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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. The reason? they were using hamas, the nazi like terrorist organization's lies.

    So, the arrogant bitching about civilian death numbers - people who have used them, were used

    by hamas to continue flagrant lies.

      Sadly, Civilians die in wars, especially when the countries who start the wars use force to use their own civilians as shielfs.

    That is egg on the faces of Israel haters.


    UN Revises/Reduces Gaza Death Numbers for Women, Children by Almost Half, Explanation Is Embarrassing

  2. oh, and the Secret Service is infiltrated with deep swamp players, too.

    See the difference in security zones - dem vs rep conventions?

    What do you want to bet this gov has federal undercover agents in the midst only a quarter of a mile security zone, when the dems convention has a security zone of 3 miles???

    Anyone NOT see the difference? (reference to the woodpecker's typical peckering.)


    Secret Service Won't Budge in Moving Security Zone Farther From GOP Convention in Milwaukee

  3. the radicals have a senile, corrupt, extremely dimwitted "president" to sign off on any stupid ass

    move they want to make on the world stage. Betraying Israel, and America both.

    Meanwhile, missiles fly from the Rafah stronghold by hamas nazi-like terrorists ...from Rafah......into an

    Israeli border town near the border....

    which is a conduit for.....humanitarian aid for....."palestinians".

    While the IDF tells innocent palestinians to get out of harm's way, if hamas doesn't let them stop being

    human shields...while firing missiles.....

    This corrupt WH, obamao's corrupt fbi/doj/irs/cia etc will betray any of our

    allies for biden votes to keep control of our WH, and will betray any Americans

    if they damn good and well feel like it. For "democracy" you know.

       That should be enough to ruin Vapor's lunch. sorry about that.


    BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel

  4. I would NEVER own a stupid prius. That makes me want to go drive our 50 HP John Deere Diesel around for a half hr.

    It was 56 degrees when we sat out and watched the Northern Lights.

    Last night, it was raining, so I will have a campfire tonight to warm up the globe and make it too warm for woodpeckers.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Every time I see a man made global warming hysterical fake bitching happen, I may just fire up the fire pit again.

    So, the corrupt UN can go to hell.


    01 A-frame campfire. A-frame campfires are also known as triangle fires. They're straightforward and a good campfire for beginners. They're also ideal for small campfires as you don't need a lot of combustible materials to get one going. Simply lay three sticks on the ground to form an A-shape or
    • Haha 1
  6. affecting air quality? why not just complain about elephant poop? water buffalo poop? Whale poop (whales in the the ocean, woody)...

    pretty funny, and on point. I would have had a campfire last night, but we were sitting out on the edge of our field, and were taking pictures of the northern lights. If it's cold again, I'll make a heat reflector to keep out backs warm.


    Weekend Parting Shot: Your Smoker Will Kill Us All

  7. Should be considered a serious indication of russia's plans after they take the Ukraine.

    Like has been said by experts - putin/russia demands to be the soviet union again -

    they desperately need the power and support from it.

    It's history


    Is Russia's Baltic GPS Jamming Harassment or a Military Test Bed?

    "GPS jamming is not confined to the Baltic; it takes place throughout the region. 

    Breaking Defense reported that a spike in GPS jamming on Christmas and the following day affected a large area of northern Poland and southern Sweden. On New Year’s Eve, aircraft across southeastern Finland reported disruptions. Areas in Poland again experienced GPS disruption in mid-January. As the month wound-down, southern Sweden, northern Poland, Estonia and Latvia were impacted."


  8. 1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

    Cal ... The website you "didn't know about" is fucking UN.org

    You have no idea what the UN actually does or doesn't say. You only know what Red State and other right wing media reports. That's the point. 

    That's the foundation of every misinformed post and thought you've ever had on here and yet you still don't get it. 

    I never saw it when I was looking a few years ago, stupidass. I know a lot about the fraud by the UN. I even talked about a whole book on the corruption in the UN. I have posted so many links to sources, and you say I'm misinformed?

       You run your mouth to sound intelligent, but wow, you are extremely lost in the honesty dept.  Look, it isn't anyone else's fault, if you are gay/trans/whatever - you don't have to bitch demeaningly at every single poster that doesn't say the stuff you are addicted to.

    How do you "work for a living" at your "job" and hang out on the internet all day?

       I'm a retired computer guy, and none of us would ever do that.

    I'm guessing a relative owns the company you "work" for ? lol

    You really do need to grow up as a human being.


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