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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 11 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Actions have consequences. 



    nothing to do with America and Israel


    The army of Mohammad is coming." The reference is to a location in what is now Saudi Arabia, and to an oft-forgotten piece of Middle Eastern Jewish history. Lawrence Schiffman recounts this story, which begins in 622 CE, when the founder of Islam moved from Mecca to the city of Medina, which at the
    nothing to do with American and Israel
    nothing to do with America and Israel.
  2. 11 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Actions have consequences. 

    blaming everybody else for a peoples' misery and self-destructive behavior (and vicious violence as a happy way of life)

    also has consequences.

    Oct. 7th has consequences.

    Being sTUPID and viciously hateful as a culture - has consequences of their own making.

    they could have had a country back when Israel became a country.

    There misery is entirely their own making.

  3. 9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Or, alternatively, calling out blatant hypocrisy (or at least lies), since Trump did say he was going to testify. 

     Pres Trump said HE WOULD testify. Meaning, if advised by his attorneys, he would most certainly not be afraid of testifying.

      But there is zero need for him to testify, since the prosecutors made complete asses of themselves by failing to prove any illegality. It's so bad, that the corrupt judge refused to let the election law expert testify for the defense.

       So fake a trial that the judge and prosecution badgered, reprimanded (judge), and objected to anything the defenses' witness against cohen did or said.


  4. 25 minutes ago, nickers said:

    Shes gonna go to jail... Shes a real criminal... And it's only a "Primary"... She hasn't "won' anything yet you dufus...

    it's gaslighting - surely ccc isn't as extremely stupid as he/she shows on this forum...or he/she couldn't type or remember where their computer is from day to day.

    Just throwing mud against the wall to be thrilled they make a difference.

    something like that.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

    Sure cal, none of this is the fault of American politicians. It's all because of Hamas and no one else. 

    Sure, palestinian suicide bombres are just victims because we support Israel and they want to

    murder all Jews.

    I clearly said hamas AND "palestinians" who support hamas and even support the war crimes committed by hamas to start the war, and they support suicide bombing with children and women...and men.

    American politicians and Israel never started the death culture.

    Mohammed did, many, many centuries ago.

    Before there was an America.


  6. 2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    This is the result of allowing Netanyahu to pin his ears back and go scorched earth on them. He should have been reined in. This bed was made by the warhawks, now the average Joe is going to have to sleep in it. 

    hamas is the warhawks. and the "palestinians" who get their families money for being successful suicide bombers.

    Even "palestinian" WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

    • A Palestinian suicide bomber riding a bicycle blew up himself next to a military jeep. Hamas claimed responsibility. Afula mall bombing: May 19, 2003: Afula shopping center: 3: 70: Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Fatah claimed responsibility: Davidka Square bus bombing: June 11, 2003: Downtown Jerusalem: 17: 100+ Hamas claimed responsibility ...
      • Second Intifada

        Both organizations have fostered a cult of martyrdom and frequently use suicide bombers. Palestinian terrorists committed a number of suicide attacks later in 2001, among them the Sbarro restaurant massacre, with 15 civilian casualties (including 7 children); the Nahariya train station suicide bombing and the Pardes Hanna bus bombing, both with ...

      • Ayat al-Akhras

        Ayat al-Akhras (20 February 1985 - 29 March 2002) was the third and youngest Palestinian female suicide bomber who, at age 18 (some sources report her age to be as young as 16), killed herself and two Israeli civilians on March 29, 2002, by detonating explosives belted to her body. The killings gained widespread international attention due to Ayat's age and gender and the fact that one of ...

      • Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund

        The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund are two funds operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA). ... In 2016, payments were made to 35,000 families, including the families of suicide bombers, from a 2016 annual budget of $170 million. The stipend is higher than the average Palestinian wage.

      • Wafa Idris

        Wafa Idris (Arabic: وفاء إدريس 1975 - January 27, 2002), a Palestinian Red Crescent volunteer, was the first female suicide bomber in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.She killed herself while committing the Jaffa Street bombing.At the time of her suicide, Idris was a 28-year-old, divorcee, and lived in the Am'ari Refugee Camp in Ramallah.

    • As part of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially during the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005, Palestinian militant groups used children for suicide bombings. Minors were recruited to attack Israeli targets, both military and civilian. This deliberate involvement of children in armed conflict was
  7. 1 hour ago, FairHooker11 said:

    brilliant move - waiting til after the holiday to deliver the closing arguments

    against what looks like a total F up by the prosecution allowing Cohen to explain a 30k pay day for himself! 

    a nice relaxed jury after they return next week to listen (Again ) to the defense account of Cohen's disreputable and 

    perjured testimony that spoke nothing to the non crime of the the pay off

    but rather points the finger at the show trial itself - having no legitimacy from the judge to bragg on down ... 

    kinda like the OP 


    Very strange...and corrupt. The corrupt judge lets prosecution witnesses talk and talk and talk....

    but the defenses' witness ? Constant interrupted by objections, which the "judge" sustained.

    Trey Gowdy said it - it was terrible - he was hard put to remember any prosecution objection that was denied, and hard put to remember any objection by the defense that was sustained.

    And their main witness, the judge sent everyone out of the courtroom whatever it was, and bitched at the defenses witness because that witness looked at him. and said "geez". etc etc etc.

    Then the "judge" apparently denied the defense their expert witness as to the election laws - who would testify that NO ELECTION LAWS WERE BROKEN.

    really? dirty merchan sounds more like Judge Roy Bean.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Orion said:

    So much for our new starting QB  :)  

    LOL. yeah, didn't see that one coming.

    Especially since....



    Former NFL receiver James Jones recently called out Watson, doubting he can look like the Pro Bowl passer he once was with the Houston Texans.

    “If we’re really, truly keeping it 100, Deshaun Watson has been one of the worst quarterbacks in our league,” Jones said. “And I can say that because we have seen how special he could be. Since he’s got to the Cleveland Browns, there have been a lot of ‘what are you doing’ plays. We can say eventually, the Houston dude will come back. But maybe the Houston dude is gone.”



    • Haha 1
  9. either ccc is always stoned, or is just naturally that stupid -

    the bill would have enabled 5,000 to come here, every month, I think it was.....which would be an improvement, except America has too many of them already, and it would be a "limited open border", which means little or nothing.

        The illegal open border garbage must STOP.

    and you watch - they will try to get them voting in the election later this year, because all the cards on on the table, and they will be permanent if they can continue for another four years.

    • Upvote 2
  10. How many innocent men, women and children and solidiers have to die because of

    the corrupt cowardice of biden and his leftwing cowardly handlers?


    Biden White House Establishes Sanctuaries for Russian Forces Attacking Ukraine; Does This Sound Familiar?

  11. Really? violent raging "protests" are fine, encampments are fine, etc etc.

    but a decent pro-Israel event is thwarted to happen again and again?

    I hope they sue UCLA for millions.

    The shrieking, violent, terror bird gets the worm?

    (no reference at all to woodpecker)



    • Upvote 1
  12. 17 hours ago, hoorta said:

    FWIW, when I'm wrong- I'll admit it. THATS the guy you back?  a serial philandering, pathological lying  goober who cheated on every one of his wives? Or tax returns? Unless the SCOTUS saves his sorry ass, or Loose Cannon down in Florida- DJT is in a shitload of legal trouble.    Exactly hammer 90% of America has already made up their minds. am I right? Maybe you should stop swilling the Kool Aid and get a dose of reality. I don't live in a f**king Cult where the Mango Messiah can do no wrong. He's been a crook and a Con Man for decades. FACT Bankrupt a Casino anyone? Trump U- more like screw you. His Latest snake oil- Buy his Bible yet? I hope not. 

    Drunken monkey computer rage?


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