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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. 1 hour ago, Bob806 said:

    Jeez, so now I'm a liar. 

    I really don't know what you're trying to prove here. I wrote nothing controversial whatsoever, and made no claims. 

    As someone who has already travelled down the road of frustration that you are currently on, I highly suggest you make a hard 90 degree turn and head away from it as fast as you can and never look back. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. Thank you for keeping it going for as long as you have Kathy. There is no need to explain as you have to do what is best for you. If this is the end of TBB I will be really bummed, but I will also have a head full of good memories.

    This place is where I come to laugh, vent, get pissed and even sometimes get some useful information. It's been a Hell of a ride and nothing lasts forever, but I sure hope we all end up together somewhere because it's simply a part of me now.

    Thank you to all admins and moderators who try to keep the inmates as cordial and obedient as possible, even though that's like trying to dam up a river with a screen door. 

    When April 1st comes and if I click on my bookmark and the site is gone, I will instantly play The Doors' The End in my head and wipe the tears.... and then go for a bike ride. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

    My cousin had a 2006 Ridgeline, which I believe was the first year of production.

    Ten years later, and nearly 300,000 miles on it, it still drove like a Cadillac. 

    It really is ridiculous what they ride like. It's far and away the best feeling Honda I have owned and the way the engine and tranny work together is unlike any automatic car that I have owned. 

    I cross shopped it with a Tacoma, but it took less than 1 mile while test driving it and wondering if the engine had ever been formally introduced to the tranny to know that I would own a Brat, er El Camino, I mean Ridgeline. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Dutch Oven said:

    I have the Crosstek, and its plenty big enough for me. It's basically a smaller Outback, for $10,000 less and better MPG. 

    And now it comes in the bigger engine. 

    My buddy just bought a pearl white 2021 Crosstrek 2 weeks ago and it's pretty badass. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. My first new car was an '85 Honda CRX Si I put over 200k hard ass but trouble free miles on it before it was rear ended by an uninsured 17yr old. 

    My second Honda was a 2003 Accord EX. It had 263k on it when I sold it last February when I bought my next Honda....

    A 2018 Honda Civic EX. It's my wife's car and she loves it. The CVT is weird though, but in typical wife fashion, she says she feels no difference between it and a gearbox car. What the actual fuck?? 

    I drive a 2019 Honda Ridgeline...... I'm 54 and with the way I keep vehicles, this could well be my last truck. It's the most comfortable, best driving Honda that I have ever owned. Go ahead, insert "it's not a truck" jokes down below... then go test drive one for yourself and you'll quickly shut the hell up. 

    I also owned a 2007 Mazdaspeed 3 that I drove for a few years and then gave to my daughter for her 16th birthday. It was a quick and fairly reliable car and while it was super fun to drive, it was certainly an economy car in terms of fit and finish. Road noise was the only thing louder than the exhaust. I do like Mazda though, but they are certainly no Honda. 


    • Haha 1
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  6. How you doin? (best read as Joey)

    I had a laminectomy on L4/5 in '99 and then a 3 level 360* (6hr rear/next day 8hr front) fusion in 01. Both helped and the fusion helped the most. Hopefully your leg pain is better after the laminectomy.

    ^ Short version due to typing time constraints, hope you are feeling better today brother! 


  7. 4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

    But back to the o p I can't help but wonder if we'd have been just as well off if we basically done nothing when the Panic began and eliminated the long-term destruction to the economy. Of course nobody can prove hindsight one way or the other.



    By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms. And that right is ours against all challenges. For neither do men live nor die in vain. - Morgan Freeman 

    ^ Yea, it was just a movie, but that doesn't make it any less true. 


    For those that have forgotten or never knew, my 26yr old daughter lives in Melbourne Australia and is a Dr. of Physio Therapy. Because of her work she was forced to get the shot back when only 4% of the population was vaxed and the country only had the one option - Astrazeneca, which at the time was on hold for its known issues and was not allowed to be given to any regular citizen under the age of 48-60? (I don't remember the exact age limit, but those numbers stick in my head) 

    She ended up in the emergency room 50ish days after her shot with tremendous pain under her left clavicle as well as pressure in her chest. They ruled out blood clots and diagnosed her with a mild case of pericarditis. She went on to make a full recovery in only a few days, but let me tell you, that probably took 3yrs off of my life as the helplessness anxiety was off the charts for dad.

    I still worry what it did to her long term health as humanity simply doesn't know yet, because no matter how smart people think they are, time will always be the ultimate judge. People that spout off just how safe big Pharma's golden goose jabs are literally have no clue of what they are actually saying, but hopefully they are proven right in 10-25yrs... but make no mistake, it will take 10-25yrs and screaming at the top of your lungs that the money making jabs are safe will not change that very simple fact. 

    That brings us to Australia's new strategy and one she totally agrees with. She's in the medical field and lives there and both of those two facts gives her the edge over anyone else's opinion, at least to me. Humans will always get sick. Most will be miserable for a short time and go about their life. Few will need to see advanced health care because of their underlying health conditions, and yes, a few will die.

    I'm 54 years old and know 2 people who died of the good ol' fashioned flu. Both in the 90s. Both seemingly healthy men in their 40s to 50s. Both dead in a hospital during the holiday season 5-7 years apart. I was a much younger man then, and I remember thinking, "Man, that can happen?" "Twice??" I never knew what underlying health conditions were the main reason for their deaths as it was the 90s, a time before everyone knew everything about everyone. 

    I'll say it one more time for those all the way in the back...

    Heart disease is the number 1 killer and kills 15% of the planet's population every single second, of every single day. Obesity, diet and lack of exercise are the main contributing factors to heart disease...... Tough to hear? Don't give a shit. It's the simple reality........ but maybe they'll make a shot one day. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. I found the below opinion piece on Yahoo (of all freaking places) and thought it would fit nicely here. I don't know who the author is , but as a survivor, I agree with his opinion.

    ^ I thought about putting survivor in pink, but that would be disrespectful to those that have died with COVID 19 detected in their bodies. 

    There should not be one intelligent person on this planet that argues for a single millisecond that the reported deaths DUE to COVID have been grossly overexaggerated and the reported positive cases have been underreported which when combined would raise the 99.993% number even higher.

    Turn off the news. Stop staring at your phone. Go pull some weeds, sweep the patio, walk down to get the mail, or God forbid, exercise for 30 straight minutes and you too will be one of the lucky ones that find themselves in the 99.999%......



    Many letters to the editor ago, I opined that COVID-19 was being overhyped and was criticized for saying that a disease with a survivability rate of 99.97% should not be politicized for the purpose of defeating President Trump. Well, it was, and still is being overhyped and used for political purposes.

    Think not? If you use the numbers estimated by the CDC that over 900,000 people died of COVID-19 and if you divide that by the CDC estimated cases of 146,000,000, the survivability rate is 99.993%

    I'm of the opinion that the CDC along with the government statistics have over-reported deaths and under-reported COVID-19 cases.

    Now deaths are pretty easy to recognize, but the actual cause can be distorted as the CDC uses a statistical model from the National Center of Health Statistics to determine how many deaths from COVID-19 vs. with COVID-19.

    Over the last year and a half, we (We the People) have been forced to close businesses, schools, churches and cower at home in fear. We (We the People) were forced to wear ineffective masks, stay away from other people, and more recently, unconstitutionally mandated to get a medical procedure against our will. We’ve been dealing with coronaviruses all our lives called the common cold. The medical community has totally let down the American public (We the People), the CDC and the government have lost all credibility, big Pharma is corrupt and the mainstream media are nothing but fear-mongering propagandists.

    If liberty means anything at all to us (We the People), it’s time to quit putting up with this freedom-restricting environment and start living our lives as We the People deserve under the Constitution.

    — Dick Arnold, Jackson Township

    • Upvote 3
  9. On 12/30/2021 at 11:31 AM, D Bone said:

    So, D Bone officially has the rona!

    ^ Just an update. I've been feeling fine since the 5th. I still have a little wheezing/gurgling in my lungs if I forcefully let out all of my air, otherwise I'm good to go. I have ridden 4 times (85 miles) since the 5th and I was surprised on just how strong I still was. I'm a snot factory during the rides, but still feel good. Overall, I would describe this experience as no different from any other time I've gotten sick, be it standard flu or just a cold.... Never fun.

    My family was together for Christmas Eve. Myself, my wife, my brother, his wife, their adult daughter, her boyfriend, my mom and my dad.... 8 of us. My brother's wife was Typhoid Mary and was the first to show symptoms on the night of Christmas Day. Then me on the 28th, my dad on the 30th, my wife on the 4th, my niece on the 6th, her boy friend on the 7th- 8th. 

    My mom apparently is too mean, and scared the shit out of any virus that dared look her way. My brother was "sick" for less than a day, and miraculously recovered. 

    My sis In law tested negative twice as did my wife. No one else tested except for my niece's boyfriend who tested positive once. My dad did not test. My dad and sis in law both had symptoms that were step in step with mine, while my wife, niece and her boy friend all had different symptoms and differing durations of those symptoms.  

    My 83yr old dad is still fighting his symptoms while the rest of us have gotten back to normal. My dad sits in his fucking chair and watches his chosen method of poison everyday, all day, and I can not get him to take a walk around the house no matter what I do. Both of my parents are in terrible physical condition and both sit all day and do nothing and have been doing this for about a decade..... a decade in which they aged 35yrs and now need assistance just to live. 

    Anyway, there you go. 2 confirmed cases in 8 people that were together for well over 6hrs on Christmas Eve, and according to the tests some had the Rona, some didn't, some don't know and some never got sick.




  10. 7 minutes ago, Vagitron said:

    Agreeing to tie here would be so bitch made it would be unbearable for either of those teams. You play to win. If the steelers went home on a tie they would deserve it. However implying a professional team would lay down for a tie is crazy. It would be like the the Browns and the steelers agreeing to tie so they both can go. No fucking way. 

    Totally agree, you play to win the game and good on the Raiders for doing it. The Raiders were going to hand it off from the gun on the play the Chargers called the TO on. Assuming a 3yd gain, there was no way in hell the Raiders coach would try a 55 plus yarder when all he had to do was walk off the field and into the playoffs.

    Brandon Staley is the worst head coach I have ever seen. Going for it from his own 18 earlier in the game is a microcosm of my statement. 

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  11. 10 hours ago, 77Bunghole said:

    I'm the GM??? There's really nothing the Clowns can do for the next 15 years plus other than to piss their pants in fear of Burrow's Bengals. Sorry guys and gals, I know it's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the truth. JaMarr Chase, Tee Higgins, Tyler Boyd, Joe Mixon, Chris Evans, CJ Uzomah, Jonah Williams, Trey Hendrickson, Sam Hubbard, DJ Reader, Larry Ogunjobi, BJ Hill, Cam Sample, Khahlid Kareem, Joseph Ossai, Logan Wilson, Germaine Pratt, Jessie Bates, Vonn Bell, Chidobe Awuzie, Mike Hilton, Evan McPhereson, etc., are all young up-and-coming stars that are 27 years of age or younger. If I'm not mistaken, the Bengals have the third(?) youngest team in the league and it's oozing of talent. The team is way, way under the salary cap and ownership has finally started signing a lot of the best free agents on the market the last two years. I don't see this trend ending. The Bengals are gonna rule this division for the next decade at minimum, so the best thing the Clown fanbase can do is to stock up on diapers and tissues. Y'all gonna need'em! 

    Yep, name checks out. 

    • Haha 1
  12. Sup T!!

    1) I take a hard look at the coaching staff. I would demand that Stef hands over play calling to his OC so he can better see the whole picture on gameday. I would look at Woods and see if I was happy with the amount the defense improved as the season went along and do the same with ST's as well.... I believe I would keep both and make no major changes. 

    2) Gotta look at the QB, no way around it. Is Baker still 100% my guy? Do I need to address it early in the draft, play Bake on his 5th year and then move on? Do I make a major trade because I believe all of the pieces are in place but the 1? I'm just glad I don't really have to work through The Process...

    3) Position upgrades and overall team depth just like any other year

    4) Take Stef's play sheet away from him, swat him on the head with it and yell BAD. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

    Why didn’t they do it for the Stoolers game? It meant nothing to us and it meant everything to them

    He was setup to fail and he took  a beating in the process 

    At least that’s what it looks like

    Man, that's exactly what it feels like. After Sunday's results, the Browns should've had a quick team meeting and began the medical process for their starting QB..... it just feels, well, so Browns like. 

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