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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. 5 minutes ago, LondonBrown said:

    I've lost count the number of times I have read the Browns "won the draft" and those players went on to be....not very good. 

    Think I will wait to see how these guys do before wanting Berry's head on a stick


  2. I bought my 1st house in 1990 when I was just 23 years old. I paid $114,990 for it and my one and only approved loan option had a $101,000 lending limit to a 1st time home buyer and my interest rate was 12%. I had to come in with over $18K of cash to close and my payments were just over $1,200 per month - of '90s money.

    Boy was my house cheap..... I was so very privileged.

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  3. Thanks for the replies everyone. I can definitely see both sides, but if I were to have to choose one side only it would be to make higher education more affordable.

    1) I don't want to see a flat number forgiven off of a student's debt as that would not be fair. Say they forgive 30K from all student's debt, that would mean much different things to someone with 33K of debt vs someone with 173K.... simply not fair. A percentage is the only way everyone gets the same benefit. 

    2) I keep getting back to the outrageous interest rate (for my daughter at least) and we as a nation can and should do far better for our people. 1%-2% sounds reasonable for the government to still make money, and then of course, spend it on something useful

    3) My daughter dreamed of UCLA but that was never even a glimmer of hope for her and she knew that from a young age. Tuition for UCLA/USC was right at 50K per year.... just fucking tuition!

    She had her choice of any Cal State school and she chose Sonoma State University, and we got her BS degree for 68K all in. She got it in 4 years, had a few grants and worked as a mentor for 2 years and a food server for the other 2, and was able to save all of that to use for her 1st year of PT school room and board in Australia. Her mom and I paid the other 2 years... Man it's nice to finally have her off the payroll.

    4) These universities that charge unbelievable amounts need to be held accountable as well, but so do the kids, and moreover their parents for encouraging/allowing them to go when there are other far more affordable options available. Again, if you are old enough to go to university then you are old enough to read the loan papers you are signing... if not, then you are doomed from day 1 and that is not the governments problem. 

    5) Every time they extend the freeze it helps my wife and I as it gives my daughter more time to save money to immediately send us reducing the amount we have to pay. So selfishly I hope they extend the damn thing through 2023. 





  4. Just looking for other opinions on student loan repayment and forgiveness, and here's mine:

    My wife and I put my daughter through her undergrad and we don't owe a penny, but her 3 year doctorate school (PT) was 100% on her and she knew the APR when she signed on the bottom line for her dreams. Her current loan total is at $117K ($111 for school $6K for interest accrued while in school and before the freeze). Her APR is 7.9% on her government backed loans.

     I personally don't want to see the feds forgive a large percentage of a student's debt, much less all of it. I do favor a reduction in the APR to better align with today's world as well as a 10% loan forgiveness of the current balance.

    ^ I'm in favor for that even though a reduction in APR will in no way help her as once the freeze is over, my wife and I are going to pay her loan off in full and then she is going to pay us back with zero interest. She has already saved $21K during the 18 months she has been working as a full time Physio (Physical Therapist in Australia... freaking weirdos) which she will send to us immediately and will then pay 8-10K a year until we are all good..... A 10% forgiveness would be awesome though.

    I have 2 sides of me regarding this. 

    1) If we (the USA) want to keep leading the world in the tech age, then we need educated people to do it and making higher education so hard to afford will shrink the pool of people that are willing to chase their dreams.... 7.9% is beyond ridiculous in my humble opinion.

    2) The other side of me sees some of these kids going to university and gaining a degree in a field that in no way will help them attain a lucrative career and they shouldn't have a penny forgiven because they chose a worthless degree.

    Off Topic) We also need trades people too, and I wonder if today's younger manbun types know that they can make $65 an hour as an electrician in SoCal and have no student debt to repay. They'll have nice muscles, a few scars, a nice home and a lot of cool toys that go really fast.... but I digress, that's a whole different topic. 

    What say you? 




  5. 16 minutes ago, Osiris said:

    The media prays at the alter of the court of public opinion. Since public opinion assumes guilt until proven innocent, anyone who defends DW will suffer. Suffering for the media means less clicks, less views, and less money. I have not seen a single person in the media reference Buzzbee's ties to McNair or even mention any of the inconsistencies in the prosecution's cases. 

    MeToo, I mean neither have I. 

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