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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. I've gotten so many predictions right that I literally can't remember them all..... but it's the many I got wrong that still haunt my dreams.

    I'm such a teenage girl deep down inside. Wait, can I start using their changing room at the gym? 

    ^ Oh man, that's gonna get me canceled. 

  2. 11 hours ago, jrb12711 said:

    As a 30 something parent of kids, a lot of folks in our group did stuff over the weekend. I still went out with my kiddo, but it was markedly less than last year. Top that with people having concerns about safety and I'm left with several hundred pieces of candy. The future of trick or treating may very well be fading away.

    On a side note, boy it's nice to talk about mundane crap and enjoying a Browns easy win. I'm not sure what vodoo magic Cleveland has against Cincy, but they just have their dang number lately. Even getting the odd breaks of shooter McPherson kissing kicks, etc.

    Here in my high desert SoCal town I used to get 100s of little goblins and we would buy 4-5 of the huge variety bags from Costco and they would be gone by night's end.

    We bought 2 bags this year and had maybe 50 total kids come by. All the kids got a large handful from me and we had just a little bit left over.

    I like Halloween and interacting with the kids probably as much as they like getting candy, so I still enjoyed the kids I got last night, but I guess the good ol' days are fading fast.



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