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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. 4 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

    It's exactly what every good team is going to do to us.

    It's what the Patriots did too. 

    I'd laugh my ass off if the Browns would have run the ball 60% of the time last night and had one three and out after another, you would have been hearing:


    If you would've been told before the game that with Chubb, Hunt and the o-line healthy and together for the first time in weeks, the Browns would run the ball a total of 15 times, I'm guessing (at least I would've thought this) that you would instantly think the Browns fell behind big and did so quickly, forcing them out of their game and into a catchup plan.

    I don't think anyone is saying that they should've "run 60% of the time with multiple 3 and outs" - at least I'm not, but are you able to honestly tell me that you believe Stef tried to get any establishment of the running game and the LOS last night?

    Also, for everyone OK with the lack of rushing attempts and since the Raven's defense did something so magical and innovative last night that no team has ever done in the history of the game, and you are completely satisfied with the 15 rushes from the #1 rushing team in the league, then what is your limit? Should they have rushed just 10 times? 7? 3? "Fuck it all, there are 8 men there, let's just pass every snap".

    ^ It's a serious question. I mean if you are happy with less than 4 rushes per quarter from the league's top rushing team in a low scoring, 1 score game, then you would probably be happy with even less, so what's everyone's number before even you would finally say "WTF Stef?"



  2. 2 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

    The Ravens had 8 in the box and there were literally 2-3 Ravens players in the backfield as Chubb and Hunt were getting the ball. There is no rhythm to establish unless you want 0 points instead of 10. 

    So early in the season when the Browns were up late and went into their 4 minute offense to seal the game and the opposition loaded the box because the entire stadium knew they were going to run, and yet they still did it anyway.... well, I guess no one told the Browns that they couldn't run with 8 in the box? 

    Again, if it were a 2 or 3 possession game I get it, but not in a one score game. We asked our injured, lacking in confidence and generally poor playing QB to win the game rather than our 7 best players (yes, the Conklin injury was big).

    We'll never know what the score might have been if Stef tried to establish the run game, but what we do know is what the score was with him not trying to establish it.... so I guess you win??  


  3. Just now, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

    Did you watch the game? And I'm not being sarcastic. We averaged 2.4 yards per carry. There were defenders in the backfield as Chubb/Hunt were getting the ball almost the entire night - it was that bad. With 8 in the box the whole night the Ravens just dared us to throw and we had no answer.

    15 total rushes in a one score game. Stef never gave his guys a chance to get into a rhythm. I guess you like the whopping 10 points that Stef's 37 (38 with his cute WR pass) passes put on the board?



  4. 7 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

    The running game didn't work because they stacked the box with 8 to stop Chubb and Hunt. It worked to perfection for the Ravens. The Ravens essentially said: "Try to beat us Baker". Baker couldn't. It's as simple as that.

    15 total rushes does not make a concerted effort to establish your identity and toughness in a 1 score game. Less than 4 runs per quarter is just bad play calling. 

    ^ You privately ask every Browns offensive lineman and both RBs and all 7 will agree. 


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