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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. One thing about it, this has the possibility to forge this team like few things can..... it can also do the opposite too, as that knife cuts both ways.

    The dudes in the locker room are no different than their fans and while they're pissed and disappointed of Myles, they may be even more pissed at Rudolph, the NFL and the world..... We'll all know really soon if they've become forged, or shattered. 

    Maybe this was Myles' ingenious plan all along?  





    Too soon? 

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just now, PoeticG said:

    Can you concede the fact that of what the rules say? ... or are you going to bury your head in the sand? 

    My last reply to you as you are now the one any only fucking pussy that I have on my ignore list. I can no longer stand your crying and I feel sorry for any kid you "coach"...... I mean any kid you Daddy Ball.

    Later fucktard. 

  3. Just now, PoeticG said:

    ^Everyone, I know you don't want to sound like him.... Please suspend my favorite player on my favorite team, in the midst of a playoff run for a 15 yard personal foul... 

    Goddamn you're a fucking moron. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    my bad. you post stupid like a steeler fan, so I just made a faulty assumption.......

    Why? Because I post about being mad that one of the best players on my favorite team couldn't control his temper when he was provoked which ended up in him getting kicked out of the league for only God(dell) knows when, selfishly hurting his teammates and fans?  Is that why I "post stupid"???

    Maybe I should sound like you, PoG and the other 14yr old girls that cry, cry and fucking cry some more about how the other dude didn't get in the same trouble too?? Yea, then I'd sound kool........ Nah, nope, not my style and not what makes me tick.

    I'm pissed at Myles and hopefully Myles is pissed at Myles too, and not sitting around blaming someone else for his complete and total loss of control. 


    • Upvote 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    too bad your sissy mason started the whole melee, and escalated it to the breaking point. What a p poor tool of an nfl player.

    I wish Miles had dropped the helmet, but he didn't. I wish sissy mason wasn't a sissy stupid ass sombeitch...except he is, so...

    wait....actually, that hurts the steelers in a huge way. Even the steeler fans are saying the same thing.

    "my sissy mason" lol   Your posts are more off your meds like than usual.


  6. 6 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

    It also happened before many browns fans were even alive. In the entire era of the "new" browns all they've done is roll over and put their ass in the air for that bullshit team. Well, not this week. 

    The scoreboard in Thursday's game should have done all of the talking..... too bad Myles couldn't just wait 8 more seconds to let it speak for itself.


  7. ^ Definitely a frustrated QB who threw 4 picks in a nationally televised ass kicking.... Too bad Myles just couldn't get up and blow him a big ol' kiss while pointing to the scoreboard. 

    It's going to be a vicious game in Pukesburgh.  

  8. 35 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    anything that benefits the squealers like dbone and vagie is "football - you complain you're a sissy"

    until it doesn't benefit them. Then they whine like gophers who see a hawk flying in the air 200 yards away.

    Sissy should be suspended at least one game. Plain and simple. Excusing the qb behavior entirely is just what I said above.

    Wait, wut? 

  9. 7 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

    They need to have those two on the field together a lot more.  It gives the defense something to think about with both of them in there.

    I am thinking and hoping that they are going to bludgeon the Dolphins with the run game here next game.

    Big time. Give me both those dudes on the field for, well, every play...... Would love to see some pro-set RB formations like Byner and Mack. Chubb 22 carries and Hunt 13 sounds great to me. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 minute ago, bjh2130 said:

    Most everyone in the tavern acknowledged he should be out the rest of the season.  It wasn't until after multiple views showing what rudolph did that people started to change their tune. I haven't. i still say he should be out the remainder of the year, but saying Rudolph should also be suspended for what he did isn't excusing Garrett or condoning his behavior.

    Agree..... we just disagree on Mason's punishment for his involvement. I think a pretty hefty fine is what will be handed out...... after all, it's a QB driven league. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, bjh2130 said:

    But we were moving the ball in the 1st quarter with that gameplan. I don't care how many times we run or pass as long as the ball is moving and it was that first 1.5 quarters. You don't run just for the sake of getting your number of run plays called up. Yeah it helps to keep a team honest but if they aren't stopping passes it doesn't matter if they know you are passing.

    After the opening drive there wasn't much else, or that's my memory anyway.

  12. Just now, bjh2130 said:

    You said exactly what a woman beater would say while quoting my post and pointing up to it. I apologize for the language though.  I edited it but you are quick on the trigger.

    lol no worries. I just don't like the defense that (paraphrasing here, not saying you said it!!) <in my best Pittsburgh hillbilly accent> "Myles coulda really hurted him if he wanted to". 

    I knew last night in the Tavern that he would be gone for a significant amount of time and he should be..... Hell, his teammates and peers that play(ed) the game know he should be too. 

    Just a bummer for the Browns who don't get a lot of consistent pressure from the front 4 and now they lose their best player on that group. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, bjh2130 said:

    Ok dude.... except their is actual video of Myles incident and he clearly is not swinging as hard as he can. And if you are suggesting I am a woman beater because it looked to that Myles could have swung that thing harder and faster than what he did you can just fuck off

    Dude, where did I say you are one???? Jeez, what is wrong with your reading skills. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    Well I backed him to come here, but last night he even knows he is the village idiot for that stunt. The indefinite suspension is the correct one. Myles will have to prove to the NFL powers that be that nothing will ever occur like that again. He should have never retaliated in the first place by ripping off the helmet and he knows it.

    Amen  (out of upvote thingies) 

  15. 16 minutes ago, runyon27 said:

    I would say the only real issue I had with the game and play calling is we were a little too pass happy in the first half, I would have liked to seen more touches with Chubb but overall was solid game plan.

    Pretty much what I saw. At one point late in the 1st qtr we had 3 runs (1 QB sneak) and 12 passes. The 2nd half I thought Freddie did a good job, but would've liked a few more carries by Hunt (with Chubb on field too) on early downs.

    Overall, it was a sold B from me. 

  16. Thor's Hammer is a bitch........ I'll put the over/under for Myles returning at week 8 next season. I'm guessing those that thought 1 or 2 games max are a bit surprised right about now. 

    I am surprised about Pouncey's suspension a bit, but the NFL had to quickly set an example and I'm 100% fine with his 3 games.... no place in the game for head stomping regardless of why. 


    Myles has saddled this horse, now his teammates and fans get to ride it.  

  17. Here's my take on the entire event for anyone that cares:

    When the fight started between Myles and Mason it was a good ol' football fight between two bitter rivals at the end of an ass kicking by the Browns. Both players grabbing helmets and generally going at..... see it every week in the NFL. Nothing but a 15yd foul for both players and a lot of finger pointing and yo mama calling.

    It quickly escalated once Myles ripped off Mason's helmet, and had it have just ended there, then Myles would've probably been kicked out of the game and had a letter from the office in his locker on Tuesday.... nothing else....... so far, no big deal. 

    Once Myles hit a defenseless player (no headgear) in the head with the helmet, it all changed for Myles, and when Goodell lands the Hammer of Thor on him he'll quickly be reminded of that moment in time..... as will all of his teammates and fans. 

    Once Myles was tackled down by the 2 Stoolers and one of them (Pouncey?) kicked and punched his PROTECTED BY A HELMET head then he will also receive a letter in his in box from the league, but I doubt any suspension is coming...... I completely understand why Pouncey went batshit crazy after what Myles did and would like to think every single one of my teammates would do the same thing if I were Mason..... That being said, he'll be fined because that went over and above "a good ol' football fight between two rivals".

    As for Ogengobi, his move was a pussy blindside sucker shove and he'll also get a nice letter from the league as well, but zero suspension. 

    ..... and that leaves Mason. He'll also get a letter requiring a large donation to the NFL, but like Ogengobi there will be zero suspension.


    So to sum it up for me, it started out as a typical Browns/Stoolers football fight but morphed by Myles into something far different. 





    • Upvote 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, bjh2130 said:

    Myles deserves his suspension but don't for one second that was as hard as he could hit

    ..................... pretty much what every woman beater says to the police when asked how she got that black eye. "If I woulda hit her, she wouldn't be here to talk about it". 

    ^ Life Goals

  19. Just now, calfoxwc said:

    and pouncey's wasn't it?

    I didn't say it wasn't. I was merely talking about the dude in question coming up from behind another dude and shoving him to the ground.... Pussy move all day where I come from, but I wouldn't suspend him for it.

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