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Everything posted by Axe

  1. I'm a simple guy. So please, excuse the length of this post. I do not demand remuneration for subsequent posts. 🤣 THAT was some seriously funny shit ! My wife and I own and operate a few small local businesses. I've been in business for myself for 30 yrs mol.. I'm a musician as well so as Steve can probably attest, the vast majority of my friends in that vein are liberals. I used to be one myself. I've operated, tried to survive and even attempted to prosper thru both Bush administrations, Bill Clinton's two terms, Obama's two total fiascos and the 3 yrs of the Trump administration.. I voted for Jimmy Carter. I used to vote Dem more often than not in local, state and national elections. I've experienced and attempted to deal with the the various restrictions put in place by these different administrations. Small business IS the life blood of this great nation. Or it used to be. Things used to be sane to a large degree. Bill Graham (D), ex Fla Gov and senator has a great quote. He said and I'll paraphrase, "In my day the left was on their 40 yd line, the right was on their 40 yd line, we met at the 50 and got things done.. Now? both sides are in their perspective end zones and nothing is getting done".. True dat.. What I've noticed over the years is that both parties weren't that different, until Obama. That's when things went radically wrong. We should probably thank the man just before we hang him for treason.. But let me back up a bit. I noticed a slow and steady erosion of personal and in particular, business freedoms starting with the Clinton administration. Not to mention tax burden but that was also a result of city and county liberalism. That's also when I first started to notice an obvious MSM political bias. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't paying attention prior to then. I noticed that Ted Turner's CNN (I loved CNN in the beginning) started to become Pravda, or TASS lite. That would become markedly worse. 911, The Patriot Act. I told someone early in the day on 911 that nothing would ever be the same.. That was a monumental understatement on my part You want to invoke Hitler? Nazism? THAT is when it started! Despite what were maybe all good intentions, the Patriot Act is where it started. In order to remain comp exempt, I was now required to provide my prior 2 yr of tax filings. I guess it was to keep the terrorists from infiltrating the construction industry at the time. The snowball started downhill. By the time we got to the Obama shit stain, the media and his administration realized they could weaponize these gifts from 911 and the Bush administration to further their globalization agenda and destroy anyone that thought differently than they did. THIS, is the best speech I've heard in my lifetime. Forget the messenger. Focus on the message. IT is what everything you see in the media is about. IT, is spot on..
  2. Dude certainly is one pompous self centered ass isn't he 🤣
  3. Yet you continued on with 3-4 paragraphs of Blah Blah Blah that one will read.
  4. One of the very last people I expected to put things in perspective..
  5. Merry Christmas All!! And our offering. It has a little age on it now https://www.mixposure.com/the-ark-project/audio/18798/noel-come-all-ye-faithful
  6. Your are correct and Franklin Graham came out and slammed the magazine and the article https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-graham-christianity-today-remove-billy-franklin-impeach " Evangelist Franklin Graham accused the Christian magazine of invoking his father's name to represent "the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism." "
  7. I scan over all of it but if I don't think it's particularly relevant, then I pass over it. kinda like all of Tex's posts
  8. Reverse the roles and I bet it would be.
  9. For fuck sake Cal. DON'T read it if you don't like it!
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7792923/Donald-Trump-receives-huge-ovation-70-000-fans-Army-Navy-football-game.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwAR0W4x65IBd9DxAQfr90FqAc7xg_5-04uIVkfVY1NsrcS7xQiJNcfsHhuoA
  11. They wont have too because that simply is NOT going to happen .. This country is fuckened.
  12. It's all bullshit. No one of substance will be indicted.
  13. Axe


    Ditto, And I have in the past..
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