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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. 3 hours ago, jiggins7919 said:

    I could see our strange team somehow playing their best game and beating the Patriots, or I can see us losing 40-0.  

    Totally agree. If they win I could see it starting a 5-6 game winning streak. If they lose, I won't be the least bit surprised...... If I had to slide everything I own into one square or the other, that square would have a picture of a QB that wears uggs. 

  2. 6 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    Good luck with that. The Patriots' defense has scored me on average 121 points per weekend in the first 6 games in FFL. Keeping a team to a offensive score of 7 points or less gets 100 points while defensive TD's score 50. What does that tell you about the highest ranking defense in the NFL? It tells you our patchwork OL is no match and this game has the potential of being just like the SF game debacle. Not one opponent has scored more than one offensive TD against them and they have been held to less that 30 points only by Buffalo. 🙏

    Wow! What's the average total scores of games? 650 - 590? 

  3. 1 hour ago, PoeticG said:

    It  all started when the Seahawks decided to do a team photo, gloating in front of the Dawgpound. That security guy should have known better than to stick his nose in there. 

    ....... I guess he had it coming because everyone knows that you can throw something out of the stands if the other team shows you up when beating you..... stupid security guy. 

    • Haha 1
  4. Just now, Orion said:

    Freddie had he team running an up tempo drive.  I'm guessing that he did not want to break that momentum....even if it meant scoring and leaving Seattle some time.

    It simply wasn't the right game day strategy no matter what Freddie's thought process was. 

  5. Where's PoG when we need him........... He can make a homeowner think a coat of paint is all that's needed even when the ashes are still smoldering. 

    Losers sit around and complain about the refs. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen 😏

  6. 2 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Throwing in the towel already. I hear Hue Jackson would like another shot at coaching all this talent....  :D Jackson was overwhelmed by comparison, Pat Sure-loss looked like he was  coaching from another planet on the sidelines. Freddie? I'm reserving judgement for a few more games. The problem is- as I said earlier in another thread- some guys think we should be at worst 5-1 and smoking playoff teams with our overwhelming talent. 

    You old enough to remember this one from the old stadium? Jump Art- and land on Bill.  Six games in as a HC, and some of you are ready to run Freddie out of town on a rail......  

    Not throwing in the towel,  just disappointed in our 1st year HC who chose to call his own offense on top of being the HC.....  Hopefully he's the next Genius, but right now he's having a hard time managing the game,  and that will get good teams beat, much less a team that doesn't even know if they're good or bad yet.  


  7. While I'm just as upset as anyone regarding our win/loss record, I'm probably leading the group in my overall frustration and shear disappointment of Freddie's coaching - and moreover his play calling.

    Freddie looks overwhelmed on the sideline and his play calling reflects that....... He actually told the media dudes in the mandatory Saturday meeting that "the Browns are not a pass first team"? 

    Well coach, I don't know what to tell you if you can't even recognize your own team. You wouldn't know what 3 straight run plays looked like even if Chubb kicked you in the nuts after an 11yd run. 

    Right now, it's just more of the same...... Different coach. Different players. Same old record. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, jrb12711 said:

    Dude we’ve all seen the series. You aren’t fundamentally wrong but you’re acting like the worst non call in nfl history wasn’t to blame for the saints not being in the super bowl. That’s just being stubborn.

    this team lacks discipline because of coaching. This should be a huge eye opener. A good coach has this team 4-2 at worst going into the bye week. Shame really. 

    Not arguing the bad call in any way, shape or form - it was a bad non call.........I'm  just saying if I were coaching the Saints that day, it never would've happened. 

  9. Just now, jrb12711 said:

    Eh, that’s not a fair comparison. That dude for the saints was wide open and literally got the worst non call in nfl history which directly resulted in rules changes.

    not killing clock in that situation is pee wee level incompetence. 

    Go back and watch the series. The Rams had no TOs and the Aint's were 1st and 10 with the 2min warning already gone.... Run it 3 times and kick the short FG with 3 seconds on the clock and go play in the Super Bowl..... Watch the series again. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, jrb12711 said:

    It’s inexcusable. It’s getting well past the rookie coach phase. A pee wee coach knows not to run hurry up there. I’m just in awe of how lousy that is.

    It's the same reason that Sean Payton watched the SB from his couch last year instead of playing in it..... that "no call" never happens if Sean ran the ball like he should have. 

    How these coaches have NFL jobs is beyond me. 

  11. It wasn't that many years ago that EVERY team took the opening kickoff when they won the toss - then Bill the genius changed all of that.  Taking the ball first was not the reason the Browns lost......... they lost because the 9ers are a much better team. 

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