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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. yeah.... kinda like:

    "League of Nations" :  "well, we took a vote, and we want to you know, that in our collective opinion, you and your nazi murderers are terrible, mean, wicked, bad and nasty, so we want you to be nice and not try to nazi the entire earth. Want a cookie?"

    and WWII wouldn't have happened.

    Twisted History.


  2. 1 hour ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    Maybe. A key phrase was “contributing factor.” I’ll attach a link detailing what l’m referring to. The theory is that had the US been more involved in world affairs in the 30s, we could have exerted enough influence to avoid the rise in strength of the Axis powers, or at least be in a better position to see it coming. Think ounce of prevention/pound of cure. 

    https://history.state.gov/milestones/1937-1945/american-isolationism#:~:text=During the 1930s%2C the combination,non-entanglement in international politics.

    did everybody in your class get a big pink ribbon for passing the class with no test?

    No mention of "league of nations". Unless I missed it. Read it and let me know if I did.......

    Have a nice day.


    World War II


  3. In the "refugee camp". Where hamas/"palestinians" hide after terrorist rapes, murders, beheadings and bombings.

    More terrorists tunnels found in Rafah.

    funded by... iran, and the un.

    Death culture. They make their own demise.


    hree More Bodies of Israeli Hostages Found Overnight

  4. C. The UN runs on countries money.

    As in, OUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It has never stopped a war.

    It seems it is only good for spreading our wealth to poor countries.

    That is their motive to try so desperately to foster man made global warming nonsense on us.

    The UN is worthless. except for poor countries who get billions and billions from us.

    Like the Palestinians.

    Read up on the corruption in the UN if you want more of an answer.


  5. 1 hour ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    Why do you think it would tick off independents? I consider myself an independent. My initial thought was “fuck yeah Haley, way to be decisive.” She’s a republican right? This is the expected move. 

    Without linking me to death, what’s your beef with the UN? I get that it’s imperfect, but it stands to reason that the existence of a worldwide collaboration like it should exist. It’s pretty much inevitable. 

    Keeping in mind that it’s a worldwide organizations consisting of member nations looking out for their best own best interests, what do you think the USA should do there?

    Not being a part of it puts us in isolationism mode. We saw the results of that lead to WW2. 

    Right now we’re a big dick in the UN. It really sucks because everyone wants to get a piece of it. But at the end of the day, don’t you wanna have a big dick?

    A. I said that because there were independents who wanted Haley to run and they would vote for her.

    B. The UN is CORRUPT.

  6. so sickening, I guess, that every video I tried to open,....

    has been deleted?

    Sadly for the "palestinians" - the vast majority are vicious terrorists.

    Again, it is NOT Israel's fault they refused to have their own country.

    Their despair, poverty, no country of their own....is their own people's doing.


    WATCH: Horrifying Videos out of Israel, as Biden Administration Delivers Shockingly Grotesque Response

  7. 7 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Might have something to do with us using them to provide Ukrainians with information to kill Russian soldiers. idk. 

    I don't think so - they can simply jam them in the Ukraine.

    Although, russia is now threatening some western nations with mini-nukes, and is running cyber attacks

    in America, England, Poland, Sweden...etc.

       Bad moon risin.

    Interesting article from Gordon Chang, who I admire hugely:


    China Now Preparing To Invade Taiwan | Opinion

  8. in a world war, which they will go for because we are kinda helpless in our WH -

    cyber attacks - "the enemy within" -

    are here for a reason. Extremists/terrorists are certain to be here already.

    Hope and pray we don't have an Oct. 7th here.

  9. 7 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

    I'd like to know why just yesterday at the San Diego Border Crossing thousands of illegals entered mostly from China, Iran, India and Pakistan.  Mostly young single men.  Wonder when the terror attacks will happen.

    Part of the answer is...it's been happening:

  10. 5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    He said "oh absolutely" when asked. He says he'd "like to". He said a bunch of other stuff indicating he was going to testify. 


    I agree with vapor that putting Trump on the stage and letting him stick his foot in his mouth is a terrible idea. 

    Just speaking to the hypocrisy of Trump's statements. Nothing new there

    yes, he said he would. Did not say he was definitely going to. That is up to his attorneys.

       And any good defense counsel will happily not put their defendant on the stand when it's heavily weighted in their favor. In this case, the prosecution looks like fools for trying this nonsense in the first place.

    Kinda like you are a football team, and you lead by ten points with two minutes left. You don't throw a long bomb for a TD and possible int return for a TD.

    You run the clock out and take your win.

    Many, if not every, legal expert is saying there is NO CRIME in this asinine excuse for a "trial".

  11. https://www.cnn.com/2015/05/25/middleeast/isis-killings-palmyra-syria/index.html


    nothing to do with America and Israel


    The army of Mohammad is coming." The reference is to a location in what is now Saudi Arabia, and to an oft-forgotten piece of Middle Eastern Jewish history. Lawrence Schiffman recounts this story, which begins in 622 CE, when the founder of Islam moved from Mecca to the city of Medina, which at the
    nothing to do with American and Israel
    nothing to do with America and Israel.
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