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D Bone

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Posts posted by D Bone

  1. 1. Browns record?    10-7
    2. Bengals record?  12-5

    3. Ravens record?    9-8
    4. Steelers record?  7-10
    5. How many points do the Browns score? How many points do the Browns allow?         391/357
    6. How many yards, touchdowns and interceptions does Deshaun Watson throw for?   4148/26/14
    7. How many rushing yards and rushing touchdowns does Nick Chubb have?     1513/13
    8. Who leads the Browns in receptions? How many receptions?      Cooper/111
    9. Who is second for the Browns in receptions? How many receptions?      DPJ/71
    10. How many sacks COMBINED do Myles Garrett and Za'Darius Smith have?     23
    11. How many field goals does Dustin Hopkins attempt? How many does he make?     31/25
    12. Browns record vs the AFC North?     3/3
    13. What two teams play in the Super Bowl? Who wins?      Chargers/49ers/49ers

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  2. 12 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    Bad decision to cut him. The Browns just can't bring players along. Should have harnessed Mayfield, getting rid of York and replace him with what? Another unknown.

    I don't spend a lot of time here, but when I do, I always appreciate your elite level of trolling. 

    • Haha 2
  3. Hey everyone, just an update. I am almost back. I officially began PT last week (I have been doing my own program for weeks with the help of my daughter) and am targeting next Saturday as my first ride... fingers crossed.

    I would not wish calcific tendonitis of the rotator cuff on anyone other than Steeler fans. I've been through some shit in my 55yrs and that ranked right at the top only behind my broken back and the resulting 18 hours of surgery over 2 days to fix it. I thought my shoulder and arm were going to explode and actually got out of bed to look in the mirror expecting to see a balloon animal like arm hanging from my body.

    Thank you to everyone who replied and best of luck to anyone who is going through some shit right now... there will be an end, even when it seems like there won't be.   


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  4. 2 hours ago, gumby73 said:

    @D Bone  sorry to hear this stud.. I just saw this posting..

    Hows things going? worse/better/same? ya had me worried w/limited postings.. Get Well Bone ! 🚵‍♂️  

    Sup gumby!! Thanks for this, it's very much appreciated! 

    I'm doing better and see my Dr. tomorrow morning. I'm miles better than I was the first 5 days, but sill a long way from normal. Hopefully my Dr will have some encouraging news tomorrow and maybe by the end of May I can look back on this and laugh. I can't wait to get back on my bike again as well as everything else I do.




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  5. On 4/10/2023 at 8:57 PM, mjp28 said:

    Best of luck DB I'll add this for now get some good doctors, PT, Ortho guys opinions and then when you're comfortable with everything go ahead and make your decision. 

    Everyone here wishes you well and keep us posted.

    It's late now but I have a totally shot left shoulder and know that I need a shoulder job and have for about 10+ years   -but-   that's when my hip infection kicked in (osteomyelitis, the infection of a bone) and no doctor would touch that.  My shoulder guy a really good doctor said if I got a shoulder repair and then the infection would somehow spread there I'd wish that I never had the surgery.   

    Well since then my shoulder has got worse between the "loose" joint and now I have rotator "issues ".  Plus I have played football,  worked in a steel mill in maintenance,  I was a lifter ..... all that good stuff which probably has hurt my shoulder to begin with.   Oddly my right shoulder is still ok, strange. 

    SO now I'm dealing with that.  I just don't know exactly what will happen next.   I'm doing gentle isometric stretching and exercising and things like that. Pain meds and occasional ice sometimes warm.  PT guys and gals don't recommend much more than that.

    The human shoulder is one mysterious joint .....  for sure !

    Wow! I'm sorry to hear that mjp, that sounds awful. This is my first shoulder injury (other than 2 broken clavicles) and while the whole thing sucks, the lack of sleep is probably the hardest and I can only imagine what adding hip pain to it would be like.... Best wishes to you and feel free to update or just vent here!

    Update for me:

    I had an x-ray and ultrasound and it turns out I have calcific tendonitis which is basically a growth of calcium crap inside of the RC tendon. I got an ultrasound guided steroid injection on Tuesday and my range of motion has dramatically improved as has the pain.

    I'm only allowed to do passive shoulder exercises and am in a wait and see period. While calcific tendonitis can and usually will go away on it's own it can take anywhere between "6 months and a decade" to do so.... talk about hedging your bets as a Dr. 

    The good news is mine is considered acute and while the most painful type, it is usually the easiest to manage during the healing/repair stage. Surgery would be a last ditch Hail Mary but it is an option.

    Thanks again everyone and I'll monitor/update this thread. 

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  6. Man, thank you all for taking the time for me and on Easter no less, very much appreciated! 

    I'm sorry to hear about your knee cal as I'm sure that is a big surgery with a ton of recovery....almost makes my shoulder feel better - almost. Hearing you throwing haybales around again and in your 60s made my day! 

    With my daughter being a physio, she has been bombarding me with PT vs surgery studies but right now it's too soon to say one way or the other because I haven't had an MRI yet and don't know the severity. I'm just going by what I feel and it isn't good. (physio and orthro surgeon both did movement tests and both say torn for sure) 

    I admit I lean towards tia as I want to get back to my crazy life asap and the thought of wasting 6 months scares me... as does having surgery when I could've avoided it...... but I have already had one surgery this year - Feb 15th mini open carpal tunnel release and forearm release, so what's another I guess?

    I will update this thread as the info, my decisions and their results warrant... thanks again everyone, it helped. 


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  7. Hey guys, I tore my left rotator cuff last weekend and I still don't how it happened. I finished a bike ride, washed my wife's car and did normal Saturday things all without so much as a twinge in my shoulder.

    By dinner time I knew something wasn't right and by morning I was in a large amount of pain. I can not raise my left hand above my belly button without terrible pain and it hurts all day in a static position. I am getting an MRI this week to confirm the severity of the tear, but I already know it's not good.  

    Do any of you have 1st hand, or even 2nd hand experience with a RC tear? Surgery? Recovery time after surgery? No surgery went PT instead? What age were you or the person you were close to? etc...

    Any insight and/or words of encouragement would be appreciated because I'm pretty depressed right now as I literally can't do any of the things that makes me me. The 24/7 pain is just noise right now and I'm pretty good at dealing with it, but the not being able to put a fucking glass away in the cupboard is what is killing me.

    Anyway, thanks in advance.  

  8. 4 hours ago, nickers said:

    Did we win the Off season yet?... I'm asking for a friend! :P

    It's a forgone conclusion that will have some of us frothing at the mouth with Super Bowl aspirations by August 1st. This is just the hors d'oeuvre with the main course still a couple of months away. 

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