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Everything posted by Axe

  1. Dang, ole Tejas has the TDS BAD!!
  2. I used to think so but I'm not really sure anymore. I rarely post "Ariel's Attic" related things anymore because it seems like it's the same nucleus of people responding to every AA related post. We have garnered a lot of label interest as a result of FB basically because of our publicist but I'm not sure that's a good thing either I was shocked Steve, to find you and I had a mutual friend in the Cleve area that I went to HS with in the last century
  3. But I didn't. I don't think it's a problem, I think it's hilarious and I hope the trend continues.
  4. Who said there was a problem Nipper?
  5. You should seriously consider changing your screen name to "Ever the Contrarian"
  6. That's a hell of a leap between post one and two there Cal.. On the OP, why not ? Regulate and tax the hell out of it.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-new-hampshire-rally-shake-up-democrats The President of the United States is delivering the State of Union Address. And some drunk fu ck ing bitch is mumbling something behind him about "needing to get to the liquor store before it closes".. WHAT will it take for Dems to realize their party has disintegrated with leadership like this into a smoldering hot pile of SHIT that no one understands or likes? Seriously, what will it take?
  8. Not immediately. Look, minimizing this threat is a very very bad idea. As with all viruses it can morph/mutate as it spreads. Anyone that thinks a world wide pandemic in this day and age of intercontinental travel is laughable, is quite frankly, a dumbass.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/oscars-lose-6-million-viewers-185605476.html I can't imagine why 🤣
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