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Everything posted by bbedward

  1. Maybe this is why Watson and walker barely even target Njoku despite his physical ability after catches
  2. Lowest percentage pass, but also the safest in terms of turnover. So could be worse
  3. This broncos D is playing hard as hell, keep them on the field for more than 3 plays to wear em down
  4. Well yea, humans (in the US at least) just migrate by the millions to the desert which strains the water table. And freshwater becomes salinated. Not sure how salty stooler tears are, so maybe they won’t help the water problems much.
  5. If the Steelers lose to another backup QB the tears of Pittsburgh fans will solve the global water crisis, and I’m all about it.
  6. PJ walker catastrophically blew the win in Seattle against arguably a better team in a tougher place to play. i favor the browns, 72-20. Like the dolphins but better
  7. Happy thanksgiving all, I never cared much about thanksgiving football - just the food the beer and the family.
  8. The chargers are no easy opponent, they just can’t finish for some reason. Hopefully they find a way against Baltimore Sunday night. And we find a way to beat Denver, so we can be the AFCN crown holder late into a season for once.
  9. We will learn a lot after Denver, I’m all about the underdog rookie success story. DTR has a great attitude, whereas Flacco is just “They are the only ones who called me and I still wanna play football” But it’s about performance overall, I’m not as negative on Flacco as others. I think our roster is a better fit for an old Flacco than anywhere else he’s been post-ravens. He can make some touchdowns and limit the turnovers, while relying on the run. All we can ask for. We still have a great run game post-Chubb, outran the ravens even. That’s just hard if the QB can’t throw past 10 yards accurately. Id love DTR to get his first touchdown(s) in Mile high on route to a win, and repeat in LA near his alumni. But if he posts another 50 or less QBR I’d stick a fork in him. At this point I support whatever stefanski decides though. ….and Walker, nice guy, seems good for the locker room. But he doesn’t belong on an NFL field, I expect a demotion back to practice squad in his near future
  10. 1) I think @tiamat63's assessment that his high throws put the fear of god into the coaching staff is probably pretty accurate. They had him on a leash, because they were terrified of giving the steelers a big play. They know Pitt's top-tier edge rushers, they saw what DTR deep balls looked like against baltimore, saw some higher throws and they went full conservative. The rookie did make a few nice throws on the game winning drive though, when unleashed. By then PITT wasn't stacking the box as much anymore, too. DTR has an NFL arm, his deep accuracy and decision making are question marks though. Can't call DTR a lost cause even if Denver is bad, he's a 5th round project guy - pretty rarely you see those guys step into the NFL and succeed in their rookie year. Need time in the oven and good coaching to develop the rawness. Part of why he dropped so much is he was in college for 5 years, guess teams lose some hope on developing 24-year old prospects. 2) Tbh, I think the Jets would absolutely love Flacco over the options they have now - besides Rodgers. I think based on seeing Flacco last year he still has enough in the tank, but I'd rather see the rookie go on a miracle run. I'm just not optimistic about DTR, love his personality and attitude - just don't think he's ready to compete at a high level in the NFL, yet. The word on the street is the Browns love Flacco, they will call his name sooner rather than later if needed.
  11. You’d have to be some kinda masochist to watch that game again, on thanksgiving no less.
  12. 6-12 weeks? Just in time for the Super Bowl
  13. Think every game left will be just as tough as the Pittsburgh one, unless DTR suddenly reaches enlightenment or something. This offense is going to have to figure out how to score points, even with a top defense, they won’t be holding the non Kenny Pickett teams to 10 points often.
  14. To be fair, if you take away the Miami game the Denver numbers are much better. That one was such a giant anomaly that it ruined their stats for the season.
  15. Nobody is Chubb, but I really feel like strong has the better vision and acceleration compared to Ford. Would like to see him get more of those inside carries
  16. The rumor is the browns were extremely impressed with Flacco’s workout. My guess is the rookie will be on an extremely short leash, throwing it 30 times behind the line of scrimmage ain’t gonna cut it going forward. Gonna have to see him test the broncos second level
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