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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. Just now, bjh2130 said:

    That's not about discipline.  That's just going batshit crazy. 

    Disagree, and agree. Myles lost it on his own, but if he played for Bill he would've suddenly had "restraint"........ The difference is the leader of the team and what he DEMANDS from his coaches, staff and players. 

    Freddie's aww shux attitude will make him friends with the players, but it'll be a very short career. 

  2. I hate what the dude did in his personal life....... but I'm sooo glad I picked up Hunt 4 weeks ago. Dude looked crazy fast, and if Knucklehead Freddie can figure out a way to get him and Chubb on the field at the same time for a healthy % of plays - like going with a 2RB pro set,  2WR,  1TE look, then who knows what is possible on offense.


  3. 3 hours ago, Tacosman said:

    wait....are you saying a damn running back is our best player?  That's...ummm...questionable(and nothing against chubb...it's just hard to argue a running back can be the best player on any nfl team in 2019), but as someone else noted we gave to chubb the very previous series in a key third and short and came up empty....

    the reality is running the ball in the nfl today is not a core strategy for any team.  As inefficient as baker has been this year relative to other nfl qbs and the second half of last year, that's still a much more efficient form of offense as a regular play than handing the ball off to chubb.

    The nfl is a passing league.  It's been that way for some team, but now even non analytic types seem to get this.  Running the ball is occasionally useful in some situations(and running backs can be very important in the passing game), but the idea that any team is going to 'ground and pound' as a core offensive philosophy successfully in todays nfl is absurd

    I guess we're watching two different NFLs....... try watching a 9ers game for just one example. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, PoeticG said:

    We lost Kirksey early. We lost Njoku real early. We lost Higgings. We've been screwed by referees. We've been without Hunt for 8 weeks. We've had issues on the Offensive Line. We were without our top 2 corners for a long time. We've had questionable coaching decisions. Bad plays and dropped passes... but not even just dropped passes but how many of these tipped or dropped passes have went right into the hands of a waiting defender. We have been 6 inches to slow or too fast... We've gotta zero in and execute. We need our guys to rise up and be leaders. WE NEED TO FINISH.

    In other words, they're simply not good enough to win........... got it. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, jrb12711 said:

    Anyway fellas, I'll be off line a good bit the next few weeks and big time for next several months. I'm 6 weeks away from first time dad status and it's time to get everything ready. I'm actually glad I have a good reason not to watch this clown car for a little bit! 

    CONGRATS!! My daughter (my avatar thingie) is now 24 and is at Grad school 8,000 miles away in Melbourne Australia.... enjoy every single second of it because it goes by faster than you can imagine and then a different phase begins.

    You are about to feel for another human like you never thought possible, and one of the greatest unintentional side effects is that things like the Browns being losers year in and year out doesn't bother you like it used to..... priorities are instantly rearranged once you see that little face for the first time. 

    Very happy for you! 

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    • Upvote 4
  6. The 3rd and 3 and subsequent 4th and short offensive play calls are enough to drive the last nails in Freddie's coffin..... Not only did he not give the ball to his best player on either - much less BOTH plays, but the dumb mother fucker actually had his best player watching BOTH plays from the sidelines.

    Completely inexcusable not handing it twice to Chubb and it's just the icing on the shit cake that has been Freddie's game day management. Good coaches either have it, or they don't.

    Freddie doesn't have it......... not even a hint of it.



    • Thanks 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, CoachTodd10 said:

    My mom just died. Who over 12 years of age talks moms? Is that a Cleveland thing?

    Says the dude who joined a sports team's fans forum an hour ago to tease those fans because the team they root for is losing...... just can't make this shit up.

    My advice to you is to just sit and appear stupid rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt. 


  8. 1 hour ago, hx214 said:

    Really though? Nick Chubb basically doing whatever he wants. He is Averaging 9.2 yards a carry with 92 yards at HALF. And yep he fumbled inside the 10 and they are still only down 10 after spotting them 17.

    Offensive linemen kicks the ball out of his own running backs hands, to the defense the runs it back untouched.. how many times has that ever happened. 

    Or the Browns OLmen forgets to block a guy and Baker tosses it to him....

    If this is the NFL’s number one defense, I’m not impressed.  Doesn’t look anything like those Ravens or Steelers defenses all those years. 


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