

    It reeks.


    Former Biden DOJ Official Now Prosecuting Trump Took Thousands From DNC for 'Political Consulting'

  7. hamas has pushed it too far - STILL have about 132 hostages, but about 30 of those are proven to be dead.

    No mention as of yet, of hamas agreeing to release all hostages. hamas has said "they don't know where they are" ...more bs.

    Now butt biden is deciding to delay arms shipments approved by Congress to Israel.

    Without all hostages released, I say Israel should tell hamas to go pound salt, and go into

    Rafah and end hamas once and for all. 71-78% of "palestinians" used to support hamas? well,

    let's see the results of that poll after the war hamas STARTED via cruel, sick and twisted violent rapes, tortures,

    kidnappings, babies being burned alive in front of their parents, then the parents were shot, and beheadings.....

    I say the hell with the corrupt UN, and the hell with hamas being allowed to escape, only to come back eventually and commit another Oct. 7th. If the "palestinians" who support and want to protect hamas with their presence, they are "enemy combatants" by refusing to get out of harms way.

        Israel must destroy what is left of hamas now.


    Israel urges Palestinians to evacuate Rafah as it prepares for a ground operation in Hamas stronghold

  8. Doesn't happen eh?

    Of course it does. After 2020, Real Americans are on the lookout.

    Wasn't it philly that the dems running the voting place ordered the republican observers out of there?

    yeah. Like that.


    WATCH: Democrat Official Caught Stuffing Ballot Box, Judge Orders New Election

  9. Antisemitism  in our White House - have gotten to biden, and the coward is acting on polling in michigan.

    Very strange. and cowardly.  Why not issue a demand that hamas release all hostages?  Why doesn't biden demand anything of any other country in the area?

    because biden is losing the haters of Jews' votes, that's way. He is playing both sides

    to try to get both sides' votes.

    America is falling apart. and Real Americans do not riot and scream "death" to America and Israel.

    Biden's cowardice in the Ukraine - same thing. Biden would not give them the weapons to prevent that war, so russia

    raped, pillaged, murdered, kidnapped and tortured their way into the Ukraine.

    Sound familiar?

    Cowardly, slutty people in our WH are enabling everything to fall apart - russia, iran, china, nk, hamas, hezbollah, hourthis, drug cartels,

    sex traffickers, central american gangs, rapists, Vapor's "palestinians"  murdered all on the move.

    Sensing even more cowardice, it could blow up into WWIII. They will never have a better time to go for it all.


    Biden Places a Hold on Shipments of Arms and Ammunition to Israel

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