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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/climate-change-scare-tool-to-destroy-capitalism/

  2. 41 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    I have no idea why the term “climate change” became a poison pill,

    well, they used to call it "man made global warming" until the science and the scientist scandals made it obvious it was a rally call for politics.

    Then, the UN official admitted that acceptance of "climate change" (they changed it to that because climate changes, but they MEAN mmgw, lol).....

    and the predictions of gloom and flooding and no more florida and no more glaciers etc etc etc, were completely discredited, in a HUGE way.


    Following the U.S. Senate's vote today on a global warming measure (see today's AP article: Senate Defeats Climate Change Measure,) it is an opportune time to examine the recent and quite remarkable momentum shift taking place in climate science. Many former believers in catastrophic man-made
    Now More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims. Link to Intro and full updated report: Link to Full Printable 255-Page PDF Report . ... Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel
    so, there ya go.
    • Upvote 1
  3. The truth hurts the corrupt and the haters.

    After the fall of Hitler, the legacy of hate continued in the post-War expulsions of a million Jews from Arab lands. Periodically, the fervor that ignited the massacres of 1929 surfaces even today.
    going back into history:
    Jul 11, 2022Learn more. English; ... 870,000 Jews living in the Arab countries - from North Africa to the Middle East - were ethnically cleansed. In 1948 there were around 300,000 Jews in Morocco. Today
  4. this garage can't continue. it's a dangerous farce.


    Why Is the Judge in Trump's New York Trial Muzzling a Key Defense Witness?

    "If you think that sounds a little odd for an FEC disclosure, you’re right. That’s where one of the critical witnesses to be called by the Trump defense comes in. Bradley Smith is a former chairman of the FEC, and on many occasions, including long before Trump, he has argued that there are all sorts of things a candidate can spend money on that are not legally classifiable as “for the purpose of influencing any election.” ... Smith, having headed the FEC, has many examples from the commission’s enforcement of federal election law that illustrate his point. He knows what he is talking about, and it seems clear that his expert opinion is that paying off Daniels, no matter what one might think of it, is not a campaign expenditure or donation that FECA requires a candidate to disclose.  The Trump defense plans to call Smith as a witness. Not because he has any personal knowledge of the Trump transaction but because he understands, and has enforced, the campaign law that Bragg’s prosecutors appear to be planning to use against Trump. But Merchan has forbidden Smith from testifying about most of the issues involved in the case."

  5. All these protests/riots for the fake palestinian cause were planned for years. Partially funded by soros - trained in violence on campus, etc etc etc etc.


    Police Clear Out GWU Encampment After Call for Beheadings, May Have Moved in for More Ignoble Reason


    The activists even held mock trials for university officials, pronounced them guilty, and chanted about beheadings. You can see the video on X here

    "Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine" a person repeatedly chanted as others joined in, while some specifically targeted Christopher Alan Bracey, GW’s African American provost, The National Desk (TND) reported. "Bracey, Bracey we see you, you assault students too."

    "To the guillotine," another can be heard shouting, per the report. "Off to the motherf****** gallows with you too." "

  6. 49 minutes ago, Jax said:

    My oldest did boy scouts. I would never sign him up for this garbage.

    it's become a disgrace. The big question is, how much money is involved going to those in charge of it?


  7. Whoreta is so stupid, he can't figure out that diseased mosquitoes can also be brought accidentally from his stinking illegals?

    It's odd that Florida and Texas have had outbreaks.

    But more seriously - an infected ILLEGAL gets into our country, and mosquitos here bite that illegal, then someone else, then malaria can spread.

    No one said malaria was contagious, whoreish whoreta. I guess whoreta sobered up long enough to type. There's good and bad to that.


    • Upvote 1
  8. 2 days agoRussia has threatened to strike British military facilities and ordered its military to hold battlefield nuclear weapons drills in a move the Kremlin described as a response to comments from the ...
    6 days agoA North Korean flag flutters at the propaganda village of Gijungdong in North Korea, in this picture taken near the truce village of Panmunjom inside the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating
  9. 1 minute ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    I've been there and those protesters are giant dickheads for doing that on the Holocaust memorial day at Auschwitz.


    I've been to it and it's heavy as hell when you are in there. Protesting people sobbing in there does exactly nothing other than making the people in there more upset or hardening them against their cause. 

    At the Arizona monument - at Pearl Harbor...it was like that. It's a heartbreak to see all those names who died. I can't imagine seeing Auschwitz. Protesting like that seems so vicious and cruel.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Jax said:

    Nice Cal. I do not have a green thumb though I try at times.


    There's a difference between utilizing solar energy and destroying a working infrastructure for something we're not ready for by force.

    Going green; probably started out as a good thought but turned into a big control/money grab by gov't.



    sadly, it morphed into the un official admitting that acceptance of "mmgw" was necessary for the redistribution of wealth to poor countries.

    I grew up a hunter, camper, fisherman, outdoorsman, gardener, hiker....etc. Conservation is wonderful. The polluting of streams and lakes, etc...

    sicker than sick. Future generations have deserved so much better.

    But mmgw is a crock - it's just a useful tool to get rich, get power (like al gore), and to manipulate others in elections and redistribute wealth.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Jax said:


    There doesn't seem to be words to accurately describe how sick that is. Seems a lot of people can lean towards the dream of power over others or something. In class at Kent once, some long haired kid stood up and gave a speech on how "we can change the whole WORLD, man!".

    drugs. something really wrong there. The rest of us, including the prof, just watched him storm out the door. Imagine 73%? of a country supporting taking over the world, even going to war over it.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    Bear in mind, you can find retards everywhere. When I did work for FEMA, families would have elderly family members and still refuse to evacuate even with help. They would aggressively tell you to leave then the water rises and grandma drowns during a way more dangerous evacuation. Completely preventable.

    Obviously it’s not apples to apples but I wouldn’t use some idiot as a metric for the opinions of most Gazans.


    Different note: If I got shot at the mall because of Obama calling in drone strikes on a civilian target, I would hope people wouldn’t go “well the majority of people voted for him so Logic had what was coming to him at the Auntie Anne’s”. Also, their elections are probably a sham and it’s not like you would live too long if you did make a fuss about Hamas stuffing ballots.

    That said, it doesn’t mean the IDF shouldn’t move forward in trying to wipe out Hamas. It does mean that there shouldn’t be some move by parts of the media to try to dehumanize people in a shitty situation. A 6 year old being buried under rubble is fucked. That doesn’t mean the brakes will be pumped on trying to weed out Hamas.

    Wow. You worked for FEMA ? Refusing to leave? That makes no sense, some people don't make good decisions for whatever emotional reasons. Some folks don't act on a danger further away, until it's too late and it's immediate. Kinda like the lady who was at Custer State Park, and wanted to pet a baby buffalo. Two events we heard about, a year apart.

    The first one, a biker woman tried to get her picture taken with a baby buffalo, and got attacked by the mother - her biker belt got stuck on it's horn, and she was yanked back and forth until her belt broke, her pants came off, and she went flying through the air. The second was the same - she only lost her sweater. The ranger who told us was the one who had to go out and retrieve the sweater.

        But to refuse to leave under those circumstances, just pitiful.

    Back to the Gazans - I don't understand the hatred for an entire country and people since the ancient days.

    The terrorist-supporting Gazans, the kkk, black panthers, nazis, "Islamic" terrorists, groups in Uganda etc, Haiti... seems so evil, most folks can't understand it. Seems that some need to hate so much, that the reasons are artificial.

    The IDF has taken the crossing between Rafah and Egypt. Why the "palestinians" refused to have their own country back in the day - their poverty and living conditions are self-created.

    Children deserve so much more than death and destruction in wars they do not start.

    The youngest victim of the attack on Pearl Harbor was just 3 months old. ... including children, were also victims of Pearl Harbor attack. By HNN Staff. ... 2,403 Americans died in the attack 75 ...
    • Upvote 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Orion said:

    6 picks in the bottom two rounds.  Not much to get excited about there.  I'm thinking that some of those picks will be traded away before next April.

    The extra late picks probably will be used like that - not much help to trade up dramatically, but used to trade up a little earlier in the same round. The Browns roster is so strong, I don't see 7th round picks making the team. The only hole I see in the Browns' roster, so far, is at qb. I left off the first three letters........

    The Browns will surely be in contention to win the division - I just hope Winston is up to it......

    • Haha 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    Fess up Cal, do you have a compost pile?

    I have a big pile of leaves, accumulated over three or four years' time - it's time to use the front end loader and put it all into the garden. Neighbors contributed every year. Going to try growing watermelons this year. And a lot of green beans.

    Crap. I forgot to plant the sugar snap peas. We've been really busy.

    I'm going to scale back the garden, can't do 1000 tomato plants anymore - It used to be my Dad and mine's fun hobby. Probably no more than 30 or 40.

    This year, I will collect a lot of the maple tree "helicopters" seeds. The seed from them - is very edible - I've toasted them and they are good, thinking of other recipes.

    I made dandelion jelly again - it's always a big hit with friends.

    I need somebody to help me do some groundhog skeet.

    • Upvote 1
  15. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2024/05/06/heres-how-israel-plans-to-take-rafah-n2638705

    Here's How Israel Plans to Take Rafah


    While critics of the operation express concern for civilian casualties--which would be entirely the fault of Hamas for perpetrating the October 7 attack on Israel in the first place--Israel has taken careful steps to evacuate people. 

    Another way in which the Biden administration has criticized Israel and their plans for Rafah is concerns that Israel is supposedly not doing enough for humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. As Ravid's piece also mentions, though:

    The latest: Israel Defense Forces plan to control the Palestinian side of the crossing and monitor all aid coming into Gaza, a source with direct knowledge told Axios.

    • The source said Israel believes taking over the Rafah crossing will eliminate Hamas' main ability to show it is still ruling Gaza.
    • In the coming days and weeks, Israel wants Palestinians from Gaza who are not connected to Hamas to be involved in the control and distribution of aid entering the Strip from Egypt, the source said.
    • Israeli tanks and other ground forces entered the eastern outskirts of Rafah on Monday night as part of the first phase of Israel's military operation in the southern Gaza city, Israeli officials said."
    • *****************************

    yep. Vapor needs to apologize. The slur against the IDF about "genocide" is just a dishonest lie.

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