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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. it's so much glaring fraud - it HAS to be thrown out. Like I've said in the past - the left lives solely emotionally - so when they are happy to have one position against someone else, it's fine. But when that same position goes against THEM, then they flip positions.

     biden has now done it on the Ukraine and Israel, and Americans who aren't loved by the left.

    Serious damage is being done. biden has admitted, accidentally, that their plan all alone, is to give illegals the vote.

    They will try before November. Dangerous times.

    This nov, we may lose control over our lives, and our freedoms, and our country if we don't win.

    Given the polls FOR Pres Trump - that is a lot of Americans who agree.

  2. 12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    You're a moron 

    The UN absolutely talks about deforestation 



    But I know this is nothing more than one of your catchphrases at this point 

    Articles in the net don't mean they talk about it in the media. Like they do talk and whine about Israel, but not hamas. Like they talk about redistribution of wealth, but they don't talk about china and india.

    But it is heartening that they have a couple of websites that bring it up. I've talked about it for many years before 2017. 

    So not knowing about a couple of websites makes somebody a moron?

    You can't be civil in your attempts to "take part" in discussions because you don't know much of anything.

  3. 1 hour ago, Reality said:

    At a 30K foot view he sure does.

    At a nuanced view where the tweet was in regards to allegations that President Trump alledgedly withheld 400K in aid because President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine refused President Trumps request of two investigations: one involving his potential opponent in the upcoming 2020 presidential election and a second into unsubstantiated allegations that entities within Ukraine had interfered in the 2016 presidential election vs. Withholding shipments of bombs to Isreal at a time when there are international questions as to if how Isreal is using those and if their use is violating international and US law would be very different things.  Details matter.  But I understand why politicians are aelective with them.  

    Potential opponent - so you say someone can NOT be investigated, if they are someday going to run for president, eh?

    biden is withholding those weapons because the polls, especially in detroit - are very, very, very bad.

    and the fake protests of Israel's existence, using palestinian deaths as an asinine excuse.

    Think any of those protesters would protest hamas and IRan nuking Israel with a russion tactical nuke?

    I think they would cheer innocent civilian deaths, like the "palestinians" cheered 9/11.

    But I understand your slant and politically expedient twist. I see it on dems every so often.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Like I have said for years - the whining about CO2 llevels  - but the UN and others NEVER TALK ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF MILLIONS OF ACRES of RAIN FORESTS.

    Plants use CO2 as food. Therefore, wouldn't it be valid to stop the destruction of millions of acres of rain forests? 

    But no, the reason they dramatically scream about mmgw is political, and redistribution of wealth.

    THAT is why they don't give a damn about those millions and millions of rain forests being destroyed. Rising CO2 levels? STOP the destruction of those millions of rain forests. STOP paving every single area developers can find with asphalt etc.


    you know, if "mmgw is a crisis" .....


  5. another article woodpecker will ignore one way or another:

    A group of 500 esteemed scientists and professionals in climate science have officially notified the United Nations that there is no climate crisis and that spending trillions on a non-problem is 'cruel and imprudent'. This letter will not make it into national or global media, nor will it cause the UN to change
       Interesting in the comments, by the author:
    (will woodpecker be too cowardly to admit it?)
    Noam Mayraz on Nov 18, 2019

    Bob, from your statement above I am guessing that the is called 'Energy Central' is actually 'Energy Left'. 

    how could CO2, which is heavier than air go to to the greenhouse and cause a climate change?

    Stating that mankind energy, including CO2, Mathane and others exceeded the sun's equal gases is absurd in my mind, defining gravity and related natural occurrences.  Try googling "Red Berta Spills the Green Beans."

    You guys have a leftist agenda. Shame on all y'all.

    You do not understand power generation, renewable energy and/or the grid reliability and quality nor the climate.  Noam Mayraz, PE. "

  6. 7 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    You clearly didn't read this article, which is par for the course for you. 

    I most certainly did, you just ignored the good parts. There are two sides of this whole story. Meaning, it isn't settled science as you have always claimed.

    It isn't a perfect science - there are deliberate? mistakes/falsehoods, and honest mistakes. The amount of money going to researchers, CLIMATOLOGISTS.... means they won't dispute the UN's political mmgw scam, because they want the money to keep rolling in.

    In the article (one of the parts you ignored, typical woodcockpecker)


    Soon after publication, an independent climate scientist—one who has repeatedly voiced scepticism of the consensus that human behaviour is causing global warming—spotted an error in the Nature paper's maths.

    "After correction, the... results do not suggest a larger increase in ocean heat content than previously thought," Nicolas Lewis wrote on his Climate Science blog.

    "Just a few hours of analysis and calculations was sufficient to uncover apparently serious (but surely inadvertent) errors in the underlying calculations.

    "It is very important that the media outlets that unquestioningly trumpeted the paper's findings now correct the record too. But perhaps that is too much to hope for," he added.

    With the rectified calculation, the authors quickly realised they had made a mistake."



  7. to put it simply - if mmgw was a real crisis, the UN would be going apecrap onto china and india. they would declare "war" on the destruction of millions of acres of rain forest in the world out of greed.

    Telling Americans we have to fund their studies, give them billions of our tax dollars to "fight mmgw" when they don't say one word to china and india.

    come on.

    If every American built a nice campfire once a week, it would mean nothing, just like if all wood burning and coal burning was stopped in the US, it would mean nothing.

    We are the biggest contributor to the UN. Conflict resolution/prevention? that is a farce.

    We need to turn off the UN spigot, and keep our own freaking money.

    Hamas got so much UN money - they spent it on terrorist weapons, tunnels, etc.

    and the gazans still starved.

    How stupid.

    The UN is worthless, except for dishing out money thta isn't theirs to feed the poor.

    No more, if I had my way.

    • Thanks 1
  8. You have to read it to believe it:


    Joe Biden's Betrayal and Mike Johnson's Fury

    "RedState has covered, from multiple angles, Joe Biden's interview with Erin Burnett, and his comments on cutting off aid to Israel - specifically in the form of specific bombs and other precision weapons - have made official what we have long suspected: Joe Biden is letting his policy be dictated by election results from Dearborn, Michigan."

    "Keep in mind what these weapons are actually for: Minimizing civilian casualties. If such weapons allow for precision strikes, that eliminates more troop movements, more engagements, and more loss of civilian lives. It also means fewer Israeli deaths in combat. By eliminating those weapons in our aid to Israel, the Biden Administration is creating a situation where more lives will be lost, not less."

  9. 16 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    I'd like to agree with you, I'd like to think that's the case, but we have people like cal and his posts above that kill that belief for me. 

    An individual recycling and making a compost pile is great, but it won't make any real impact. Oil and gas companies invested in and pushed the narrative of personal responsibility around the environment and climate change. Why? To direct the attention away from them. They've known for decades the damage they're causing but short term profits beat long term (next generations) damage. 

    These large corporations, those that stand to gain from the status quo, will funnel money into right wing think tanks, which produce "reports" that right wing media rolls with. No topic on this board has seen a higher level of fake experts touted than climate change. A personal favorite of cals being a list of "scientists" from 15 years ago that I could be on... 

    Another angle being not a fake expert, but the complete misinterpretation of actual climate research and studies. 

    Basically every time I've taken the time to dig into the mountain of links cal or someone else vomits up the claims can be debunked in a few minutes. But the problem is there is so much misinformation (actual misinformation, not "news that trump doesn't like" misinformation) out there that regular people just see the headlines and don't do any digging. Even if debunked later those readers are long gone.

    Look at what Girls posted. Public polls on climate change. I'm not surprised less people care. I imagine it's along party lines too since the issue has been politicized. I don't really care what the public thinks on this matter though, most are scientifically illiterate. We're a country that is hostile to actual expertise and we'll suffer as a result. 

    Well, nice try, but:

    A. You have never taken much time to "debunk" crap. You slur any source that disagrees with your mmgw contentions, and you claim "debunk". You slur any scientist for some kind of reason, so you can claim "debunk" again, falsely.

    B. AGAIN, conservation is wonderful. Pollution is sick, destructive, and major companies have been seriously guilty. Individual parties have been seriously guilty. Back when I graduated, and my best friend and his brother decided we didn't want to do Fort Lauderdale stuff, we went to central Ontario and camped for two weeks way, way out in the wilderness, on the other side of a remote lake. The ranger at his station 6 miles away from our camp - said the water was so high in quality, you could go out from shore, at least 20 feet, and drink right out of the lake. They test it every so often on a regular basis.

    Can't do that many places in America. I hate that. But the fallback position to talking about conservation and our environment is NOT MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING. That is how much mmgw has been discredited.

    C. This is about MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING, and it has been discredited again and again. You ignore the dire predictions of flooding entire states, the ocean rising to wipe out parts of entire countries. It's nonsense. It's use is political and redistribution of wealth.

    D. We could go all wind power and solar power, and all hell would break loose because the giant windmills (we've seen the fields out west - it's impressive) - and we've seen the big trucks bringing in new blades, too. Because the bearings wear out, and it's EXPENSIVE TO REPLACE THEM. We've seen solar fields. I love solar power - but one hail storm and it's crapped out. We could honestly wipe out all fossil fuels in America. Even North America. and it would not affect the pollution damage by china and india. Studies PROVE THAT.

    E. Ever wonder, just once, why china and india were exempt from that stupid Kyoto treaty? Sure, woody, let's damage our economy, paid giant taxes to give more money to the UN and our corrupt government now, over "mmgw". China and russia would laugh themselves into a frenzy we were so stupid.

    Ever wonder why the UN has NO PROBLEM with china or india? Because china and india don't have billions of dollars to get directed to them. I wish you would "take the time" to be honest on the subject.

    F. "F" is for "FOOK CHINA".

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