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Everything posted by Axe

  1. Axe


  2. Pretty good movie. Caught it last night,
  3. Funny lil half a muther fucker..🤣
  4. https://www.facebook.com/reel/484001601004753
  5. Ask Google "what does Kamala mean in Finnish."
  6. To legitimize Kamala? Really? 🤣 How stoopid do they think we are?
  7. Sadly, he's right. Nothing of consequence anyhow.. The NCAA is no longer a viable governing body..
  8. Funny how that always happens eh?
  9. Dude, I have a bridge for sale I'm all for legalization and taxing the bejeezus out of it but the revenue streams created by things like this and in my state's case, Lottery's,, never seem to end up where promised.. Way back when, I voted for the lottery in FL because the Dems promised that the state educational system would be the big winner.. 🥴 Still, given the opportunity to vote to legalize here in the sunshine state, I absolutely would..
  10. https://www.wctrib.com/community/letters/the-truth-about-tim-walz So not only is the man a fraudster, he is what most would label a deserter.
  11. The bill was pathetic, allowing 5000 a day.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/reel/298887739979895
  13. This is why I never read her bullshit. Every time one of you guys quote him I feel like the entire board loses a couple IQ points
  14. May be? 🥴 Joe Biden thinks you're fucked up bro 🤪
  15. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1024500275729265
  16. We're at just over 17" now.. Shouldn't be a lot more coming
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