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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.economist.com › finance-and-economics › 2024 › 08 › 20 › kamala-harriss-cost-of-living-plan-will-end-in-failure Kamala Harris's cost-of-living plan will end in failure | The Economist Kamala Harris's cost-of-living plan will end in failure ... Ms Harris has said that she will follow President Joe Biden's previously outlined plans to raise corporate tax rates to 28%, from 21 ...
  2. of course the left is doing it. Some states like Illinois are fighting like hell to keep illegals on their rolls. it's why they opened our borders. https://redstate.com/beccalower/2024/08/21/texas-ag-paxton-opens-investigation-after-reports-of-orgs-secretly-registering-illegals-to-vote-n2178382 Texas AG Paxton Opens Undercover Investigation on Reports of Orgs. Secretly Registering Illegals to Vote
  3. they want them to always vote demosocialist. the left thrives on peoples' dependcy on free stuff from the gov, ever since LBJ's "great society". The problem was, in poverty, women got pregnant for the money. and their kids ran the streets with no father, and a mother that couldn't care less. all too often. I just don't remember the name of the woman who was told to get pregnant because her mom needed more money. That woman worked hard and started her own business, and was very successful. But on the flip side........ https://abcnews.go.com › US › guaranteed-income-programs-expectant-mothers-spreading-us › story?id=105577946 Guaranteed income programs for expectant mothers spreading across US ... Dec 13, 2023New mothers receive up to $1,000 a month, unconditionally, for three years, according to the organization. To be eligible, women must live in the specified region, be at least 18 years old, 23
  4. https://nymag.com › intelligencer › article › a-socialists-case-for-kamala-harris.html A Socialist's Case for Kamala Harris - New York Magazine Jul 3, 2024A Socialist's Case for Kamala Harris. I haven't been excited about the Democratic nominee for president since 2008, when I was 20 and all in for Barack Obama. That passion had faded by his ...
  5. this gov is so corrupt, we don't get any kind of truth from it. Just delays, obstruction, lies, and the harrassment/prosecution of Americans who are politically opposed to them. like the IRS going after conservative groups. like the fbi going after anyone who went to that Jan 6th rally. like federal agents at that rally. doj, irs, fbi, intel, etc etc etc. It won't get fixed with dems in the wh and if dems control Congress.
  6. 4. Free stuff/"socialism"
  7. so, the dems say they can use any damn song they want to use. nope. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=831164512479175&set=a.574637788131850
  8. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2024/08/21/the-pathological-shamelessness-of-tim-walz-n2643611 The Pathological, Shameless, and Downright Weird Dishonesty of Tim Walz
  9. this is going to end very badly if we lose the election. Our enemies will be laughing their asses off. I think there is going to be a WW. Maybe they are waiting to see if obaMao commie can get illegals voting for harris so he can continue as pres. no WWIII if Pres Trump and Vance win. Life will be good then. Otherwise, despair and all economic and legal hell breaks loose.
  10. he did the same thing at his "state of the union" address. they must be experimenting with dementia drugs on him.
  11. biden is another compulsive liar. He has lied his entire career. sick stuff. https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-lies-dem-convention-cnn Four of the biggest lies Joe Biden told at the Democratic National Convention
  12. sure sounds like election manipulation going on again by the biden/harris dhs etc. kinda like the Jan 6th federal agents that infiltrated that rally. and how the secret service cheatle and whatshisname LIED about that attempted assassination of PRes Trump. https://www.theblaze.com/news/dhs-obstruction-could-hamper-trump-shooting-investigations-lawmakers-warn DHS obstruction could hamper Trump shooting investigations, lawmakers warn
  13. I hope this happens. the dems should pay dearly for their belligerent manipulation of their party up on high. I hope RFK jr and his vp candidate go in with Pres Trump. That would rock. Then independents can vote for Pres Trump ! https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/08/21/the-morning-briefing-im-so-here-for-the-madness-of-a-potential-trumprfk-jr-alliance-n4931816 The Morning Briefing: I'm SO Here for the Madness of a Potential Trump-RFK Jr. Alliance
  14. all the left demands to put lipstick on the economic pig: https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/08/21/jobs-report-revised-downward-by-818000-jobs-largest-negative-jobs-report-revision-in-fifteen-years-n2399930 Jobs Report Revised DOWNWARD by 818,000 Jobs (LARGEST Negative Jobs Report Revision in FIFTEEN YEARS)
  15. this is getting ridiculous. walz and harris are compulsive liars. at least obaMao commie could only lie on purpose. the other two dirtbags are compulsive about it. and they can't stop the bs - "joy" so vote against Pres Trump because .....they promise utopia again. and the woodpecker, whoreta, etc will buy into it....again. a lot of the minority communities are getting sick of the fake promises. we'll see. https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/08/20/tim-walz-caught-fudging-the-truth-again-n2178333 Tim Walz Caught Fudging the Truth AGAIN
  16. excuses, and then silence when lefties repeatedly fail and make asses of themselves. they just emotionally run to another false narrative. and, it's all related to free stuff, in one fashion or another. https://www.facebook.com/reel/8068635346558473
  17. Let's not, because America needs Pres Trump to be president again, or your harris/stolen valor slug will give medicare to all - including illegals. which will require Americans' medicare to be slashed. and whining about our national debt - others and I have warned about it for years - except now, your dems in office have really aggravated it in completely asinine ways. https://www.cnn.com › 2024 › 08 › 14 › politics › kamala-harris-medicare-for-all › index.html Kamala Harris' complicated history with Medicare for All ... | CNN 7 days agoKamala Harris may be done with Medicare for All, but Medicare for All - with a new nudge from former President Donald Trump - isn't done with her. The Trump campaign on Wednesday attacked ... ************************************* https://reason.com › 2022 › 11 › 29 › bidens-spending-spree-is-unprecedented Biden's Spending Spree Is Unprecedented - Reason.com Nov 29, 2022The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), passed in March 2021, cost $1.8 trillion, more than half of the new spending enacted during Biden's time in office. But it's the other expensive legislation ... ************************************** https://budget.house.gov › press-release › op-ed-fox-news-its-been-two-miserable-years-since-the-biden-harris-inflation-reduction-act-and-its-worse-than-you-think Op-Ed, Fox News: It's Been Two Miserable Years Since the Biden-Harris ... 5 days agoAfter more than three years of unbridled spending from the Biden-Harris administration, that figure has ballooned to more than $6.8 trillion—an increase of 29.4 percent—or nearly $216,000 per second. ... So we are clear, these tax and spending increases are in addition to the deficit spending
  18. I guess they rescinded that rule after two lawsuits were filed to delay it, because the corrupt dems do NOT want invalid voter fraud found. https://www.11alive.com › article › news › politics › georgia-state-election-board-rules-endorsed-tuesday-july-9 › 85-86ec4bb8-4683-419a-9cb3-0d0b8690b1c6 Georgia Election Board hand count reconciliation rule endorsed ... The rule would amend SEB Rule 183-1-1-.01 (3) to require three people at a polling precinct to "independently count the total number of ballots" and see that they align with the machine totals.
  19. you want the free stuff to be able to screw with folks on this board and get away with it. you thrive on it. that is why you have lost most of the respect you ordinarily would have around here. But haters like you swim in Egypt.
  20. the dnc stands for HATE. beshear is one sick individual. The folks in Kentucky should be ashamed. but those who are democrats won't be. Dangerous times.
  21. yep I was sitting on the very bench where Biscuit Basin blew up. My Wife and our friends like family had an AWESOME fun time - but my timing was good to take a break on that bench.
  22. Here’s a novel idea, how about cutting spending? I know that’s a new idea to most of you, but I believe it would work. 🤔 The D.C. swamp rats don’t have a taxing problem, they have a spending problem. whoreta makes a stupid argument. Raise taxes, and companies will cut back on R&D and hiring, etc. it's like raising the minimum wage - it sounds superficial and utopian. then the small companies, especially, either go under, lay off workers, raise prices. The idea that any company with money should lose it because whoreta, woodpecker etc want free stuff... is just soviet/ommunist china style garbage. You cut corportae taxes, they get wealthier and pay more taxes. But the leftwing bigotry rolls on - because they want to keep power in our gov. Lefties can NOT see the forest, because of the trees at the front edge.
  23. obaMao commie was a devious intentional liar. biden, kamoola crapola, and stolen valor walz can't help it - lies are ingrained and automatic. sick stuff.
  24. While exploring Yellowstone National park in July, we found out, that there is an organism that acuatally lives in some hot springs - giving them amazing color, they are studying these organisms for tech applications. I wonder if these are part of this study..
  25. but only on those who vote republican....that is how they roll.
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