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Everything posted by Axe

  1. Axe


    Wow! this guy is done.
  2. I'd like to see more specifics. On the surface it looks like a step in the right direction which will undoubtedly bring howls from the left, everything does 🤣 I'd like to see what is budgeted for infrastructure and mental health care to name a couple.
  3. You clearly don't understand the true beauty of religion.. Maybe someday.
  4. How is it fake news? She did it.. Plain and simple.. She did it. Here's a novel idea Nancy. If you don't want to get bashed for doing something stoopid. Don't do something stoopid.
  5. Cryin shame...... I grew up eating sleeping baseball.. I briefly threw the 5 oz sphere 60'6" professionally. Pre Curt Flood and actual free agency. Rose, Carew, Klingman, McCovey, Killibrew, Mclain, Gaylord effin Perry. A few of my heroes of the day.
  6. Not far from one of our businesses is a brand new Wendy's.. It's been done and ready to open for over 2 months. It hasn't They can't find help.
  7. He doesn't have to say shit till 2024.. So for now, he's a puppy on a leash.
  8. I serve at the pleasure of the President.. Vindman now knows what that means. Sondland too
  9. It's divisive dumbass.. And it's a REEL, not real..🤣 Where did you go to school again? 🤣
  10. Yeah, you've never committed a typo you punk ass grammar nazi..
  11. Quit embarrassing yourself young what ever you identify yourself as.
  12. Why? No matter what valid reason is given to you, we all know your response. You simply are not worth the time or effort.
  13. So,,, how is that common core math workin out for ya in Iowa Dems? 🤣
  14. Please please PLEEEEEASE let Mitch McConnell rip up the Articles of Impeachment tomorrow! LOL
  15. I'm betting the left here will defend her. Hurry Nancy, the liquor store will close soon. 🤣 "You can tear up the speech but you can't tear up the accomplishments" 🤣
  16. Yet I'm sure the lefties here will condone that classless fucking bitch's act. Great speech marred by a classless C unt
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