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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. May 2, 2024NATO allies condemned Russia's behavior and called on the country "to uphold its international obligations." "These incidents are part of an intensifying campaign of activities which Russia continues to carry out across the Euro-Atlantic area, including on Alliance territory and through
  2. 7 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

    May be an image of 1 person, beard and text that says '"Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don't necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that." HARRISON BUTKER Kansas City Chiefs Kicker mrc'

    It's so evil that he spoke out and is getting hammered for having decent beliefs.

    The left hates anyone else having free speech.

    Like in communist china - you do NOT cross the "red line" or else.

    like in the soviet union, you don't have free speech, because if you disagree with the state,

        have a nice prison time in siberia.

    The left craves having that kind of corrupt dominance and power, if only they could get it and keep it.

  3. 8 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    The only silver lining here is that climate change isn't something to believe in or not believe in. It's a fact. There's consensus among actual experts. They're now just working to understand it more and improve our future. 


    Sadly this has been politicized and we have the some of the dumbest amongst us holding us back. 

    that is lipstick on a pig.  Climate always changes, sure.

    But what YOU mean, is "man made global warming crisis OH NO WE'RE ALL GOING TO BE DROWNED IN AMERICA, NO MORE LAND, (give the un all our money so they can  redistribute it to those poor countries) and vote for democrat leftists.

       Do you remember when you used to call it "man made global warming" ? LOL

    it was so discredited it had to be given a more acceptable different name, but you still mean mmgw.


  4. Sweden is upset with the russians messing with their country, the russians

    took out the navigation markers in the river that borders russia, etc etc, Poland has just

    squelched a lot of free activity by the russian embassy "employees" over plots to launch attacks within their country, other NATO countries KNOW that Pres Trump

    was absolutely correct for them to put more effort into their defenses. Poland is now buying a lot of missiles, I think it was, from America to defend against the russians.

    etc etc etc.

    and tens of thousands of young chinese men are coming illegally across our border. Russia has launched a satellite that apparently is going to get close to our satellite, and probably is a satellite killer....

    while scumbag cowards are in our WH.

    It's going to get a lot worse, follks. That is what I think.

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