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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. 3 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

    Sorry, that isn't an option on this board.

    If you don't have a full-blown chubb for Baker, his Baker Bros on here say you love Watson. 😆

    Pretty much how I live my life.. right down the middle, refusing to be led by either crazy ass side.

    ^ Damn that's close to politics on the football board. See? I'm a Rebel. 😎

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  2. 3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    Well, I had a tough time answering with just one word. Not a fair question.

    But, I'll answer: 'NO".

    My question wasn't meant to be an a ha, gotcha moment, but rather just a simple question to help you admit to yourself (and no one else), that even you have a line in the sand on this issue.

    We all have lines and limits on every single issue, but it's often hard to admit them to ourselves for fear of sounding like the other side that we think is so very wrong.

    If we could all meet somewhere near the middle on these types of issues, then just maybe we could get something done that makes a change that quite frankly no one likes, but might actually make a real difference.  


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  3. On 5/28/2022 at 3:24 PM, D Bone said:

    I'm going to try a simple question hoping for a simple 1 word answer by@calfoxwc

    cal, if Star Trek's hand held phasers actually existed, would you be in favor of a Untied State's citizen having the right to own them?

    Yes or No... Not looking for an explanation to your answer. 

    I'll answer....  No. 

    Have a great Memorial Day everyone, and thank you to all who have given the greatest sacrifice and to their families as well, so that my family and I can have a great day. 

  4. 1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

    Your suggestions solve absolutely nothing.

    Mine would apply toward trying to solve the problem.

    Pass your kind of laws, do you really believe the gangs and cartels and inner city shooters will


    The problem is mental illness - not all the decent 180 million good folks who own guns.

    The 180 million good people should in no way object over having to prove they are still competent to own a gun.... I sure as hell don't.

    Bad turds.... inner city and yes even the white ones in a Vegas hotel tower will still be pieces of shit, and that I don't argue with.

    For what it's worth, to me when someone brings in "the left" or "the right" into a discussion like this, I won't spend a lot of time arguing because I already know which side of the ballz they are led by and there's nothing I can say to change their brainwashed minds.


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  5. Just now, calfoxwc said:


    seriously, going after 180 million people would stop this murderer?

    I already listed several steps to take.

    As did I. You don't like mine. I don't like yours. 

    Now what? Dick measuring contest? Dual at sunrise?? 

    • Haha 1
  6. Me: 54 years old and own a registered 12 gauge Mossberg shot gun (shortened, pistol grip, plug removed) solely for the protection of my family.

    I bought and registered it 29 years ago and there has not been one person in those 3 decades that has ever checked to see if I'm the same guy who originally purchased it and whether or not I am still fit to own the deadly weapon..... In that same time I've had to register my vehicles 29 times and renew my drivers license 2 times. 

    So I'm president D Bone and what I say goes? OK....


    I install yearly registration fees per each gun owned.

    I install a luxury tax on owners with multiple guns (over 2 per single person, over 3 per married couple)

    I install a gun license that needs to be renewed every 3 years..... A monetary fee, completion of a gun owners safety course and proof from your primary doctor that there are no obvious reasons that they believe you should not own a weapon. If your Dr says that you should not be allowed to own a weapon, then you will need to go to a state approved Dr for a medical review.

    I outlaw all semi automatic rifles and ultra high capacity hand guns as well. If caught with one, mandatory jail time at 1 year per weapon.

    I change just a single word in the 2nd amendment...... I change the word "Right" to "Privilege". 

    ^ These are just off of the top of my head. 





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  7. Hearing that California wants to make abortion legal 7 days after birth is news to this SoCal resident.

    Are there people or groups quoted somewhere as wanting such a thing? Probably, but trust me when I tell you that 'making abortion legal 7 days after birth' is simply not a thing that any sane person is talking about here.

    Now letting the homeless do whatever the fuck they want, now that's something that is celebrated here by our honorable and trusted servants of the public

  8. Yea, it's tough one for me. I'm right in the middle on abortion, just as I am on most political/social issues.

    I hate (and that word isn't nearly strong enough) that some girls and women use abortion as a form of birth control

    But I also respect that it's their body and their choice, and I in no way want the government to be in control of their bodies, or mine. I will say that abortion would *almost* never be an option for my wife and I (I never say never because there are several good reasons why she and I would've).

    As with most things, the far left and the far right do not speak for me in any way, shape or form, and I hope they are able to find the traitor that leaked the story and they are tried with treason. There was an addenda to why this was leaked and that should be a the big story because right now, nothing has changed.

    The far left and far right are the ones tearing this once great country apart... piece, by fucking piece. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, htownbrown said:


    Legalities aside, if they decided to walk stark naked down the street, there would be no issue with you?  


    Only if they decided to grow a penis out of their foreheads and began squirting it all over kids in the playground would I have an issue. 

    ^ That's my right side limit talking there.... sorry, it's hard to suppress sometimes. 

  10. No one but my mother, my wife and my daughter will tell them what to do with their bodies except for each one of them. 

    Some won't take a needle in the arm because the 'government can't tell them what to do'.... yet they want their sister or daughter to be forced to have a baby because the 'government tells them to'.

    ............. just another bitchen day in the 2020s. 


  11. https://www.si.com/nfl/2022/04/30/2022-nfl-draft-team-grades

    Cleveland Browns
    GRADE: B+

    Round 3, Pick 68 (from Houston): Martin Emerson, CB, Mississippi State
    Round 3, Pick 78: Alex Wright, DE, UAB
    Round 3, Pick 99: David Bell, WR, Purdue
    Round 4, Pick 108 (from Houston): Perrion Winfrey, DT, Oklahoma
    Round 4, Pick 124 (from Philadelphia via Houston): Cade York, K, LSU
    Round 5, Pick 156 (from Baltimore): Jerome Ford, RB, Cincinnati
    Round 6, Pick 202 (from Dallas): Michael Woods II, WR, Oklahoma
    Round 7, Pick 223 (from Detroit): Isaiah Thomas, DE, Oklahoma
    Round 7, Pick 246 (from Buffalo): Dawson Deaton, C, Texas Tech

    ANALYSIS: This year will be a significant test of the Browns’ process as a front office. Paul DePodesta and the scouting department have gotten roughly six years of data and experience to try and ferret out what makes a good football player and what is necessary to win. The results so far have yielded a single playoff win, far more than the Browns have enjoyed in the past but probably less than the average general manager from a non-analytical background dart throwing at Mel Kiper’s Big Board. That said, this draft is full of some players who can come in and play quickly. Winfrey is a favorite here and a player we discussed a bit on the podcast. The violent defensive tackle has some really impressive anticipatory skills against the run and a knack for pushing his way into the backfield. This is a year for hybrid run-stuffing/pass-rushing tackles and Winfrey is one of the best. A lingering question: Did Cleveland do enough at wide receiver?

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  12. E Rock is still my 2nd favorite Brown of all time, only a step behind Clay. I loved the rules back then where points weren't artificially manufactured so the casual fan wouldn't change the channel.... Today's phone addicted human needs football games to be 31-27 or they'll lose interest and watch Tickity Tock. 

    Lott was just plain scary and will always be one of the NFL's best players ever.

    Taylor? To be honest he's not on my remembering radar for anything other than his death.

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