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Everything posted by Axe

  1. THAT ass kicking was a serious reality check..
  2. So, the truth is now termed as deflection by the left..
  3. Not really ""Colleges Create AI to Identify ‘Hate Speech’ – Turns Out Minorities Are the Worst Offenders" https://pluralist.com/ai-censorship-cornell-study/?fbclid=IwAR0ZSTJCLkkBZ-_Y-U9QqVJzvLbYRpLrOC4KR3IAAP3ESCNkTn-hJRAh4OI
  4. So, the whistleblower had all second hand information?? A lot gleaned from the MSM?? Sound familiar?
  5. http://savingtherepublic.com/blog/2019/09/1998-treaty-allows-trump-to-ask-ukraine-for-legal-assistance-in-criminal-matters/?fbclid=IwAR2I9mDwHXa0seB9vAGWR-BFYD-C7lT4jTemsK3Slq18JttQxkj0B9h7nKE
  6. Al Gore promised 25 yrs ago that my local would be underwater by now.. I'm guessing Al wasn't very good in science..
  7. I'm on cloud nine! I'm a Bucs and Browns fan.. I get to see BOTH play today
  8. I wished we had.. Honestly, there was about 9 people in the theater and no one liked it.. An over hyped Pc of
  9. After watching that stink bomb I came away convinced that the translation, or meaning of Ad Astra is "Shitty Movie" Don't waste your money ... It's all hype.. Great cast, Terrible movie..
  10. And as expected.. A total F u c k i n g NOTHING Burger!! Actually, LESS than a nothing burger!!! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-inspector-general-says-comey-violated-policies-with-memos-documenting-private-conversations-with-trump
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